《Chunxiwuqu Home Jutuqiyiqiudongsuizi Go to take one's post Poetry Erjueshi a student called a scholar who went to school in the Ming Dy- nasty》《Chunxiwuqu Home Jutuqiyiqiudongsuizi Go to take one's post Poetry Erjueshi a student called a scholar who went to school in the Ming Dy- nasty》《答僧道隆惠老融水墨一纸》《丁未孟秋夜月明如中秋因思范公守南阳赏月及坡公赤壁之游皆七月望也作短歌记之》《Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar Chung Chung Moon》《River》《sentence》《乾道乙酉鬻田训子有作》《壬寅正月幼子黄岩尉任将满予与家众先归幼子独留官舍三月作诗八句寄之》《送钱叔依使君之南安》More poems...