五代十国 List of Authors
Li XunFeng YansiLu QianyiMao Wenxi
Zhang BiHe XianGu XuanWei Chengban
Mao XizhenXu ShiLi CongshanLi Congqian
Li JianQian ChuWang JipengJing Hao
Wang RenyuWang XuanDu GuangtingTan Qiao
He GuangyuanXu ChangtuShen YuWang Mengjian
Wang MengjianXu YanLiu XuZe Cang
He PuWeichi WoLiu ChongyuanZhou Jiamin
Ma GaoPing JuhuiLi Guangxuan
Jing Hao
五代十国  唐末

Poetry《describe Landscape chart answer Da Yu》   

Read works of Jing Hao at 百家争鸣
Read works of Jing Hao at 诗海
  Word noble, Qinshui people. Hidden Valley flood too, since the number Honggu Zi. Workers Danqing, especially long landscapes, the highest for the late Tang. Write a poem.
  Hanoi (now Henan Xinyang) who, since the number Honggu Zi, a famous painter during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, date of birth is unknown, as the physical landscape painting on behalf of the North. He once said: "Wu Daozi have a pen without ink landscape paintings, items of content with no ink pen, I adopted two children when the director of a respected body." He referred to "pen" is the hook cracked, and the "ink" is the yin and yang support or oppose the ink change. Ax cracked bare rocky cliff north suitable for the performance of its variants have a large ax, a small ax, watercress, break, etc., Chinese landscape painting ax cracked a group, to Jing Hao, Guan Tong matures.
  Author of "strokes in mind," first painting "Six to" the said: "that the gas, rhyme, thoughts, King, pen, ink." In the Sheikh "Six Methods" based on the increase, said, "Mexico" will "should be pictographic material" and "Different Kinds of Colors" return to "King", the "operating location" extract to "thinking" to "Tradition of writing" , that "marvelous Kit Kat", "document had 'tendon, meat, bone, air' four potential", "visible disease" and "invisible" disease, "the source images" and so on areas of landscape painting developed for the judge to then, in the writings of Chinese Painting, with an important position.
  Jing Hao of landscape painting ideas, but to grasp the essence of the universe and penetrate its deep broad and complex mystery, non-restricted to mimic nature, which includes the observation of nature, meditation, and penetrate, the painting through the rocks the depth of the layers, resulting in a true sense of the air can result.
  "Chronicle, the axis to" pass in his work, this chart ink on silk, with a panoramic view of the composition method, the hard rock France, texture strokes, skills, impressive.
  Jing Hao practice in drawing and painting theory, are far-reaching influence on later. Physical landscape he created has become a model and later model immortal.
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