清代 人物列錶
蔣春霖 Jiang Chunlin(清代)朱彝尊 Zhu Yizun(清代)潘永因 Pan Yongyin(清代)
陳廷敬 Chen Tingjing(清代)倉央嘉措 Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho(清代)普荷 Pu He(清代)
鄭燮 Zheng Xie(清代)金農 Jin Nong(清代)惲壽平 Yun Shouping(清代)
汪士慎 Wang Shishen(清代)張大受 Zhang Dashou(清代)寧調元 Ning Diaoyuan(清代)
吳淇 Wu Qi(清代)李方膺 Li Fangying(清代)俞樾內子 Yu Yuenazi(清代)
俞樾 Yu Yue(清代)宋犖 Song Luo(清代)律然 Lv Ran(清代)
曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin(清代)納蘭性德 Na Lanxingde(清代)呂撫 Lv Fu(清代)
錢謙益 Qian Qianyi(清代)吳偉業 Wu Weiye(清代)顧炎武 Gu Yanwu(清代)
顧貞觀 Gu Zhenguan(清代)陳維崧 Chen Weisong(清代)王士禎 Wang Shizhen(清代)
查慎行 Cha Shenhang(清代)袁枚 Yuan Mei(清代)黃景仁 Huang Jingren(清代)
龔自珍 Gong Zizhen(清代)黃遵憲 Huang Zunxian(清代)秋瑾 Qiu Jin(清代)
何文煥 He Wenhuan(清代)馮班 Feng Ban(清代)王夫之 Wang Fuzhi(清代)
孫濤 Sun Tao(清代)郭麟 Guo Lin(清代)楊夔生 Yang Kuisheng(清代)
萬斯同 Mo Sitong(清代)畢沅 Bi Yuan(清代)汪楫 Wang Ji(清代)
湯球 Shang Qiu(清代)黃奭 Huang Shi(清代)黃以周 Huang Yizhou(清代)
張廷玉 Zhang Tingyu(清代)佚名 Yi Ming(清代)王秉滔 Wang Bingtao(清代)
白君琳 Bai Junlin(清代)李清馥 Li Qingfu(清代)陳芳生 Chen Fangsheng(清代)
孫星衍 Sun Xingyan(清代)朱伯廬 Zhu Balu(清代)章學誠 Zhang Xuecheng(清代)
𠔌應泰 Gu Yingtai(清代)高鶚 Gao E(清代)蒲鬆齡 Pu Songling(清代)
吳敬梓 Wu Jingzi(清代)李汝珍 Li Ruzhen(清代)醒世居士 Xing Shijushi(清代)
八大山人 Badashanren
清代  (1626年1705年)
字: 刃庵
網筆號: 統𨨗; 傳綮; 彭祖; 雪個; 個山; 個山驢; 驢屋; 人屋; 道朗
籍貫: 直隸鳳陽(今安徽)
出生地: 江西新建

八大山人(1626年-1705年),譜名𨨗quàn訓名法名傳綮刃庵八大山人彭祖雪個個山個山驢驢屋人屋道朗等,江西新建人,祖籍直隸鳳陽(今安徽),明朝宗室輔國中尉書畫傢初畫壇“四僧”之一 。




















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  1. ^ 清朝畫傢黃安平曾於康熙十三年(1674年)五月初七日為其繪像,八大山人在其繪像題跋中提到“甲寅蒲節後二日,遇老友黃安平為餘寫此,時年四十有九”由此推斷,八大山人當生於天啓六年(1626年)。
  2. ^ 《江右》 第二集隱者之風_中國紀錄片網
  3. ^ 民國《盱眙朱氏八支宗譜》·捲五:謀????之子,統𨨗,號彭祖,別號八大山人,封輔國中尉。……子一,議衝。
  4. ^ 跳轉至:4.0 4.1 民國《盱眙朱氏八支宗譜》·捲四:覲鐰三子,宸????,號雲峯,封鎮國將軍。明成化二十年甲辰正月十六日午時生,明嘉靖五年丙戌六月十三日未時卒,歷年四十三。……子五,拱柹、拱楅、拱檜、拱㮢、拱■
  5. ^ 民國《盱眙朱氏八支宗譜》·捲四:宸????三子,字汝楫,號竹隱,封輔國將軍。明正德八年癸酉正月十八日巳時生,明嘉靖三十年庚申十二月十八日亥時卒,享壽四十八。……著有《負初集》二捲行世。……子六,多煌、多炡、多燝、多炤、多■、多■
  6. ^ 民國《盱眙朱氏八支宗譜》·捲五:拱檜次子,多炡,字貞吉,號瀑泉。封奉國將軍。明嘉靖二十年辛醜正月二十六日戌時生。公敏善詩歌,嘗變姓出遊,蹤跡遍吳楚,晚病羸不廢吟誦,人鹹稱之曰:清遠先生。在《江西通志》……子五,謀堚、謀趯、謀㘻、謀????、謀卦。
  7. ^ 民國《盱眙朱氏八支宗譜》·捲五:多炡四子,謀????,號鹿洞。封鎮國中尉。明隆慶五年辛未九月廿七日醜時生。……子一,統????。
  8. ^ 生僻字,上“林”下“金”
  9. ^ ·張潮,《虞初新志》(11):“數年,妻子俱死。或謂之曰:“斬先人祀,非所以為人後也,子無畏乎?”個山驢遂慨然蓄發謀妻子,號“八大山人”。其言曰:“八大者,四方四隅,皆我為大,而無大於我也。””
  10. ^ ·張潮,《虞初新志》(11):“未幾病顛,初則伏地嗚咽,已而仰天大笑。笑已,忽跿跔踴躍,叫號痛哭。或鼓腹高歌,或混舞於市。一日之間,顛態百出。市人惡其擾,醉之酒,則顛止。”
  11. ^ 大事記- 西泠印社拍賣有限公司官方網站(西泠拍賣網)


  • 張潮,《虞初新志》

Bada Shanren (Chinese朱耷pinyinzhū dā, born Zhu Da; c. 1626–1705), other department Bada Shanren (Chinese八大山人pinyinbā dà shān rén), was a Han Chinese painter of ink wash painting and a calligrapher. He was of royal descent, being a direct offspring of the Ming dynasty prince Zhu Quan who had a feudal establishment in Nanchang. His master lineage's accession was revoked following the last Ning Lineage King Zhu Chenhao's rebellion in 1521, but the rest of the lineage was allowed to retain status in Jiangxi. Art historians have named him as a brilliant painter of the period.

Life and work

Bada Shanren, a purported child prodigy born to a handicapped father, began painting and writing poetry in his early childhood. About the year 1644, when the Ming emperor committed suicide and the Manchu army from the north attacked Beijing, the young Han Chinese man sought refuge in a vihara. Because he was a Ming prince, the dynastic upheaval created a great amount of uncertainty for his position in society. As years passed and the Manchurian court became more firmly established, there was less and less insecurity among the Qing regime about remaining Ming loyalties and possible future rebellions. Due to these more stable circumstances, after 40 years, Bada Shanren deemed it acceptable to leave the monastery and to re-enter day-to-day life among society. In the aftermath of a nervous breakdown that could have been staged to avoid retribution for his family background, Zhu Da abandoned his monastic life and developed a career as a professional painter, adopting a series of descriptive pseudonyms, most notably Bada Shanren by which he is most often known today. He is said to have screamed and made weird sounds while painting. The stylized vertical writing of his pseudonym Bada Shanren (八大山人) looks like the characters for laugh () and cry (), thus by signing his paintings he implied his confusion and feelings of grief for the fate of his country and home.

His paintings feature sharp brush strokes which are attributed to the sideways manner by which he held his brush. In the 1930s, Chinese painter Zhang Daqian produced several forgeries of Bada Shanren's works but they are easily spotted by the trained eye, because the modern copies were softer and rounder. Yale University scholar Fred Fangyu Wang was a major collector of Bada Shanren paintings from the 1960s until his death in 1997.



  1. ^ Simply see Chinese wiki
  2. ^ Glaze, Anna. Landscapes, Tradition, and the Seventeenth-Century Art Market: A Different Side of Bada Shanren. Master's Thesis, University of California, Davis., June, 2008.
  3. ^ Stockard, Marilyn
  4. ^ China: five thousand years of history and civilization. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. 2007. p. 761. ISBN 978-962-937-140-1.

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