秦代 List of Authors
Zhou NaZhao NaXian QingugeBei Feng
Yong FengWang FengQi FuzhishenWei Feng
Zheng FengJi FengWei FengTang Feng
Qin FengChen FengGui FengCao Feng
Bin FengLu MingzhishenBai HuazhishenXiao Minzhishen
Tong GongzhishenBei ShanzhishenSang HuzhishenDou Renshizhishen
Wen WangzhishenSheng MinzhishenSong YuWen Wang
Pū ZixiaKong JiZeng ShenKong Fu
Shen BuhaiDeng XiGuan ZhongShang Yang
Wen ZiGeng SangchugengsangziGuan YinziHe Shanggong
Wu ZixuWei LiaoFeng HouSun Bin
Wu QiFan LiYang NakeQin Yuerenbianque
Shi KuangCheng BenHe GuanziLi Bing
Qin ShihuangQin ErshiQin WangziyingChu Lizi
Zhou Na
秦代  诗经·国风

Poetry《Guan Sui》   《Ge Tan》   《Juan Er》   《Jiu Mu》   《Zhong Si》   《Tao Yao》   《Tu Ju》   《Fou Yi》   《Han Guang》   《Ru Fen》   More poems...

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  "Book of Songs"
  Sequence of Poems
  Or asked to say, but for also what is poetry. I said, should be the life of quiet, days of too, a sense in moving things, of the desire also. Husband both want to carry on, you can not not think. Both thinking men, and are not silent. Both made by men, and the words can not do, Seoul hair while those in Zi Jie chant, there must be a natural family of audio section (audio player) can not have Yan. The reason for this poem too. Say, What, then those who teach what their so too. Say, poetry, heart-shaped in the sense of things and words I have. Heart of the sense of right from wrong, so the shape right and wrong words. However, in the saints, then they feel are not correct, but his words were enough to teach. The sense of the complex or rather no choice who can not be issued, then the person will think so reflexive, but due to the reprimand and punishment, is also so as to teach also. Xi Zhou Sheng time, the court which issued from the Suburban in the Hsiang-tang Remembered into deep mountain, his words are pure but not for those saints Association of Sound has been solid, but with the local people, used Bangguo, to of the world . As for the nations of the poem, the emperor Hunting is fully Chen and perspective, in order to line demote and promote the Code. Down from the proper generation and then, dipping to Ling Yi. As for the Eastward, and Sui Fei do not speak carry on. Confucius'Birth its time, not only spaces, not to persuade demote and promote the political line, so special discussion held its membership and to its repetition, is the chaos, and its not as good of law, not as a warning of evil persons, s away is also the order from the concise, show long, so while husband scholars is to test the gain and loss, good and evil to change the teacher and Yan. Although its is not OK is for a while but it really is in Jesus Christ taught, is the verse is to teach those who naturally have. Say, What, then State Song elegance of body, its different and if so, what are. Say, I have heard of, where the so-called poetry of the wind, the more the songs out of the Lane for the so-called male and female phase of songs, all those who have made their feelings. However, King Wen of Zhou Nan Zhaonan of pro is to become moral, but people have a disposition to have lent the positive, so the hair on the speaker, music not too obscene, and not sorrow, and the injury is based on the poetry for the wind chapter independence The serious. Bei down from, its country of chaos is different from person Yin has also different, it made sense and who are missing right from wrong right from wrong, but the style of the so-called kings who carry on this Yan change. If Fu Ya Song of the chapter, then, into the world the week, the court Suburban Songs of speech, its language and the village, the meaning of wide and close, are saints of its author only, fixed it for the 10,000 range and can not be easily imitated by also. As for the Change Ya those readers empirical moment worthy gentleman, Min Vulgarity when the disease was, and sage taken from their side of DA honest heart, Joe Chan Italy, in particular, can be made by people in non-future generations and the best. Poem of the classics, so personnel Banjialian in the world, prepared in the Way of Heaven, and not a single reason for non-too. Say, What, then their learning of also when it is regrettable. Say, the South with a view to the end of the second, participation of the nations to do and see, is the largest of its regulations in order to elegant, and is to the song to be its only, purpose of this study poetry too large. Ever Chapters in order to outline the exegetical to Millennium, satirical chant to Masayuki, licks the body of the culvert, the police of the esoteric nature, between the beginning of the trial of Cardinal words and deeds, the self-cultivation and the home, the average world way, not to be obtained for this carry on his request. Asked who deflected the Cited, I pass the time of series of poems, noted the time was because of language in order to crown its articles cloud.
  Ding Dong four Chunxi October Leisure, Xin Zhu sequence
  State who the domain Uncooperative the seal, and the wind are, folk songs of the poems. That the wind who was on the of their to have words, but his words are capable of moving, such as moving objects with the Wind to sound, and its sound and sufficient to animals. Uncooperative adopted by the emperor as tribute to the emperor by the officer while out on the music, in order to test the beauty of their customs are still evil, and know these gains and losses politics Yan. Old South is positive that the second wind, so, of the Inner Door Hsiang-tang Bangguo and of the people. 13 States to change the wind, the music also led officials in order to save time spin-off, provincial and vertical view of surveillance equipment Rong ears of all 15 countries combined cloud.
  Zhou Nan (The Odes of Zhou and the South)
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