宋代 人物列錶
虞汝明 Yu Ruming應俊 Ying Jun劉籍 Liu Ji
陳伯葵 Chen Bokui
宋代  南宋(1170年1249年)

詩詞《水調歌頭(快閣上綉使蕭大著) Shuidiaogetou Kuaige, poet luyou's former home Embroidered to Hsiao your work》   《酹江月 pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river》   《水調歌頭(餞提舉陳秘丞) Shuidiaogetou Preserves lifting secretary Cheng Chen》   《賀新郎(錢郭府判趨朝)》   《賀新郎(再次韻) congratulate benedict again write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words》   《酹江月(賀提舉陳秘丞除憲) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Secretary Chen Cheng Ho addition to lifting the constitution》   《水調歌頭(圓史宰受薦) Shuidiaogetou Round Shizaishoujian》   《水調歌頭(壽林府判)》   《漢宮春(和馮宮教詠梅,依李漢老韻) Spring palace and Feng gong instruct Yongmei By Lee Han-old rhyme》   《漢宮春(重和) Spring Palace Weight and》   更多詩歌...


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