现代中国 List of Authors
Liu BannongGu ChengYi MingGuo MoRuo
Zhou TianyouWu ZeyuZhao ChaoWang Jiaoming
Mei YiFan ShuzhiBai YangYue Na
Qu WeiyingMao ShiqiJiang ShengnanTang Bo
Sun JieXu ZhilongXiang SiZhang Ming
He BianLa BangshengLin YutangChin Shunshin
Ni ZhengxingWang ChunyuZi JinshanZhu Yan
Sun LiqunZhao YanNiu GuanjieZhang Yan
Guo YangongEryueheYan ChongnianXu Hua
Zheng PengnianCheng HeyuSima LurenZhang Xiaotian
Qiao SongdouWang RuirenChen RuhengPing Jiangbuxiaosheng
Liu ShieMa XulunLiu ShaotangYu Jiaxi
Liu FengwuWang XuchuanDong YinguShe Hongsheng
Zhou RuchangYu PingbaLiu XinwuCai Yijiang
Gu PingaoZhou SaiyuanZhang AilingYan Gong
Li Yao
Township: 台湾

Read works of Li Yao at 小说之家
  Li, from about 94 onwards, began writing "The First Emperor of mass communications," write stopped working, word for word, finished a month. The wording of the rapid, can be said that the literary world only solution. 95 years to complete, "Biography of Xiang Yu", Lee about persistent efforts, writing a "Biography of Cao Cao", a 16-month, day and night, 〔〕 chaotic finale of the trilogy was completed for. 〔〕 Chaos trilogy total of 18 books, 2.7 million words, the original three books stacked up more than half a person's height, is really spectacular. Cao Cao, is the most charismatic historical figure, and his acting style is extremely unique and fascinating. Not long ago, a film actor Kejun Xiong Cao Cao to the mainland, public attention, showing that the degree of Cao Cao favored. 〔〕 Complete chaos after the trilogy, Li Youxiang historical figures about the challenges, completed earlier this year, "Bai world", the "shock pen down rain, poetry into ZZZZZZZZZ" the poetry, and about pen live in Long Lee alive. Li Bai was reduced to commit rebellion, his experience, but also a super-soul artist confession, like Zai its people, its culture Zhuang Zai!
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