美国 现代美国
American political and business language planning guru, the famous public opinion surveys and consumer research experts, the language of a play in the media shares the hands of a master. He said that if opponents want to move imperceptibly, then carefully make good use of your vocabulary. He has a major impact on American politics the "Contract with America," one of the creation was "Boston Globe" named "America's most popular public opinion polls of experts"; "New York Times" that he "has a special expertise, This expertise is our time needs. "Fortune 100 CEO, who, for political campaign people, public advocacy organizations and the world 领导人 - anyone who wants to know how to better use the language express themselves are competing to ask him. Indeed, different languages, or led to the successful achievement failure. Whether we are conscious, we are constrained by the power of language. Effective language will allow you to have an advantage in anything. So 弗兰克伦兹 written this book, by political, business and daily life in the language of the application of tactical and strategic analysis, to let you know: By reducing the speaker's intent and the audience to understand the difference between the actual able to communicate better results. So the most important task is to go beyond your own understanding, from the audience's point of view the world.