法国 List of Authors
Philippe VI
法国 瓦卢瓦王朝  (1293 ADAugust 22, 1350 AD)
Reign1328 AD1350 AD

  Philip VI (Philippe VI, 1293 -1 350 年 on August 22) Valois, France's first king (reigned 1328 -1 350).
  Philip VI from the beginning, France has entered the era of rule by the House of Valois.
  1328, Philip VI sent troops to support the pro-law decisive Count Nevers Louis Flanders Flemish public uprising repression. Actually he is worried about the French out of Flanders and immense political power, to ensure that the French royal family on the piece was the most prosperous areas of control. In fact, Edward III of England has been trying to meddle in Flanders.
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