现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Fu Lei
现代中国  (April 7, 1908 ADSeptember 3, 1966 AD)
Name and Alias: 怒安
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 怒庵

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  Fu Lei translated works, a total of 30 species, mainly French literature. Balzac which accounted for 15 species: a "high old man," "Yaerpeisa cutting Dragon", "Europe is also Nige Lang Taiwan" and "Tony Aunt", "Bangs uncle", "Summer times the Colonel" "Ohno Sabrina," "Interdict," "Mi Luoai in Seoul Xu", "Charles Shapiro and more ups and downs in mind Game," "stir the water a woman", "Dole's parish priest," " Rand than sorrow, "" disillusionment, "" cat playing mind "(translation in the" Cultural Revolution "period to be copied.) Romain Rolland 4: that is, "John Christopher" and the three celebrity Biography "Beethoven," "Michelangelo" and "The Tolstoy Biography." Child Services (now the interpreter Voltaire) 4: "honest" and "naive Han", "true world", "check the first box." Merimee two kinds: "Carmen", "High Dragon Bus." Moluo A 3: "Service de", "The five issues of life", "love and sacrifice." Su Bo also translated the "Charlotte rumor," Duha Man's "civilization", Dana's "philosophy of art," the British Russell's "Road to Happiness" and Newton's "British Painting" and other books. Early 60s, Fu Lei works by Balzac in translation's outstanding contribution to Balzac studies by the French will absorb as a member. All his translation, is scheduled by the family, compiled by the Anhui People's Publishing House, "Mr Fu Lei Set", since 1981, published in 15 volumes, is now at a time. The letter addressed to the eldest son of Fu Lei Fu Cong, compiled for "Fu Lei" (1981), edited and published, too, for the readers attention.
  Fu Lei - Historical Statu
  As a translator, the people said, "Without him, there is no Balzac in China," he translation of Romain Rolland's "John Christopher" is a deep influence on generations of Chinese people; as a literary critic, His comments on the superb Zhang Ailing, made for the academic model in simple terms the criticism of text; as a music connoisseur, he wrote on Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin's appreciation; as a serious kind of father, he wrote Letter to the eldest son of Fou "Fu Lei," has published since the 80's, has touched millions of readers. He is Fu Lei.
  "Fu Lei," published in eighteen years, five republication, ninth reprint, distribution has reached over a million copies, has won the "Outstanding Young Reading First" (1986), sufficient to prove that this great little book of, "Fu Lei" is a "painstaking full of fatherly love, painstaking chapter to teach the child"; is "the best art books apprenticeship training"; it is both extraordinary and typical "not smart" and the modern Chinese intellectuals deep reflection.
  Fu Lei - Fu Lei Chronicle
  Fu Lei
  April 7, 1908 Fu Lei was born in South prominent families, due to birth, crying loudly and elders will be to "mine" in the name of the "angry security" for the word.
  In 1921, he entered Shanghai Xuhui public school (Catholic school) junior high school.
  In 1924, for anti-superstition, anti-religious, strong words for the Xuhui Public School dismissed. Tatung University, Shanghai still equivalent admitted to high school. "
  In 1925, Tatung University High School to participate in "Divergence" campaign, took to the streets speech, accusing the bloody violence of imperialism. September Project short story "dream", published in the following year in January "North magazine" on 13-14 period.
  In 1926, inspired by the victory in the Northern Expedition, and the students take the lead to participate in such training Yao anti Xuefa campaign manager Wu Chih-hui ordered the arrest of Datong, the mother for safety reasons, forced to return home Songzi. August write short stories, "recalls the scene", published in January next year "s World" Volume 15 No. 4. Who was admitted to Shanghai after the autumn to equivalent first grade Chi University.
  1928, arrived at Marseilles, arrived in Paris the next day, on his way to write "law-line communications," 15 (January 2 to February 9), been published in the year "contribution Xunkan" Volume 1,2 phases. After the writer Cao Juren esteem, into "Letters masters." Started this year in France for four years. To learn French, try to translate all German short stories and Merimee's "Carmen", no submission. Came under the influence Romain Rolland, love music.
  Fu Lei Painting
  In 1929, Rui Shilai Mountain Lake, translated as "Holy Joe and the husband of the legendary Yang", in the following year published "Literary Essays Huaxu community." Is the first published translation. September return to Paris, to invest in the resort began to translate the Dana "Art of" Part 1 Chapter 1 and write "translator Preamble", in "Literary Essays Huaxu community."
  1930, wrote, "Cezanne," a text containing the same year in October, "Oriental Medicine" Vol 27, No. 19.
  In 1931, Turgenev and other prose translation of four, with "Little Green", "calyx child" and under the pen name published in October 1932 to January 1933 "Art Xunkan." Translation of "Beethoven" post should be Shanghai, "International Translation News" editor of the Well, excerpts Essentials, renamed the "Biography of Beethoven" on the "Translation News" No. 1 of 1934. November and Liu Hai Su, eds "World Famous Paintings Collection", and Episode 2 writing entitled "Liu Hai Su," the preface. Published by the Zhonghua Book Company. Employed by the Shanghai Art College, he served as school director of the Office, and taught art history and French. The preparation of art history lectures, published as part of the "Art Xunkan." French translation of Paul Gsell "Art of Rodin," a book as art lectures, not officially published, only several hundred mimeographed.
  In 1932, with the period in France and know-Chin Pang Xun Ni Yi in Shanghaimeizhuan know German, out of dissatisfaction with reality, the desire to do something for change form "must Lan Club," published "Declaration must Lan Club. " Fu Lei in the "Declaration" signed his name. Edited with Ni Yide "Art Xunkan", published by the United States specifically. September to prepare and at the "decision Lan Club" the third exhibition, the smoked-Chin Pang personal exhibitions. Hsun-Chin Pang in September to write short personal exhibition, "Kaoru-Chin's dream", published in the same month, "Art Xunkan" Volume 1, No. 3. Translated by George Lecomte October article "Century disease", published in the same 28 "Morning." October to the time
  Fu Lei
  In 1932, Fu Lei Zhu Meifu cousin marriage with childhood sweetheart, Zhu put all to her husband and children. According to their friends Miss Yang Jiang's assessment Zhumei Fu is "gentle wife", "loving mother", "salon beautiful lady", "capable housewife" or Fu Lei's "Secretary."
  1933 translation of "Shiloh biography" The book went to press, the crown of "heading of the first volume" and "translator order." September to "own publishing house," the name of retrieval. Mother died in September. Firm resigned from the U.S. post office.
  1935, March should Teng Gu's request, to Nanjing, "the Central Committee on the Preservation of Antiquities" any editorial chief of the four months. The pen name "Fu Rulin" compilation "National Heritage custody Registry" one. Published by the Committee in June. June translation of "Miller" as a preface published in Wang Jiyuan the selections of the "Miller Drawing Collection" (Commercial Press). July Moluo A written translation of "five life issues" and "translator preamble." The book was published by the Commercial Press in March next year. September to write, "Hugo's youth," a paper published in December issue of "Sino-French College Monthly" Volume 8, No. 2. December is the translation of Moluo A "love and sacrifice," wrote "the translator order." The book was published by the Commercial Press in August the following year.
  1936, April Moluo A complete translation of "Service de Biography", written, "the translator with knowledge." Published by the Commercial Press.
  In 1937, the translation of Romain Rolland, "John Christopher" Volume 1, published by the Commercial Press, the crown of "Message from the translator." July should be approximately in Fujian Province Department of Education to Fuzhou as the "Summer Workshop on secondary school teachers" talk big to art history.
  1941, February translation of "John Christopher" published by the Commercial Press Volume 2,3,4. Volume 2 crown, "the translator preamble."
  1942, January translate English Russell "Road to Happiness" and he wrote, "the translator and the words." The book in January 1947 published by Shanghai Southland. March retranslation "Beethoven" and write "translator order" to relegated to "the works of Beethoven and the spirit" of a text as an appendix. The book in April 1946 by the Shanghai Bookstore Publishing camels. April Translation French Duha Man "civilization."
  1945, September and Zhou Xu Liang, eds "new language" half months of a five, because the post office to withhold discontinued. October to next May by "Wind", "Xun Yu," "Meet," "Wind," "Ray" and other pen name, as a "new language" to write literary and political articles sixteen, two translation publicist; to "Weekly" wrote political commentary two; for "democracy" to write a book review; as "Wen Wei Po" wrote political commentary two. December for the Collingwood editor of "Weekly" actively provide material, published "bloodshed Kunming Record."
  In 1947, the "pain to change," Duha Man "civilization" translation, and wrote, "the translator preamble" and "A Brief Biography of." May by the Southern Press. April Snow Translation "Review of US-Soviet relations," the name of Life Bookstore Publishing House published a knowledge-two hundred. Preface to the translator, "the attitude of our US-Soviet relations" first serialized in the April 24-25 "Wen Wei Po." July to write "so-called anti-American pro-Soviet," a text published in the Chu Anping editor of the "observation" Vol 2, 24.
  In 1948, entrusted by the British Council, translated Newton's "British Painting", published by the Commercial Press. August Balzac "Europe has Nige Lang Taiwan" at the Lushan dry ridge translation completion. Published by the Joint Publishing.
  In 1951, completed the translation of Balzac, "Tony Aunt", the words "the translator abandoned words." Flat out in August by the Shanghai Publishing House. July retranslation "high old man." September as "high old man," wrote "the translation of order." The book flat out in October by the Press.
  1952, February Balzac "Bangs uncle" Translation complete. May published by the flat out. September, "John Christopher" the translation of Volume 1 published by the flat out.
  In 1953, in February, "John Christopher" the translation of 2 volumes. March, "John Christopher" the translation of the first three published in June, "John Christopher" the translation of 4 volumes. Book at a time. July translation completed Merimee, "Carmen" (with "high long bar"). September published by the flat out.
  1954, completed the translation of Balzac, "Colonel summer times" (with "Ohno Sabrina," "Interdict"). March published by the flat out. August literary translation work conference held in Beijing, due to the work at hand does not fit, did not participate. Written comments on lengthy written "to rectify and improve on the views of literary translation", as the meeting reference documents. August translation costumes de "honest people" (with "innocent Chinese".) The following year in February by the People's Literature Publishing House. September 20th East China Artists Association held a personal exhibition in Shanghai, Huang Bin, opening the forum to question painting and Western painting to make a statement.
  1955, February translation Poland Jervey Nowitzki "Chopin works on the expression of some feelings." March Translation French Camille Bellaique "Mozart" in one of the festival "Mozart like his life, and like his soul." April completed the translation of Balzac, "in Mi Luo Ai Xu Seoul." The following year in November by the People's Literature Publishing House. May translation Romain Rolland, "On Mozart." Published in the "foreign composers of" Episode 2.
  In 1956, write "Chopin's youth," and "Chopin's prime era." (Unpublished). February written three articles on intellectuals, published in the "People's Daily" and "Wen Wei Po." Translation services in March completed the Child "check the first box," and the other seven short. November by the People's Literature Publishing House. CPPCC mission in late April visit rural agricultural production cooperatives, and in May Zhibi Xie, "the first phase of the inspection report outskirts of agricultural production cooperatives." Hefei, Anhui Province to visit in June to the Huainan coal mine, of Reservoir, Meishan Reservoir. Zhi Bixie out "the cause of building the CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee of Anhui Province tours the first group summary report." July to commemorate the bicentenary of Mozart, write "unique artist Mozart", published in the same year, "Art News" No. 14. August as "Wen Wei Po" social outside the Editorial Board. November written "and Fou of Music," a text, serialized in "Wen Wei Po." December wrote "On the <spring planting harvest>", in the following year the "Arts Report" for January number. Since July this year to next intellectuals writing about the issue, the rectification issues, literature and art published articles twelve-border issues, published in the "Wen Wei Po."
  New Year's Day 1957, "Wen Wei Po" contains essays written by "gossip New Year." May write "translation experience bit by bit", in "Art News" No. 10.
  1958, completed the translation of Balzac, "Charles Shapiro race more ups and downs in mind." June for the translation of "multi-race inspection Shapiro Rise and Fall of mind," wrote "the translator order." The book in September 1978 as a left translation, by the People's Literature Publishing House. Translated by Dana, "Philosophy of Art", to the complete translation of the following year in May; and write "translator order", featuring 104 illustrations. Book in January 1963 by the People's Literature Publishing House.
  Fu Lei (left) and second son of Fu Min
  In 1959, the translation of Balzac, "stirred the water woman." January is "stirring the water woman" write "the translator order." The book in November 1962 by the People's Literature Publishing House. Transcription compiled by the end of January "music notes" Send Fou for study reference.
  In 1961, completed the translation of Balzac, "Dole's the cure", "Rand than sorrow," and essays "translator order." Book in January 1963 by the People's Literature Publishing House.
  In 1963, for "high old man" to be income, "Foreign Literature Series", especially in the heavy weight change again based on the translation of amendments, and write "translator Preface" 11, 译序 in the decade-long calamity of separation.
  1964, translated Balzac "Disillusion" trilogy, complete change in the fair copy sent in August, with a "translator Preface", in the preface get lost in the decade-long calamity. The book in March 1978 as a left translation by the People's Literature Publishing House.
  In 1965, the fourth revised and transcribed Balzac "No cats play." Lost in the decade-long calamity of this draft so far not found.
  1966, after a raid and denounced the abuse, the couple in the bedroom Ziyishenwang Fu Lei. Fu Cong received his father's last Zengyan is: "The first man, an artist second, the third musician to do, and finally the pianist."
  1979, by the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Chinese Writers Association Shanghai Branch organized a memorial service was held in Fu Lei Zhu Meifu, Collingwood memorial speech, solemnly declare: classified as rightists in 1958 is wrong and should be corrected; years framed in the persecution suffered catastrophe, all rehabilitated, completely restore political reputation.
  Fu Lei - Main translation
  John Christopher
  "Yaerpeisa cutting in particular," Shanghai camel Press, 1946, 1949;
  "Europe is also Nige Lang Taiwan," published by Joint Publishing Company, Shanghai, 1949;
  "High old man," published by Joint Publishing Company, Shanghai, 1950;
  "Tony Aunt", the civilian Press, Shanghai, 1951, 1954;
  "Bangs uncle", the civilian Press, Shanghai, 1952, 1953;
  "Xia Peier Colonel", the civilian Press, Shanghai, 1954;
  "Rain is Lu Xu meters Egypt", People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1956, 1958;
  "Stir the water a woman", People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1962, 1979;
  "Disillusion" People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1978;
  "Women's Studies", Hunan People's Publishing House, Changsha, 1987;
  "Bi Pi Luotuo bad check record race," People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1989;
  "The Complete Works of Balzac" (Volume V: The Human Comedy: custom research, private life scene 5), People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1986);
  "The Complete Works of Balzac" (VI: Human Comedy: custom research, provincial life, Scene 1), People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1986);
  "The Complete Works of Balzac" (VII: The Human Comedy: custom research, provincial life scene 2), People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1986);
  "The Complete Works of Balzac" (XI: The Human Comedy: Custom Research, Paris, scenes of life 21), People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1988);
  "The Complete Works of Balzac" (XIII: The Human Comedy: custom research, provincial life scene 4), the People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1988);
  "The Complete Works of Balzac" (XIV: The Human Comedy: custom research, provincial life scene 5), People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1989);
  "Kerry the United States, Kelong Ba", the civilian Press, Shanghai, 1953, 1954.
  "John Christopher", Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1937.
  "Michelangelo Biography"
  "Tolstoy Biography"
  "Honest people", People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1955.
  "Tie the first frame," People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1956.
  "Voltaire s election," People's Literature Publishing House, Beijing, 1980.
  Fu Lei - the fog of love
  Fu Lei
  Childhood and Mei Fu Fu Lei Liangxiaowucai feeling very good. One is beautiful, a refined steady. Needless to say match made in heaven for each other. Shortly after their engagement, Fu Lei travel across the ocean to France to study. While studying full of loneliness and longing Fu Lei Zhu Meifu enlighten the next gone. And with a charming French girl fall in love.
  However, differences between Eastern and Western cultures to this great love can not last long. Fu Lei Chinese traditional and conservative bones so that he could not bear to pay a few male friends while his girlfriend
  Friends of the behavior, thought, the Fu Lei decided to return home. He knew separated by vast oceans silently worried about, is one kind of valuable long-lasting love.
  In 1932, Fu Lei and Zhu Meifu in Shanghai held a grand wedding, and renamed Zhumei Fu Fu Lei for his wife. Will be hailed as a holy fragrance of the plum. Since then, Zhu Meifu the name of this beautiful and elegant with her life.
  After marriage, Zhumei Fu Fu Lei birth to three sons. Unfortunately, a large children died. Fu Cong two sons, three sub-Fu Min. Fu Lei is a kind and a strict father and Zhumei Fu is a typical loving mother. The Fu Lei's habits and requirements, Zhumei Fu has always been seriously implemented, and urged the two children to do. She is the true meaning of life, Fu Lei's busy wife. Good work but also Secretary of Fu Lei, Fu Lei many of the manuscripts, almost all by her to a transcript of a copy of a painting, the correct beauty, a careful, Fu Lei like music, give her spare time playing a Fu Lei. Fu Lei flower, and she often accompanied her husband on the middle of the night, a flashlight, grafting experiments carried out in the little garden.
  This translation industry but in 1966 his wife died. The evening of August 30, Fu Lei home was a big raid of the Red Guards. Fu Lei Red Guards from home copying an old trunk in the attic, someone else's parked in the Fu Chiang Sung portrait. Fu Lei results as evidence against the party. Red Guards of Fu Lei married couples up to four days and three nights of mental torture and physical abuse.
  Fu Lei has always been rebellious, determined to die fighting and complaints. Zhu Meifu fully understand her husband's heart. 2 September night, as the wife, her last clean up the house, and then sat side by side with her husband lamp. Husband and wife together to complete the final testament. Morning, Fu Lei and his wife bosom resentment, hanged himself.
  "In order not to make you lonely, you go, I will certainly keep up to." Admire this woman and her love.
  Fu Lei - Letter quote
  Fu Lei
  One, really, Balzac when he said: Some sins can only penance can not wash!
  Second, the public body, the rush task interferes with learning is inevitable. I had expected it to. Only you all will and with a firm stance and powerful to the leadership to fight for it mildly.
  Third, their actions and not blame his performance, I was the most disagree!...... Only the facts to prove your mind, only action can show that your state of mind.
  Fourth, bitter tears is to train your heart wine syrup.
  Fifth, success or failure as indifferent, but only to do our best conscience.
  Six people live in the high tide - low tide in the ups and downs. Only mediocre people live only as a backwater; or have a very high cultivation, before being cleared Gallery tired no real relief.
  Seven, the sun is too strong, will grain scorched; water too fast and will drown crops.
  VIII, a person can only dare to face reality and face the error. Thoroughly with a rational analysis sentiment; end was not subject to recall erosion.
  Nine, most people are not mental torture, nor is physical labor. But worry about (worry).
  Ten,...... think about life issues more than the universe problem. To see the small number of individuals. Then worry about the outcome of natural reduced back to the heart. But will create a feeling of physical and mental results, but will work smoothly.
  XI, life is limited. Energy are limited, from the long-term focus, will run a good marathon.
  Second, the idea of Chinese philosophy, Buddhist thought, are able to control feelings of dignitaries, and not let emotion control.
  Thirteen, if you can tilt the feelings of the audience, so that they mesmerized, laughing and crying impermanence. And your own, such as Tai Yi, the same as scheduling a large powerful army generals as calm and collected. That is your greatest success, is to the highest realm of art and life.
  Fourth, a man has no soul, the theories of light, it does not become a modern magician, when the world Furu, stereotyped experts seldom now! The most important thing is to learn to "pass", "pass" does not rigidly adhere to, not pedantic, not acid, not stereotyped; "pass" in order to cultivate integrity, mind and eyes. "Links" can become "big", not without Bo, then the risk of ground sit idle.
  Fifth, artists and administrative work, not always two neutral!
  Sixteen, the world's most pure joy, than the appreciation of the arts......
  Seventh, and always keep Santa Claus, to the old you will not be out of date. The whole world will never be able to utter innocence phase and the phase lock Xiangqi!
  Eighth, a contradiction is a dynamic symbol.
  Nineteenth, only flesh against the spirit of the event was most successful: This is the same age law.
  Twenty, as long as the advanced experience of the Soviet Union to learn, other Western capitalist countries have to learn.
  The twenty-first, the pursuit of our lifetime, how many generations of people in history is none other than the pursuit of perfection. However, the pursuit of perfection is always less than, as the ideal, fantasy endless. The so-called perfect as Stronghold in the mirror on, always elusive.
  XXII, a service to the people who do not have to stand in the General Assembly, speaking on what to do earth-shattering or big business, at any time to know yourself little by little, the thought of telling people, potentially seeding a few are for the country, fertilization, cultivation.
  Xxiii, a person to do one thing must be considered carefully in advance. Particular change course, when the old aside. Must bring their own reason to be a balance. The old and the new road on the two weighed in and sophisticated.
  Round, children, the terrible enemy is not necessarily sinister in appearance, and pleasant, a cavity blood of friendship, sometimes you many valuable time wasted.
  XXV, now I am sure this is a demons. Any trouble all day long skills that artisans, not artists....... Art is the purpose, technique is the means. Means people always pay attention to, is bound to forget the purpose.
  XXVI, nature is not "fickle" who, in action doing with the "fickle", is the most innocent, not worthwhile for. As one who is not playing naughty naughty and the result will suffer a reason.
  XXVII, Han people closer to the original mind, strong taste, a vast, golden under the recall is still endless.
  Xxviii, need to think hard art, particularly old in the heap. Will reflect the lack of opportunities; thoughts, feelings, emotions, can not properly organize, summarize.
  Twenty-nine, and what kind of day as the longitudinal Taibai of security only few people are less sympathetic. The so-called highbrow also! Meanwhile, the snow will cause the peak of reason "Qionglouyuyu, standing above the crowd" feeling, ordinary people are hesitant to pay their last respects.
  Thirty, who, after all, animals have feelings, and occasionally reveal what is not a shameful thing.
  Fu Lei - suicide note
  Fu Lei couple
  The following is a translation of the content Fu Lei:
  Man show:
  Mei Fu because you are the brother, because we have no relatives and kindred, and recovery can only be entrusted to you matters. Relationship with the inconvenience if you accept the position, please consult the supervisor or the courts deal with it later.
  Commissioned a few things are as follows:
  First, the generation of 55.29 yuan to pay the rent in September (with cash).
  Second, Wukang building (the end of Huaihai Road), Room 606, asked on behalf of Chen Zhong Zhang auto repair Omega watch a male, please return.
  Third, it is the remnant left behind mother paragraph handled by the man show.
  Fourth, the old linked table (steel) one, the old table my daughter a gift the nanny Zhou Judi.
  Five, six hundred yuan a piece of paper to the Zhou Judi deposit for transitional living. She is the working people, life, lonely, no reason we do not want her involved.
  Sixth, aunt Miriam storage Fu deposit our home six hundred yuan a piece of paper, please return.
  Seven, aunt Miriam Fu Yi Hill cemetery associated deposit of a paper receipt, this after a search through the Red Guards seek times not, I'm sorry.
  Eight, aunt Fu instrument storage of our home accessories, and our own taken away by Red Guards confiscated the same time, only three papers in certificates of deposit (total 370) and three small savings as compensation.
  IX, San Jie Zhu pure storage of our home accessories, was also be confiscated, Please apologize. She Storage suitcase II only (third floor) has been temporarily closed, porcelain, wooden One only in the future to be unsealed by you on behalf of the public receive. There are a few pieces of furniture and asked Zhou Judi eating.
  Ten, the old man watches automatically own an Omega, but also watch an old man, the intended to Mina and × × ×, but the fear of prejudice to their political stance, it asked people to show freedom of treatment.
  XI 53.30 yuan in cash, as part of our cremation fee.
  Second, to borrow the furniture upstairs Song, Shu Chen Tao from the back by one.
  XIII own furniture from your treatment. Hou public library pictures and listen to a decision.
  Allows you to our involvement, it is disturbing, but no one else can care, understanding and the understanding of the!
  Fu 雷梅馥
  September 1966 二 night
  Fu Lei - testament evaluation
  Translator died, leaving behind a white monument, leaving a great love fills the heart. (Writer Liu Zaifu language) he worked hard letter addressed to his son Fou million people now have become mind readers, his translation of "John Christopher", "high old man" and other works of Huang Huang I do not know how many people nourished. He was teaching his son first human, time for artists, and then for the musicians, and finally as a pianist. Son, the father of the eyes, like a lonely prophet, a lonely lion, angry, arrogant, aloof from the world, and never compromise with the vulgar, and never bow to the power.
  Germany such as the name of incense, break the strong interest! A pure heart through the transparent wind, frost, snow and rain after the resolutely smash hit, and no contamination of any dirt. Now, that heart is still transparent, in the hundreds of thousands of readers there.
  Fu Lei - Evaluation of the Character
  Fu Lei
  Mr. Fu Lei devoted his life to translate famous translation of Western literary classics to enlighten the people, expanding the reader view the spirit of responsibility, a few decades, more than thirty translated classics, in this lengthy five-hundred thousand words of translation into, especially Balzac and Romain Rolland's novel, the most popular and far-reaching. However, by his life, alive, careworn, pass away when the wrongfully Mo white, unfortunately, seems worldly and grievances, Fu Lei ever hated, blamed?
  No! Fu Lei does not complain, do not hate, but With anger, difficult to vent. As Fou said, the father of his mind, like a lonely prophet, a lonely lion, anger, proud, aloof from the world and never compromise with vulgar, never bow to the power......
  As a wounded, dripping with the blood of the lion, not Mercedes-Benz in the herd, separatism, law of the jungle wilderness, retreat Hermitage thick jungle, in the Nongyinbitian the stream next to babble endless flow of literary, washing the wound, thus opening up a new world of noble Qingyuan.
  Hermitage lion alone in the forest, but not from idle, do not care. Zhaohui He, like Ying and watch sunset, carefully turn the four seasons, spring and autumn care.
  Fu Lei madding crowd, working behind closed doors, but he still care for the current situation, so are the guests at his door. Fu Cong, Fu Min two brothers, in their visits were recorded, respectively, the year that his father "scholars do not go out, knows everything about the world" situation. Fu Lei as the world's woes and often sigh, and Chafanbusi, he did uphold one of our book "first and worry about the world, after the world to enjoy," the ethical, as rich as a cloud, depending on the fame and fortune for the dirt.
  In addition to translation, Fu Lei wide range of interests and versatile. He's observant, look at the problem is often exquisitely carved, penetrating, and he has published novels under the pen name, and literary criticism, in addition, he also wrote many of the literary, publishing, music, art expositions, or submissions, such as his " twenty-speaking world's art masterpieces, "is a rich book, the study of art history scholars, great reference value.
  Despite the achievements of the famous Fu Lei moment to translate the printing of Fu Lei published translation of the article are not many products. Luoxin Zhang Fu is the study of French literature and translation experts, his "Random Thoughts read translation Fu Lei," was the first comments, it must take. Fu Chen Weifeng the article discusses the characteristics of translation, and Rowan consistent. I "written by Fu Translation <high old man> of the art" is trying to translate skills point of view, to detailed analysis of "high old man" three times Retranslation the evolution and development process in order to explore the artistic achievements Fu translated. Fu Lei Liu Hai Su and Luo Xinzhang were translated by the "Art of Rodin," Postscript to write and read the preamble, and further pointed out that the translation of the essence and characteristics of Fu.
  Chen Zishan article was first published by Fu Xuan "law-line communications," the article. Fu Lei Lu for treatment for the life and well-known artists, who come to Comment Fu Lei's "twenty-speaking world's art masterpieces, the" natural incisive to the point, just right.
  Liu Ching-chih's "Fu Lei of Music" and Lin Zhen's "Fu Lei's artistic philosophy," commented translators in music, artistic accomplishments, and due to translators learned, can only make translation eventful.
  Other articles, such as Zhao Zhijun of the "Fu Lei and Huang Bin," and thinking spirit of the "Fu Lei and Balzac", to describe delicate brush strokes when Fu Lei's commune with the saints, or collected from, and thus the "Fu Lei and his world" rendering care is even more vivid, more vivid.
  Fu Lei - Viewpoints of Fu Lei's "criticism"
  Viewpoints of dissatisfaction or contempt not by the title of the "literal" or "free translation" approach the level of disputes arising, he immediately wrote: "But we are determined advocates before. Despite the lack of professional street children resume, but then a small set of them that are born are familiar with Lazarus. Our blood where the search was active in the occupation of a ready suggestion - because we would rather do, do not want to be obedient slave system. They indeed our associates, differences at the most is that our form is only stray thought. "(see" flowers of the ruins, "p. 151). Viewpoints want to say, is the translation of the title misunderstood the spirit of the novel.
  Fu Lei Zhang Chengzhi added to the three heads of the first top hat was: rough. The second top, called "mistakes." "The third hat:" Chinese intellectuals lack of specific sensitive information, but also a lack of awareness of their own vision. "Viewpoints of criticism has increased from the translation of the language level to a higher level; the same time, Fu Lei to the" China intellectuals ", Viewpoints is not against an ordinary literary translator Fu Lei, but the point of the whole" Chinese intellectuals. "
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  Fu Lei
  Philosophy of Art
  Fu Lei in Art
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