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诗词《兰陵王 Emperor and the assassin》   《措鱼儿 arrange Fish》   《措鱼儿(用古“买陂塘旋栽杨柳”韵) Arrange fish Buy with ancient Ponds Rotating plant Poplar and willow charm》   《措鱼儿(五羊郡圃筑壮猷堂落成) Arrange fish Wuyang County church was completed garden building strong initiative》   《措鱼儿(送王子文知太平州)》   《贺新郎(陪广帅方右史登越台) Congratulate benedict The right side to accompany Stern wide Shuai more units》   《贺新郎(饯广帅马方山赴召) Congratulate benedict Jianguangshuaima Mesa Went to call》   《贺新郎(同年顾君景冲云翼经属官舍白莲盛开,招饮水亭) Congratulate benedict Class Chong Yun Yi Gu Junjing by an Official residences White lotus In (full) flower Dr. Yin Shui Ting》   《贺新郎(赋菊) Congratulate benedict Fu Ju》   《贺新郎(饯广东吴宪燧时持节宪江西) Congratulate benedict farewell dinner Guangdong When Wu Xian Sui Take ancient flag with yak's tail constitution Jiangxi》   更多诗歌...


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