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Yan Wangzhudi

Read works of Yan Wangzhudi at 小说之家
  Now on, this newspaper to go online novel, "I picked up a railway station in Chengdu Yi beauty"
  Fang Wei reporter save you a lot of influence in China, reports of a network forum, a writer named Yan Wang Zhu Di had called out a quote, "I picked up a railway station in Chengdu Yi beauty" of the post. This post came out, immediately subject to the blitz. After two months, the book became one of the most popular posts. The network in the colorful, perhaps nothing. Perhaps most significant is that it allows people to feel the power of the network literature and charm. From today, the newspaper will launch the network this novel was all the rage.
  The writing is a love story. However, the immediacy of Internet Literature - On the side of the writing, the reader while reading, real-time interaction between writer and reader, the advantages of these networks is Yan Wang literature clever use of Zhu Di, the writing and reading seemed so alive. Literature, like a young and dynamic. If there is more classic production of the network, will change the pattern of literature.
  Yan Wang Zhu Di of the talk: "This novel should be encountered in their own lives in some of the things the Record, but also be given to all the fun of gossip."
  Chu Wing-lok is a hero but the inner desire to love the surface of dissolute person. One night, he met a couple at the train station from the Xichang Yi Wang Yan, the girl, the girl he brought home this beautiful. Wang Yan, Chu Wing-lok, from home to the moment, Chu Wing-lok, began deliberately to want Wang Yan. This began the complex emotional entanglements, is the all-win or lose-lose music, how will it end ... ...
  The first part of the station waving at me strange MM
  Pro on the front of the vehicle, Wang Jijiwaiwai have the money still in my ears forever, that even wash next to Chengdu, "the emperor bath" until I hear cursing in their hearts, wished he could kick back and kicks him to go to Xi'an. But his face is still a hint of the way, the mouth that will also accompany him next time. Wang have the money is one of my old customers, Xi'an, boss of a private enterprise. He never touched a woman like a lifetime ago, as an extreme lust, and his time to talk about a thirty million contract, that is, a bath in the care of it. Finally put him into the train, but it is almost time has been nearly nine.
  To be honest, although I stayed in the city for several years, the station can be quite the evening careful. I was walking at the train station and suddenly heard a voice crying girl: Lee, Lee. When the sound came from the front of the pass. Looked up and saw a side of MM is waving at me, his mouth shouting "Lee" name.
  I could not help but surprised a moment: It appears that the MM is waving at me Yeah, right, and my heart lifted up, this is likely to be a trap. This year, the colors are too many crooks. Especially women liar, biting one-third more Such is Life.
  But then again, from a distance in the past, that MM looks a lot like very beautiful. Although it was night, the light is not strong. But I'm still an ugly beauty can distinguish between the. Anyway, Chengdu, MM also quite good. However, the generally small and a bit. That and I can say hello and they are not the same as MM. It appears that there is a meter six thousand seven hundred sixty-eight look, great body, thin waist long legs. At first glance, I could not help but color the heart of a move. Subsequently, I found that MM's side also stood a man.
  A glance to know that this person is definitely not good class, the station is definitely a liar and the like. MM glances with that look, is it that you want to cheat or lie to the MM what is bad about her motives? The MM so he wanted to take my hand to save her? Is a scam? Or are there other hidden reason?
  I do not mind a shot at the hesitation in the end, but I did not stop the pace, and continue to move forward. Some other closer together, we found that MM looks very pretty. Features handsome, shows a youthful and healthy feeling. My heart is a move. A closer look, that look for help in the eyes of MM, does not look like a fake. Heart: to gamble. Anyway, I did some money with me today. (They might, this scam does not know who is kidding.)
  Here, I hold her hand there is another aspect to consider. I want to judge her is not a liar. If she is not a liar, then a person at the station, but the guy was locked in a seemingly taxonomy, the heart must be very nervous but also very scared. So, she should be sweating palms, hands should be cold son.
  Me hold her hand later, found that really very cold, and the palm seems to be oozing sweat. Even more amazing is that she had also firmly against holding my hand. This shows that her very tight at the moment. If she is a liar, then look for fraud, but these physiological responses should not have.
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