1159 AD~
1224 AD)
Poetry: | 《临江仙(为顾致尧生日)》 《满江红(和赵公明)》 《Blue willow》 《醉蓬莱(寿潘漕)》 《水调歌头(晁子应三十八丈见过,因□张德广对木犀水饮,次德广韵)》 《Congratulate benedict Have held sit The ancient people Congratulate benedict Term Very strong Wine and a half with the rhyme》 《congratulate benedict》 《Qingping yue jul Thirtieth day of a month Pan Order Korean students》 《benevolent government husband》 《清平乐(次韵)》 More poems... |
Read works of Han Biao at 诗海
Han Biao poems to copy Wen Yuan Ge "Si Ku Quan Shu Jian Quan set" as a libretto. Residue of the school to a "permanent ceremony", "Ying Kui law pulp" and so. The new series set outside the poem attached to Juan Mo.