朝鲜 List of Authors
Kim Su-Ju XiaowenLiu would like to helpCheng Wen-Zhong
Ahn Sang-ConstitutionBusiness Kyu KimFrance Top Zen MasterAn aness
Park water is沉雄 vibrationLi LinKing YIN Xiu
Li ZhilianJin MeijingKim So HyungYoon Dong-Hyuk
Yi MingSilver Ying XuZhang Yun-chuLi Zhen Han
Jin TaixiCheng De-chuZhang YingshuJin Xianzhen
Tian MeiyuAn MeixianZhang HuiminRun-Kyu Choi
Right KitaiPu XianxiuLizhi ChengJin Hongxin
Lee HeyuanEnron were이명박, Lee Myung-bakLiu Haoran
Jin NanaDing Ruoyong
Business Kyu Kim
朝鲜 现代中国 

Read works of Business Kyu Kim at 小说之家
  South Korea's Daegu University of Education, Professor of Social Education, is a famous proverb use easy to understand, to tell fairy tales and folk esoteric economics evangelist. Business Kyu Kim is currently KDl Economic Monitoring Committee of Experts, vice president of Korea Society of Economic Education, Economic Advisory Professor of the Central Daily News Junior, Junior Hankook Ilbo, "the economy through Fairy Tales" Children's Economic News, "saying the economy" write members. Professor Jin Shangkui often in television, radio and other media to talk about the knowledge economy. Author of "learning by saying the economy", "the story with a proverb to explain economics," "Rambling look through Proverbs economy" and "enterprise economy through Proverbs," "thinking center of Economics Seminar", "Life in Economics" and many other works.
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