法国 List of Authors
杜洛 dosFrancois VillonJoachim du BellayPierre Corneille
Victor HugoCharles BaudelaireStephane MallarmePaul-Marie Veriaine
Comte de LautréamontArthur RimbaudRemy de GourmontPaul-Jean Toulet
Francis JammesLéon-Paul FarguePaul ClaudelPaul Valery
Charles PeguyJules SupervielleAndré BretonPaul Eluard
Guillaume ApollinaireJacques PrévertLouis AragonPaul Fort
Henri MichauxJosé Maria de HerediaAntonin ArtaudPierre Reverdy
Saint-John PerseSully PrudhommeRené CharYvan Goll
Alain BosquetYves BonnefoyRene GroussetAlain Peyrefitte
Michelle David - WillJoachim BouvetKatrina resistantJosé Frèches
Michelle - SchneiderNicolas SarkozyAnaïs NinJean-Dominique Bauby
Michel-Antoine BurnierMichel ContatHélène GrimaudTarita Teriipaia
To Philip尼玛扎玛尔Clovis IClothaire Ier
Childeric IIIPepin IIICharlemagneLouis the Pious
Charles II (le Chauve)Louis IILouis IIICarloman II
Napoleon II,François Joseph Charles Bonaparte
法国 法兰西第一帝国  (March 20, 1811 ADJuly 22, 1832 AD)
Reign1832 AD

  He was born later namely closure as "King of Rome" (Roi de Rome), the French First Empire of Napoleon I, heir to the throne. 1813 Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Leipzig the following year's anti-coalition forces to enter Paris, France, Napoleon I, the Senate immediately abolished the throne. Napoleon at Fontainebleau Palace, abdicated, in the abdication edict, he hopes that "Roman King" throne, Louisa queen regent. However, Paul King Talleyrand lobbying, anti-French alliance eventually Bourbon restoration. Napoleon failed, Francois was taken to her mother's territory is located in Parma, and later was sent to Vienna to his grandfather, Holy Roman Emperor Franz II (ie, Emperor Franz I of Austria), where His title also has been changed to Parma Prince (Prince of Parma, 1814 年 -1 818) and 莱希斯塔德 Duke (Duke of Reichstadt, 1818 年 -1,832 years). Although he did not really inherit the throne, "Bonaparte elements" - Napoleon's supporters still say Francois was "Napoleon II" or "King of Rome." As suffering from tuberculosis, Francois has been very poor physical condition, and finally died in Vienna in 1832.
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(?~1832 AD)
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