现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
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Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Xiao Ding
现代中国  (1976 AD)
First Name: 张戬
Township: 福州仓山

Magic Fairy Mystery《株仙》
Net novels《诛仙》

Read works of Xiao Ding at 小说之家
  Xiao Ding, M, formerly known as Zhang Jian. After the network of 70 writers.
  Born in 1976, Fuzhou Cangshan, graduated from the Chinese Vocational University (now merged into the Fujian Institute.) Done in a three-month futures companies, found it impossible to adapt to the environment resigned to go home, and later found several jobs one after another, have ended in failure, and finally embarked on the road literature.
  Marriage: Married. A son
  Education: Graduated from the 1998 Chinese Professional College (now merged into the Fujian Institute) Business Enterprise Management
  Occupation: full-time author. Currently "Huanjianshumeng" contract of the Chief
  Language: Fuzhou dialect, Putonghua, when speaking with a heavy accent, Fuzhou
  Xiao Ding
  Born in Fuzhou in 1976, an ordinary worker's family, had a habit of watching martial arts
  Xiao Ding elementary school language well, responsible for the class of the poster, bulletin boards
  High school is spent in Nanping
  Xiao Ding was admitted to the 1995 Chinese Professional College. Journal of charge in college courses, Jikan
  After graduating in 1998 who has a futures investment company in Fuzhou and Quanzhou inauguration of a cloth line
  Contact with the network in 2001 and has become the network martial arts writer.
  June 2002 First Minister of the way Diablo works articles published in Taiwan (Taiwan 28,000 yuan one-time buy-out rights)
  Zhu Xian in March 2003 published in Taiwan
  April 2005 officially launched the mainland version of Zhu Xian
  April 2007 online games come out the same name Zhu Xian (Zhu Xian game adaptation of license fees of 100 million yuan)
  May 2007 by the Xiao Ding, step non-smoking, small lime, Lin Qianyu editor of the "Fantasy League" magazine officially inaugurated, a total of two series of published
  June 12, 2007 "Fantasy League" announced to cease publication at the end of "Zhu Xian 8 episode" published
  November 10, 2007 Xiao Ding on the Internet issued a "dwarf Tower" no movement after the first chapter
  Xiao Ding - experience
  While playing online games, fantasy novels broke into the site accidentally, then start writing. First work, "Dark Road", to the present, "Zhu Xian", the network hits straight up. Click to rate more than 30 million times, and 2 million per day rate of increase. "Dark God" to be Chinese and Taiwanese publishers, for his writing career to open the situation, and "Zhu Xian," the publishing made him completely red.
  Xiao Ding - Hobbies
  Ding Xiao in reading
  Favorite type of girls: I like MM
  Like to see who works best: Jin Yong
  Favorite game: World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Red Alert, Jing Yong, Diablo, Legend
  Favorite food: fish
  Annoying things: insects
  Interest (in addition to Internet access and games): reading
  Mantra: do not say killed; BS of
  Sport: Football
  What are the main haunt the site: "Huanjianshumeng" and "starting point Chinese"
  Preparation before writing: Turn on the computer, a cup of boiling water
  Xiao Ding - Works
  Xiao Ding short works: "Tragedy", the prequel tragedy of "innocent years," passed after the tragedy of "zombie Story," "Cosmic Butterfly"
  Ding Xiao-long work: "Dark Road", "Dark Heart", "treason," "Ultimate Game", "Zhu Xian," "Zhu Xian prequel wild lines"
  Xiao Ding serial works: "The dwarves of the Tower"
  Xiao Ding - about representative
  Xiao Ding
  The book is written from the beginning, in fact, a lot of regret, there are many details of the place, I do not describe well the handling of characters, including the development of the plot, I go back after all there are many regrets. I hope to have a chance to calm down and take a revised, and now can not, and now I can only do write back as far as possible, give us a good, can not be said to be perfect, but I think we can be a accept, that this is a good book, not a particularly shaped the outcome, this is my endeavors.
  I am writing is generally used to write during the day, normally during the day I am my spirit is better to write for two hours in the afternoon, they also wrote a couple of hours. Writing out the progress of large, sometimes when depressed to write a hundred words a day, four hours to write a hundred words, but sometimes feels good to play not a good time, writing five thousand words, five or six thousand character has.
  I began to write did not think publishing, multimedia is today after the publication of interviews, including Sina guests here, say the impact can not be said of. Trip to Beijing, the original should be home in Fuzhou.
  But in effect, I think this is a mode of operation, means, but for me, taught me to have more friends like "Zhu Xian," this book, I think it is a dynamic that can encourage me to go back later better to write this book.
  I now focus on "Zhu Xian", I think that one can not also dry two things, specifically, can not simultaneously write two books. I mean, now fully written, "Zhu Xian," dedicated to all a good book. As for "Zhu Xian," then I would have written, there are ideas, but this idea can not say mature, I hope in the future, "Zhu Xian," I will go after the completion of a work written seriously.
  Xiao Ding - burning of the manuscript for fantasy novel "Zhu Xian" was favorable for the writer Xiao Ding, yesterday broke a result of writing too much pressure, would have been written, "Zhu Xian 7" burn half of the manuscript. Although the move to "" Zhu Xian "fans" greatly surprised, but many people have expressed their understanding of this practice.
  August 13, 2006 night, Xiao Ding in his personal blog published an article entitled "Zhu Xian burned half of the 7" (Click to view the full text.) Blog said: "finished, print out a closer look. Imagined was depressed to find lighter, the back half of the paper to burn the ... ..." He explained that when he once again will have finished the "Zhu Xian 7 "print carefully read, suddenly there is a strong discontent and impatient, and then called to the publisher and tell them to stop editing the manuscript he had delivered. "Because I want to rewrite." He also said that deadline could be postponed until September.
  Xiao Ding said he knew the move would enable publishers and many readers dissatisfied, but he "can not fail to do so." "This is a period of time, in" Zhu Xian 7 "of the creative process, I carry too much pressure, and perhaps this is a burden I had never thought of it. I always thought must let the reader satisfied , but now I have found that I seem to have the wrong path. fantasy literature should be light and agile, and like wings flying in the wind, but I carry too many thoughts in writing, and my heart has a burden, write also particularly Zhizhong. "
  Xiao Ding - People Features
  Xiao Ding works
  Xiao Ding behind the plan: Shen Haobo
  Writing posture: Xiao Ding writing, read, read, your feet will often crouched in a chair, feeling so tense that allows Xiao Ding. This position seems strange, but it does help Xiao Ding to write more compact plot. Of course, he often legs tingling, after finished up, turned out to be flung to the ground, and the pain grimace in pain.
  Writing habits: Xiao Ding said he was writing during the day is generally used to writing, normally during the day and the spirit of the morning Ding Xiao better, write for two hours in the afternoon, they also wrote a couple of hours.
  Writing out the progress of large, sometimes when depressed to write a hundred words a day, four hours to write a hundred words, but sometimes feels good to play not a good time, writing five thousand words, five or six thousand character has.
  Xiao Ding, male, young, childhood reading, is the darling of History teacher heads, physics and chemistry teacher in the eyes scum.
  Native of Fuzhou, Fujian. Youth, independent, cutting edge too exposed, frequently frustrated, by the people after the teachings of restrained smooth, delivery was a group of men and women Hupenggouyou, a loss to get by, depressed heart, not with people saying, always focussed on writing.
  University graduates, frequently hit, loss flawless, and finally learn from their mistakes, clean up the mood, born of the heart when the dead of night, but Sky light, they feel that lofty Red, was actually so cute, so busy, how can Sheque?
  The heavens shall drop any on me, let me walk the walk alone!
  Leisure to write this book to my heart murmur.
  Xiao Ding - Zhu Xian Origin
  This call this work - "Jin Yong era martial arts after the Bible," which is "Zhu Xian", a creation of fantasy literature in 2005 for the legendary. Author Xiao Ding, so fame suddenly began to become a generation of "heroes."
  1. This work should be the beginning of a "dreamer" magazine a few friends asked him the record, it should be said that in this type of novel, we are subject to the time when the influence of Mr. Huanzhulouzhu. In addition, the original "dreamer" Xiao Ding does not require creation of this theme is about Xiao Ding want to open their own ideas, so I chose this subject.
  2. To write a classical Chinese style oriental background, Xiao Ding Xian Xia novel has been the aspiration of the origin of the idea that he was a child watching "Shushanjianxia Biography" has been left behind, see "Shushanjianxia Biography" when "People feeling relatively pale," the impression has been left in the hearts of Xiao Ding, Ding Xiao so this is one of the original power of writing.
  3. Classical Chinese culture is so deep, so why not a true sense of the birth of the new works? So to try to Xiao Ding classical Chinese culture and the emerging trend of combining magic, which is writing Xiao Ding, "Zhu Xian" reasons.
  Zhu Xian questions about the origin: simply because nice. Xiao Ding had just wanted to write an oriental background, this Chinese novel, woke up one morning suddenly thought of the name, that name is very imposing, very loud. According to Xiao large, said the representative of the current Zhu Xian Zhu Xian Jian course, is a symbol of strength, whether on behalf of the power of individual challenges to Heaven.
  On the origin of the pseudonym Ding Xiao: "Xiao Ding," Xiao Ding name is used when the original name of the Internet, Xiao Ding said that he likes martial arts, and that the people there are generally surnamed Xiao martial people; Ding China the ancient "country weighing equipment", very daring, so Xiao Ding got up that name.
  Xiao Ding - Clone Zhu Xian
  Fantasy writers created Xiao Ding, "Zhu Xian," Part VI available, the same day, in his own blog, Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House published an open letter to letter, because the agency launched a set of "punish demons" fantasy novels, the author of "Xiao ASDC."
  "Zhu Xian," the first five sales of more than 1 million. Yesterday, the publication of "Zhu Xian," The Morning Glory Publishers fields produced in Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House director of "punish evil." This reporter saw the cover of two books do have similarities, such as the cover on the right is a dragon like a snake like shape, cover top left corner of the title are vertical, or even "punish magic" word fonts color gradient with the "Zhu Xian" similar. In addition, the "magic punish" the cover reads, "Shaw ASDC book" is interesting, "Xiao Ding," the word is a color, "new book" The word is another color.
  In the open letter, Xiao Ding said angrily: "This lawsuit no matter how hard I will fight in the end, and Morning Glory Press." His Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House, said: "In this circular soon, let's see you in court!"
  Yesterday, when a telephone to contact the king of Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House president, he has said that know nothing about, do not even know the agency published a "punish evil," a book. As the book of a company in Beijing and Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House jointly published, the reporter and the person in charge of the company to contact Mr. Wang, but the identity of the other party informed journalists, hang up the phone.
  Related events
  Sina original literature as the Grand Prix judges, as a martial arts fantasy writer, I was able to emerge out of this contest as "Happy. Holy legend" This excellent work of fantasy literature was pleased, more of the energy Yong Lin Qianyu Half are pleased champion wins contest. I wish my fellow young fantasy literature scholar would eventually total removal of the crown. As a judge, I have been quite enamored of his "Happy: Jihad legend" of the.
  Unlike the dust on the network even clamor fantasy "YY" the novel, it is a purely one-time writing and reading, in a way that will eventually damage the reputation of fantasy literature; "Happy: Jihad Legend" is a lyrical, beautiful , sentimental, youth fantasy novel, soul to deep, pure pen, in love and the world, in a past life and life, between the desire and freedom and forth between them, just twenty thousand words, can escape exhaustion of the Millennium, exhausted people, exhausted love under the blue sky ... ... Land of the Dead on the poor.
  So, this is a thrilling fantasy novels.
  Xiao Ding - comments
  I think the story needs. A true work hard to write, wrote later, must have its own law of development, since the intention of trying to work as written, can not transfer their own wishes and his own strong ideas completely up with the book characters, so I think this work will be developed to a certain degree of prolapse of the will.
  I love the view, I personally think that love is a need to respect the feelings, of course, it is a pursuit between our human best kind of feeling. We, as a people who respect such feelings, it will have a lot of good ideas, hope that their loved ones have a variety of good quality, wait for the fine quality of all the world in one person, it is not possible. So I am also in these people who were devoted to the love of my different views on various aspects.
  Writing for fun
  I come from wilderness, writing purely for entertainment, I write happy, other people read too happy.
  Shanda acquired from the novel by fantasy-based "starting point" in Chinese can see the net momentum, the game companies than the publishing industry more sensitive sense of smell, the popularity of fantasy novels and hot online games there is a connection; In addition, " Lord of the Rings, "" Harry Potter "and the hit large areas of Western Magic cultivated tastes of readers; Finally, the decline of the martial arts fantasy fiction readers have a new psychological expectations.
  On the origins and development of Mysteries
  The 30s of last century, "Shushanjianxia Biography" is a fantasy novel's pedigree, but the reader the atmosphere of ghosts rendering it hard to accept, the effect is not caused by the development of fantasy novels, and the achievements of the martial arts. 90, Huang Yi's "magic month" to continue the fantasy novel style, but an abrupt end. Tell you the truth, my early works were pirated on a network of often being replaced by Huang Yi. This year, the mainland writers made a collective fantasy fiction published works to become an unavoidable phenomenon.
  Xiao Ding - Evaluate
  80s of last century is an important era of thought, when all schools are all pure literature of Western Bay in, poetry and pure literature is very popular. But now this era, is an entertainment era, the works of fantasy literature, it is most needed entertainment era. This transformation of Chinese society with a relationship, so that he is an inevitable trend, like "Zhu Xian," This kind of work is absolutely feel a very large market.
  Why a large number of domestic and foreign works of fantasy literature, "Zhu Xian" can be washed out, and his text are related, "Zhu Xian" has the advantage of his inside the text.
  From the beginning to now maintained at a high level, and this put a lot of sloppy work in the same period a par. Fantasy literature needs so the spirit of a very professional, you need talent and patience, rather than relying solely on the desire to vent. Congratulations Xiao Ding's success, his success is also the fantasy literature of China a sign of revival.
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