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Fang Min

Read works of Fang Min at 百家争鸣
  Fang Min length documentary literature "Panda epic" seminar Records
  Panda "Heaven" - in Fang Min, "Panda epic" Seminar on Speech
  I have contacts with the Fang Min, should be engaged in environmental protection in the public good beginning, then, and because also interested in wildlife protection, more and more familiar with them. I remember two years ago, China Wildlife Conservation Association to our development as "senior member", and employed as we were 15 species of endangered wildlife spokesman. At that time, Fang Min, because love for pandas has become a well-deserved image of its representatives. Wrote up some shame, because Fang Min, who endorses the "Giant Pandas" is a little "natural fit" flavor, and I finally became a "Alligator" spokesperson, not the "free love" but "and assigned" - day, the Wildlife Conservation Society invited 15 authors to go and many rare animals "compatibility", I have drowned in busy mess. In this hectic, the actually forgot to attend the "Match the General Assembly." Gao Hua told me later, Fang Min, of course, claimed the giant pandas, Zhao Danian claim the Tibetan antelope, Zhang Kangkang is a tiger, the Siberian tiger endorsement ... ... then I do, from the organization, "haphazard", and assigned to the Alligator me. I said, my god that is the face of grim alligator ah! I must frankly admit, although I will immediately understand the need to "have love without distinction", and again and again and again to cry on behalf of the alligator who said: "Although I am ugly, but I am also very rare and ah!" In fact, other heart sensitivity are still somewhat jealous. However, today, look for the giant panda Fang wrote this lengthy hundreds of thousands of words, I can not help but be unwilling to accept. China's giant pandas are blessed. It is sensitive to this side, with a full twelve years, twenty times in-depth remote mountains to the middle of giant panda, has taken great care, as we devote a masterpiece. Such a love, such devotion is difficult for me to match. Therefore, the "Alligator" had to "panda" to pay tribute to the "panda" study, this is the first point I want to talk about feelings.
  Despite the time constraints, I am carefully read the novel. Yan Juan and thinking, I suddenly realized that this course is a full of emotion and love of books, but more is a full rational torture and questioned writings, this course is a fun, story books, bursting, but more is a high degree of philosophical writings. I even think that its title may be called "Panda" Heaven "," more appropriate. Because the writer with the giant panda species evolution, about the relationship between the evolution of human and natural history, and then declared that the human is more rational and scientific view of nature new. After reading, I do have to face a "Heaven"-like feel. The edge of this work to, and not just those greedy hunters, it points to the so-called "original sin of mankind." This "original sin", not the Christian sense of "original sin", but the history of human nature since the opposite would push us to the philosophical. Writer believes that since the beginning of Yao and Shun, this world, does the "human" land, human beings must profoundly reflect on their own offensive and plunder of nature and re-find their place in nature, re-to "Heaven," " Imitation of Nature "the survival of moral philosophy and the earth to find the planet and humanity in the way, well-being of the giant panda, which is human well-being. It should be said, I am not the "panda epic" in every argument had been endorsed by some views also need to understand that I am slowly, but the total of its direction is praiseworthy, for humans to re-examine and establish their own values, natural concept, world view, has a special significance.
  Comrades, I think, as the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the continuous progress of our "harmonious society" is continually deepening understanding. The harmony between man and nature, but also increasingly become a concern to us, or we can not become a topic of concern. "Panda epic," the publishing, I believe will be thinking of our nation, building a harmonious society will play an active role.
  Peng Xueming: Chairman of the other side we have just Jiangong Min's "Panda epic", the height from the literature had a very high rating. Now we invite Liqing Wen, Deputy Secretary-General.
  Liqing Wen: First of all, on behalf of China Wildlife Conservation Association, congratulated the convening of the seminar, to be of you a warm thanks to the hard efforts of the other sensitive to pay high tribute. As we all know, giant pandas are living fossils around the world. Miss Fang Min care of giant pandas, love, this book is full of feeling, I feel very good read, worthy of the giant panda was the spokesman. China Wildlife Conservation Association 10 years has been committed to giant panda conservation and ecological protection of literary creations, to give us a lot of excellent literary works, especially in this painstaking work, "The Epic Panda" in front of 12 years, she 20 times the Sichuan and Shanxi provinces dozen panda reserves, covering a number of giant pandas to protect people, records the number of colorful characters and the giant panda, giant panda species by about three million years of evolutionary history, reveals the rise and decline of this species, the panda, as well as changes in reproduction, the more profound scientific knowledge and historical facts into vivid and dramatic story of literature for readers in a conflict in the story plot about animal habits , population characteristics, propagation methods, the development of the existing state of history and biology. She relationship between human behavior and other species up to a high degree of ecological theory, people see the earth not only human home, but also all other species of homes, destruction of wildlife habitat is also bound to lead to deterioration of the human environment for their survival, rescue endangered species is to save mankind itself. At the same time the language works beautifully, and humorous, highly expressive and appealing, into the author's true feelings, this is the first literary form about the history of relations between human beings and the Panda book, I believe that every love nature, love Life's readers will enjoy this work and will greatly from education and inspiration.
  17 National Congress Party as an important part of building an ecological civilization, wildlife species are the most precious natural heritage and the wealth of the future of humanity, a species once extinct on the non-recurring, which humans can not restore a great loss. In the new historical situation, I will dutifully for the prosperity of ecological culture, ecological civilization construction mission to. Popularization of ecological knowledge, ecological construction and protection of information typical efforts to build a prominent theme, content rich, life, full of infectious ecological cultural system, promote respect for nature, love of life, protection of nature, the concept of ecological civilization construction, in the whole society who advocate the values of harmony with nature, harmonious unity and culture and so to contribute. And actively participate in the ecological protection to, I hope that the 有 more social participation of people can actively De Zhi Chi wildlife protection, Tong Guo variety of artistic expression, as Fanrongwomen ecological culture, to better Jianshe our common home planet, and make greater contribution. Ms. Zhu Fangmin more and better work. Thank you!
  Peng Xueming: Mr Li, Deputy Secretary-General of our people and nature from the perspective of the other sensitive evaluation of the work done, and we issued a fervent call. Here we ask Chongqing Publishing Editor Miss Chen Xingwu speech.
  CHEN Xing-wu: Good morning, today to participate in the "Panda epic," the publishing event, and I am very honored. Here in Chongqing I represent to the Chinese Writers Association, published set of carbon and the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association to express our sincere thanks to you thank you attending the meeting. "Panda epic" is Miss Fang Min decade of the works of sword, is the first giant panda about the relationship between human history and work to fill the domestic and international, on such a creative space, in order to complete this work Miss Fang Min In 12 years time, many in-depth study giant panda reserves, visits. Excavated material and the history of the giant figures related to the story, for our records and about the fate of the giant panda, and depth in the book explore the harmony between man and nature the true. We believe that this in people's environmental consciousness more and more strongly, strongly advocate in building a harmonious society and realize the sustainable development of great significance today. Chongqing Publishing House has been dedicated to support the development literature over the past two decades we have taken a variety of ways to a variety of channels, a number of literary books published, especially in 2005 after restructuring in Chongqing Group has achieved rapid development more emphasis on close to the market, build quality, introduced such as "human" and a large number of high-quality art books. The sensitivity can be published in cooperation with the writer this side "Panda epic" for wildlife conservation, to contribute our humble giant panda conservation, we are very happy. 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing, the giant panda is one of the Olympic Games mascot, Miss Fang Min is the spokesman for giant pandas. We sincerely hope that with the Chinese Writers Association and writers across the country to strengthen cooperation and mutual communication, working closely together for the prosperity and development of literary efforts. I sincerely wish the seminar a success, I believe you that the experts study and recognition, build a bridge between readers and authors, "Panda epic" must have access to more extensive social impact, again, thank you!
  Gao Hua: Fang Min is my good friend, 20 years. Twenty years ago, I took full array wing to step in Shandong Lake, the lake is very polluted and the fish are deformed, have no other choice. I took her to an interview, then wrote a called a "dead river", this is my first visit to the interview. Then we organized the environmental study will be gradually co-writer on the development of a lot of environmental things. Eight years ago I accompanied Fang Min, two of us to Aba to be almost nearly a month, when I was young point, but the people there or give me an oxygen pillow. I have to say in writing this book Fang She is the effort, and I'm here mainly to make her difficult to tell you about.
  She was very hard indeed, she is not age too, and more than 50 years old, we have just one, when people go to Aba to our special special of the house, we both go in the future and what they fear, when we both lived inside was awful scared, shut the door, windows to be stuffed, then the next day I was furious, and I find them holding press cards Wolong's leadership, to find their secretaries, I say to you what we as a people, we come to You propaganda panda, you get us there, like, like begging, and finally got us a hostel. At least it can stay here. Night before we were scared of no sleep. Aba was interviewed on a one in many places, the most difficult parts of a hillside inside, stay inside this place, to have a toilet and got a good away, and eat pot noodles on there, the flies that floor, you eat do not eat it all. So, that environment is very, very bad, when I was natural foundation for the world to them to seek a 30 000 dollars, we both engage in the interview, when we interviewed the most difficult to Fangfang Min themselves is climbing the mountain, Tibetan young man led her up the hill to climb. From the climb up in the morning to come back at night, that is, to see pandas, according to the footprints and droppings, she climbed two points to this day, it is very dangerous. In the Aba Prefecture many times we went to such places.
  Later, the Qinling Mountains, in the Qinling Mountains, when I really can not go up, because too much of Qinling Mountains, is her go. So she has "Panda epic" is the cost of the very, very lively, it is very hard. When we eat it? We went to buy some street food, but also guarding that 30,000 dollars, room and board had to use this 30 000 dollars, so we will live lesbians, we were very nervous. So I think she started to interview the first time eight years ago, it was very, very difficult, but she was not discouraged, she was determined to write down. Later she came back from the Qinling written 25 million words, these are things like science. Later to see Zhang Zhong Wen, Zhang Zhong Wen said that you will not see this out to people, and all things scientific, and later on they continuously changed several times, then later she found a lot, such as Science Press has found a money, and then went to interview. No way she met the nails said, she met a nail for each call me and said I hit a snag a high-Hua. For example, she went on the Bureau of Forestry, Forestry Police to ignore her, and that they must be kept confidential, people will not give her an interview. Then I said he did not give you an interview you will hold him, but not later. She hit a snag that is everywhere, so this decade by several kilos Fang Min, who originally did not so thin, now lost. In this decade really hard. So why did I tell you all describe her the creative process it. She participated in some of the activities Panda, where she heard a panda, she must go, and now she and Wolong, Zhang made friends of peace, and that started a small break room for us that, now pay became friends. Now has been to support her. So she been revised several times since, the book is now out, very good. So I think we gave her this seminar today is very real, because she decade of hard work is not an ordinary, average person to write a few years, writing for two years, or even write for three years to write out a decade of her out. So I think today will be open really very important. Wild Animals are also very supportive, as meritorious deeds and I are dual identity, meritorious deeds is vice president of Wildlife Society, Wildlife Society I am the executive director, today I only participate in the forum, but also on behalf of Wild Animals, Therefore, although this will be my leg pain, I still insist on coming, because Fang Min was not easy at. I would simply say that a few.
  Peng Xueming: high teacher told us just a brief introduction about the interview with Comrade Fang, difficult process, we again to the high teacher pay tribute to Comrade Fang. Here we invite you to speak freely.
  Point is not read this work in my own figured out before, this works in the end how to write. Raise a panda is an animal, the panda as an observer of animals, such work is a narrative, or what? Or a documentary reportage? I was also wondering. I read the work in the future, I think Fang Min quite well out of this book, a must very good. That is the science of knowledge about pandas and panda documentary discovery and protection of, and better integration of literature. She took a giant biological evolution, from 700 million years ago until today, she is not an academic performance, she is to be literary in nature to expand. Also runs through a number of characters written to protect the giant panda characters, generations of scientists. In particular, wrote a panda, to write literary giant panda, the panda was alive, not a cold one biological giant panda, giant panda has given her thoughts, feelings. So from this perspective, she was taken to the other relief to these organizations together. Giant Panda gives her literary imagination, these are not abstract, not like the Monkey King in Journey to the West turned a somersault to cry, she used to write the character of literature such a literary giant David.
  The second experience was her metaphysical sense, the statement just meritorious deeds on a very profound comments. Through this means that the giant panda that she inspired us a lot of things about the relationship between man and nature, it is very, very important. Although I think this work is to write a panda, but still human literature, is through this work can improve and deepen people's ecological awareness, environmental awareness, and help us all the people of modern consciousness, because the environmental and ecological awareness today an advanced, civilized sense of the times, this work is ultimately a metaphysical sense of great value. So many statements on the work itself, I say these two points.
  In the 15 years ago, the World Bank as saying the world 20 most polluted cities, China accounted for 10. Now the world's 20 most polluted cities in China has accounted for 16. National day of sewage is now up more than 100 million tons total, 90% of urban rivers are heavily polluted, half of the towns and 3.6 million people severely affected by water. Environmental and ecological civilization, and not only reflects the nature of relations, but also because management the corrupt phenomena such as interpersonal problems were, our country has to sustainable development as a target but we are also facing survival threat, China People's Republic to the most dangerous time. This is no alarmist. How to carry out environmental protection ecological governance is a major issue save mankind is facing the twenty-first century world of a big problem. This is a green revolution, need to promote green culture green building awareness and promotion of green concepts, the establishment of green ethics, this is the new century, we face a pressing cultural issues. Literature has not shirk our responsibilities, should take should bear the historical responsibility. The late sixties the Club of Rome published article, marked the West entered a new phase of environmental protection. Ecological awareness of our country as a whole to thirty years behind the West. The reportage book changed the way people sense the concept of environment and ecology, some people of insight in our literary past two decades, they silently in the field of environmental and ecological literature to open up, some people over two decades, long-term labor, They have created a gratifying achievement, literary wisdom and conscience of the times, environmental literature is a manifestation of conscience, environmental writer of historical consciousness, respectable social responsibility, the broad sense of humanity. In the present tide of environment that asked writers to the character of ecological literature valuable Jiugeng Wei, Dan Shi our environmental ecological literature is still very underdeveloped country, the impact of Li Mei You Chuxianlishi, Huanyaohuahen great effort Qu support, Chang Dao. I suggest that the state should set up an environment prize, the amount of no less than its standard Mao Dun Literature Award. Weihai City in 1995 and has held seminars across the Taiwan Strait environmental literature, and now has more than a decade, and hopes to convene this Conference. Writers unite under the guidance of the environmental and ecological literature writers, active work.
  Chinese Writers Association has over the years caught a lot of environmental and ecological literature, for example, Fang Min's "Panda epic" is the key support of the first film, but as a form of need, as the ecological literature also need to spend more effort to do the work. So today is a good start. I am a long time did not attend the seminar such a work, and today is that I have an attitude and a support. Thank you!
  First, I think this book is in the twenty-first century has a special meaning. Environmental problems because of the twenty-first century, the growing prominence, and learn a lesson, a glorious civilization, which can be bad for the environment decline. People are now realizing the importance of protecting the environment, the importance of harmony between man and nature. So to protect the environment, protect animals, protect the giant panda, is implementing the scientific concept of development.
  Second, on the way to write the literary giant panda, in the works devoted to the giant panda's feelings. Literature is the science, I think to write is to write people's thoughts and feelings of animals. In the book to her female inside Fang Min unique delicate and sensitive, concerned about the fate of the giant panda. She and the giant panda close, familiar, the panda as a friend, and panda whisper, dialogue, exchanges, so the book and there are many anthropomorphic description, write the beauty of lovely pandas, which are also very lively, like she wrote Panda young girl, tall and slender, light gait, what Oh, dear, Enenaiai, many sons, these are demonstrated to us the beauty of lovely pandas. Another example is the description of some specific description of the green, the mother of the hero of English-English descriptions of all people have a sense of closeness. The authors also describe a series of successful protection of giant pandas in the hero-type characters, such as highly respected experts Wang Menghu so well known on the panda's Tuzhuan Jia Yong Yan grid, artificial propagation of the first person, as well as returnees experts, there are on the Panda than themselves The doll is also pro-domesticated person. The protection of the panda and the panda's description of these images, lively, and also allows us to see the sincere exchange of people and animals, and moving.
  Chapter Chung Ngok: Fang Min literary writing in the environment should be a pioneer it, "Panda epic" is the foundation. Environmental literature, some of it contrived hazards of foreign literature, the most famous writers of the United States "does not calm spring", our country began to rise from the 80's, and it will set up environmental literature, but also out of the environment literature publications. I think that writing from a literary point of view character and laws of the past, war, love is the eternal theme of death is said, is because of an environmental literature that one side is full. Now we add the natural environment, people and society over the past emphasized the relationship between writing, interpersonal relationships, people's own activities in the human heart is the relationship, should now be coupled with the relationship between Human and Nature, from a moral areas, in the past that there are three moral, social, family, professional ethics, and now should also be coupled with environmental ethics and ecological ethics, especially since the proposed construction of 17 major ecological civilization, build human and natural environment-friendly relations, both symbiotic harmony between man and nature. As the earth people's ideal of human and nature of other creatures, including animals and plants coexist in harmony, but in reality the master of the human has to itself, to destroying their own desires and the extinction of other animals and plants, as well as ecological destruction, environmental contamination and cherish the wild endangered plants and animals, desertification, human being unprecedented retaliation. 2005 Red Book Report, the world has more than 16,000 kinds of plants and animals threatened with extinction, are we not feel shock horror it? Environmental literature should be a treasure house of knowledge, rich and clean in the human mind an impact on behavior, the relationship between people and nature more inclined to a harmonious close. In making globalization and establish a scientific world outlook of today will have to build an ecological civilization, environmental ethics, this should be the party's call, misery Judging literary vocation. With the growing ecological literature to deepen, in the early 2002 creation of the "Panda epic" calls on the times and writers to the significant gains in the writing of literary works were increasingly commonplace in the present, the writer spent 12 years of efforts Fang Min, Interview of protected areas and close contact with pandas, modify, made of hundreds of thousands of six-word draft of "Panda epic," it is particularly dazzling. This is a unique and innovative national treasure panda on the Origin, evolution, from prehistoric times until now full of great works, from my understanding it is literary and archaeological science disciplines do have the reality of careful and serious, both documentary The make is full and the blending of mind, they have the full detailed record of giant pandas, with reports of documentary. Also promoting the exploration of the characteristics of literary works. Deep in thought put forward their own views, thus building with epic works. Also in the language of creative prose style style, jump style statement, it is very vivid. Smooth, fresh image, poetry proudly, which can be seen everywhere in the book, a sense of humor is characterized by its wording, the author did not stop to reflect an objective history and survival of the panda, not only from the point of view of biological evolution, but from ecological point of view of initiatives to protect giant pandas, from time to time sharp question, for example, through the proprietress of the mouth of spade is a national treasure? From the Panda idea to ask questions. So this is a warning to think independently of the make, is both a critical consciousness through time and space, and literature. Copies of the characters (animals) on the considerable ability, imaginative play, and inner feelings of the activities of abundant, some key panda, such as the Dai Li and the stubborn, ugly, stubborn left us deep impression. To the public eye and ear of originality is also used storytelling to every story like a flower, countless shows, the final preparation as having historical, ideological writings. Recently entered among readers of all walks of life. We also appreciate the many and deep understanding of animal reproduction, put forward a new perspective. Of course, this is a human thoughts and feelings of moral orientation of refraction, but, after all, expanded extension and intension to expand the atmosphere and the state, which is very gratifying to create awareness and worthy of recognition.
  Cuidao Yi: I speak of the subject is David's guards and singers. Giant Panda, whether children or elderly regarded it as a baby, because since ancient times by chance, it only exists in China, the giant panda is considered China's national treasures, unique feature of international relations, public organizations, it was chosen as the logo of the World was chosen as the mascot of the 2008 Olympic Games. But this baby's unique qualities and historical changes, this national treasure of social observation and scientific research, little known to the public. Lack of awareness and self-destruction is not only excellent work. The relative during the Cultural Revolution the death of giant pandas in Jiuzhaigou 138, thanks to Premier Zhou question that how much David, launched the first comprehensive human Exploration of the Giant Panda. But even if we have a lot of scientific writing, the vast number of non-professionals the knowledge still to be enriched. The image of literature and lyricism can move more people more attractive, more popular even more popular, more conducive to raising the national cultural quality. So spectacular, Fang Min compose the "Panda epic." This works as the editor pointed out that the first form of literature about the history of the relationship of human and panda masterpiece, is the inspiration of all mankind textbooks. With reference to reading the book. And it is epic, is the sensitive side of poetry, made of mind and strokes operation. In this work the reader can not only improve the overall perception of the panda, but that the perception of ecological literary meaning and spirituality. 90 years before the original panda ancestor and human ancestors will have a communication. 700 000 years ago, competition for survival and development of all things, this change in meat animals to eat bamboo for a living, 30 million years ago, the panda and human coexistence communion. 50 000 years ago, before a large avalanche in the panda's grandmother to save the human infant. 10 000 years ago, Homo sapiens to survive helpless brown bear hunting. Five years later forced the gods fled to the remote mountains of mankind, until 1869, was found to be new species. Friends of Giant Panda humans, endangered species being reduced only after his name, and this is the life history, reproduction, survival of the fittest. This is to make the best of natural selection of the tragedy. If these are nothing more than some of the data record, A Moment of Romance is also the old days, but a relentless day. It did not care what the tragedy, but they came to the writer's pen of history will be interpreted as vivid stories, vivid. Fang Min to her unfettered imagination to start a drawing, the emotional feeling of human and panda. To this epic science, Fang Min, travel hints to follow the ancient panda eyes today. She is inspired by the spirit of the panda, to endure hardships for the people and take care of the world as reference and guide. Her animals and humans, the integration of narrative and argumentative. This kind of presentation, the history of myth and a duet, it is literature on the science and art of the show, it is eco-literature writers of ecological civilization construction of special contribution.
  Road is long fortune, she will go to quest, this is a writer of character portrayal, but also the tone of content works. If it is not a ghost as the spirit of the ax, Fang Min, how to got into deep forests. 12 years ago over the mountains, the treasures of the people interviewed to gather more than 100 of which are unknown treasures inside. She and the pandas up close, my story depicts a series of youth for the protection of giant pandas and the dedication and even sacrifice of life scientists. Peking University, where stands the tombstone, he reconnects for the protection of giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains lost their lives. Where the real swing in the misery of the panda, there is also a record of killing and punishment for the poachers to explore the mentality, the writer visited her second child, oldest and the youngest to earn money chops panda skin, the last being a capital offense . Fang Min wanted to give them money, but not to, because they are murderers, Fang Min do not know how good, poverty, and will let you kill tears repeatedly. Similarly, if you are the media, the destruction of human nature you angry, but the human conquest of nature, you will still enthusiastic praise. So out to trace the square Minti, which tracked the original sin, original sin from legal sanctions, there is no original sin of mankind in the end, of original sin in the end or not to redeem, if the dead will not be punished for original sin. Panda sent to Heaven for the example, how to do all things in harmony can be achieved in this way the truth and. This brings the reader into the field of philosophy, literature and science marriage, combining natural and social philosophy inherent in the proposition. So epic as reportage among the "I" component of the story is more dignified and practical value. This is the duty of eco-literature writers. Fang Min's writing in the course of the 17 major party declared that construction of ecological civilization, but the Chinese Communist Party is responsible to future generations and the world's solemn commitment to their word, last forever, will host the Olympic Games in 2008 will also be witnessed. At this critical moment, "Panda epic" grand publication. I think it can be said is the party to hand over sensitive to a respondent to the world so that more readers cherished national treasure of China's giant pandas, so that their cognitive China to promote ecological civilization and to make a contribution to how much. Therefore, the spokesman of the party as a giant panda as a national treasure worthy of the champion Min, David Singer.
  One advantage is its subject matter, the reality is that they care is with the forward-looking and fundamental. Is to build a harmonious society and how kind of natural symbiotic harmony, authenticity and the natural environment to establish friendly relations, which although 17 large put forward a new idea society. Course of this work at this time, including the publication of this work unit is introduced to a positive response. Also in the future for a long time as each of the earth should be pondered. It is, of course, like love, like war, become an eternal theme of literature. In fact, early writers should think about and performance of this, I feel this point should be to see our Chinese writers and the world opened the gap, do not say anything else, I know the former Soviet Union in the seventies to launch " Fisher King, "in fact the former Soviet Union many of the themes of literature above also entangled in the war, but this time there is a group to consider a global theme. I said that this example will illustrate the creative side sensitivity, not only her, but also a large number of writers, to enhance the progress of the entire Chinese literature, I think you can say that this point should be fully confirmed, lead to full attention. I do not say.
  Secondly, I feel there is a better form work, this form is a form of literature. Reflect the natural environment in the new period and documentary literature, reportage either. Like Xu Gang's "not the eternal flow of rivers", Zhao's "second national policy" and so on, which most reflect the damage of industrialization on the natural environment, and some reflect the work against other species, including all Bao Li also wrote " Whales injured, "and" Call from the wild animals "," population "and so on works, but the giant panda as the object to write epic, this is the only, I feel this is the panda culmination of a subject matter book. It is indeed worthy of the panda's epic, as it reached this number in line is the ancient observation of a consistent and similar, can look across time and space. The second observation is that Jiemi thinking and literary unity, which saw a lot of really a lot of unheard of, never seen before in. But the author writes more leisurely manner, and not the document is assigned to Jiemi force, because a while ago we held a seminar work is to crackdown on the quality, of course, we are fully sure that the writer of the interview, but it does sometimes The author is to stay in the top, and piled more sense. But I feel in the "Epic Panda," which the author's literary thinking and inquiry of a very bold, and some directed at the current national policy. This edge is also a form of "Panda epic," an aspect of strength. Because it caused a lot of long-term philosophy of human existence, that is, how man and nature live in harmony, in fact, the evolution of mankind once again, is another civilization revolution.
  I think this is a third more successful cross-style writing. It is the value of both science, but by no means a popular science work, it is a literary reading. This is particularly valuable is the inside that critically examine the eyes and cultural awareness. I feel these strengths is the formation of our reportage writing a shock and a broadening. New reportage in general there are three types, one is structural reportage, there is a category such as "Panda epic" This kind of reportage, there is a category of social deviant reportage. Read the "Panda epic" feel after the style from content to the norms have been a highlight, that documentary literature literary ability and artistic performance tension. This is due to the "Panda epic," the author's strength. Because the social transition, the reality of living conditions, and the times and create global awareness of our vision, the development of literary tradition and literature, reportage form the cultural ecology of the present, this should not be withheld. Of course, there are some shortcomings, I seen it, I think about whether or not a particular Jiemi meet, at least I, and that is why the panda that it can become an endangered species because, I still did not specifically clear. This book some more clues arrangements, but also some feeling of clutter. But on the whole should be admired, this book is that full recognition and congratulations.
  One is, we know that the panda is known as national treasures, it is among the endangered species of animals, but only in its ability to separate our Chinese there, and become a unique, can be thought of humans show a side of the Chinese nation animals. Many people say that we have become a very favorable diplomatic weapon, though speaking funny, but now become a kind of diplomacy, this is also beyond reproach. Giant pandas to Taiwan, for example. So I think we all can be said for the giant panda is very interesting, but how come the giant panda, its growth history, why is it the survival of the state into the case. Although we know some in pieces, and look at some of the information, read some description, but none of the system are of a lasting but saw Fang Min's "Panda epic" panda only after its context, why is it today such a state of survival. There are a lot of this work, so far from the ancient history of the panda. Formation from Three Rivers to the Tanggula write this since ancient times, from the origin of human beings, including the origin of species, from the perspective of writing, the disclosure of a lot of things unknown, and there are many things giant panda the story of human survival, in this work are able to see inside. I think that this work is characterized by its distinctive aspects from different perspectives to give Panda the growth, survival and development of history. After reading this work was not a bit boring, very vivid, and I the other side is a very good sensitivity of the pen. Many are the same as the prose poem, plot and vivid imagination. It also shows the delicate observation of living writers shortlisted and skill behind. Fang Min During the 12 years she is 12 years of grinding a book really is hard work down, just Gao Hua comrade, and now have such depth of life this writer has not much she can so that the Living among the bruises Gunpa, not afraid of hard work, so that hard work, she only had such a hard work under also have this kind of work out. Works in the language beautiful, Scenery strong feelings are in place. Especially in the subtle philosophical Department raises thought-provoking. Many places in many parts of her look tiny, but with a deep philosophical. From among the works you can really feel an objective law, that is, to make the best of natural selection.
  Many places have sometimes seemed to feel like the narrator of the story, but would like to go back or write a panda, panda that she is the personification of the animal, which shows the author and after the panda up close, and his thinking feelings and the feelings of the panda into together, and from the emotion, the plot and derived a lot of details out. I think this work is very successful for. In the past we said that war and the eternal theme of love is now our eternal theme is again an increase, that is, the ecological environment, which is our eternal theme, the eternal theme is just developing, Fang Min is a walk in the front, her first step, this step despite very difficult step, but it is very rare. Because now that literary innovation, I think this is innovation, which in this area is that you write out their own unique perspective, people do not know what to write, this is innovation, that innovation to expand our field of literature, so that we literature in such an environment, demonstrated by its richness, this is very valuable.
  Liu Yan: This work of course, very good, but I feel fine again, if some of the structure, then fine selection of some, I feel better. I think because some material may be given to some of the major drowned.
  After I saw this work I have a few such features, I feel a more prominent is this work a kind of soft, rich full of poetic emotion, deep philosophizing, magnificent imagination. Giant Panda is so cute, so gentle, people feel so good, and the people are so close, the writer must be sure before you begin writing a tune, I think Fang Min at this point, including the creation of literature in the documentary that she took this tone was very good grasp very well. Similar to some of her fairy-tale narrative tone, of course, she also had harsh side. For example, as a judge-style torture, which is deep philosophical thinking of the writer. There are magnificent imagination, such as giant pandas, the evolution of this species in its history, we may be able to see read popular science books, learn some, but the literature we read the request, we may look forward to reading and reading works on science somewhat different. We want to read more interesting things to read something more specific description of this work which is inside science can not imagine, but literature can imagine, so I think she Fang make up their own imagination many historical gaps. She connected this to imagine a complete history of the evolution of pandas living information chain, it is intuitively available to readers. I think this is very interesting. Of course you can not imagine that these ideas are far-fetched to imagine the kind. I think the parties in this which is very sensitive degree of imagination, that she followed the science to some of our definition, in the context of the play of her imagination, she's imaginations. For example, she spent a lot of knowledge on the evolution of species, based on knowledge of environmental changes, based on archeology of knowledge, she relies on to show these as her imagination, she filled the evolutionary history of pandas, many of them empty, very interesting reading.
  Exactly one week ago I went to visit the week of Valley store, I asked the top of the food chain of animals what they say is dogs. I see that dog's bones are very large. I think this is very interesting. Therefore, this warmth, this poetic situation, which constitutes the novel to imagine the text tone. I think this is very interesting. I think the Chronicle in reportage or literature which, Fang Min, a new contribution to this is her use of reasonable imagination, some reportage, reportage strictly speaking can not imagine the way you must strictly to the facts face of record, but some topics, such as the evolutionary history of this giant thing, who knows? We do not know. This I think Fang Min She boldly, and put a lot of imagination to the works, and I think we blame the sensitive side, she said the investigation is not you, not you interview the real thing get to you here is not accurate, not should do, instead, to this point we should be fully recognized, as she used to make up for these things to us a lot of scientific work which some of the missing. Or that our knowledge not been able to give us the space to the imagination, and she came out to our readers. Of course, I sing to them in writing reportage I have encountered this problem, I tried, I think it is very difficult to very difficult. A lot of things you have to master, otherwise you can not write. So here we see the sensitive side to the account of the protection of giant pandas, how much work we do later generations, which we are able to see, but beyond these things may work under her and possibly more more, we can not see. For example, evolution of species, environmental change history, and even some knowledge of archeology. She does not study, she does not grasp that she can not imagine that this could be written on the surface of the work we are invisible. So on this point, ten years work, I think she must have read a lot of some of the works in this regard, a large number of knowledge reserves.
  Fang Min, the book I read, I think there is such a feature is a key support her subject matter, or it can be said to create an ordered to a subject. You are the panda's voice, you are a member of Wildlife Conservation Society, you are going to be supported subject to write a thing. But she can not see this work which we are instructed to create a general theme that was pressing sense. There are many books that we will feel that he was instructed to write something, we can clearly feel after reading them. But I feel this works in a very real feelings of ten years of grinding sword. I think this book should be a well-deserved. This works out which I think was some Square Minti idea is worthy of our contemplation, not just writers we should meditate, meditation should be the whole of mankind, the human development today, technological development today should cause us to think deeply, like her raised the issue of human sin. At this point I read this place when I stopped reading, I'm here like, like a lot, biology now become like this, now the technology has developed to such a position is not heartening to the future of our planet, our human living environment, we humans and life on earth so much, it really is what kind of fate, no one dared to expect. We destroy the planet in this way, to consider the future development of mankind, I recently thought about this problem, I am very, very pessimistic, I feel terrible. I even told my win today to see that tiger incident, we were their own sins, how do we go to forgive to save it. We deprived the right to life of animals to their place of residence occupied, all the human-centered to human interests as its supreme interests. We now think of it, how kind they propose to control the environment, how do we protect wild animals, tigers are not our own people to create a South China tiger, an inspiration to us some. All this, including the National Wildlife Federation staff you guys, all you experts, will enhance efforts to write history, is very, very respectable, but in the current wave of technology, science and technology in this doctrine that the supremacy of science and technology context, Fang Min's efforts to care for wild animals, all of these people to care for the earth, I feel very very pale. And doctrine of this technology, I am very pale. Maybe I am pessimistic that we of this book is an elegy. We are now hanging their heads each of 3 tons of TNT. We are advancing the process of urbanization, the mountains old tree, a beautiful stone, should put the resources to plunder the city to have moved to the city hired as a landscape. Our housing service life of 70 years, the city of Beijing so much cement, 70 years later where to heap? Housing not how these cement consumption? I am very pessimistic, but then the voice of pessimism today, we discuss the book, some of our experts, the efforts of some people of insight are valuable I think, are our writers have a conscience should be large Shuteshude.
  He Xilai: I mean I have to say about expression. The first is the title of this book, I still agree now use the name Fang Min, "Panda epic" meritorious deeds have raised at the outset is not called "Panda Heaven", he is from a higher philosophical level, put forward such a proposal. This is inside such a composition, well-sensitive thinking, there we are now in the panda's protection and the protection induced by the panda out of these problems, many in fact no solution, so to ask who it? Asked the man of original sin, but simply that people do not sin. Ever raised a question Jiangong days, we all know that "Heaven" is the original work of Qu Yuan, Qu Yuan to raise so many questions, can not now be able to answer those questions very well, actually could not answer. But I think the value and significance of this book is that it is epic, I think the name got up nice. We are only applicable to the epic of early human society, the world famous Greek epic, and Homer's two epics, the two major epics of India, before the world that the Chinese are not epic, it mainly refers to the Poetry However, this conclusion can not, the experts also inconclusive. However, there are epic Tibetans, Mongolians are epic, the Uighur have epic, which now is a fact. On animals, in particular an animal, the panda. Write a literature about it, and named as epic, I think this is the first, because the only panda in China have and, therefore, from a human since the first, had not previously.
  The second is from this that give this book a rating, I think how to evaluate not too high. Because it is the first, that "Panda epic" is the character does not meet the requirements epic? I think that since it is open, and she is now set up a panda that she understood the character of epic owned. She pushes back the history of several years, resulting in divided into several stages, each stage has her flowers and flower, every stage has a story, then another link, I think from this point a literary point of view, it constitutes a basic character. She also is not just full of warmth, which is on the one hand, full of magnificent imagination, but she began to write at the beginning, when his grandfather, grandmother began to write them in order to obtain the right family line, and Panda fighting itself that is full of masculinity. So I think from the epic this perspective, one history, one is poetry. From this point of view of poetry I agree with a lot of people have said, is that it is like an essay. I think Fang Min, as a writer of poetry written in the eyes of her own to complete the epic.
  Of documentary and fiction, I still prefer a very strong documentary work. Fang Min also written novels, she had written a lot like the original "mass extinction" These are novel, but this book, some of them have imagined. The imaginary part of the literature and reportage with documentary-like in style on how to find points of convergence, this I am more in favor of just said, this part is not possible prehistoric writer to interview, and she got the material can only be excavated from the underground fossil, the fossil is only in the weeks Valley store, she is based paleontologist, anthropologist and other results of their study, the results of scientific research carried out according to rational thought. She was a fiction, it simply is fiction, I do not think exactly, should be called reasonable to imagine, because the documentary literature of which can be the basis of all the materials necessary to imagine. In fact reportage is also inseparable from imagination, even if you go to an interview, he tells you where that day I have a tree, but that what happened under the trees, which are needed to fill. So on the prehistoric stage, I think reading fiction should be done, we can as a fairy tale or myth to read. Marx on the myth of human history, he said the ancient Greek mythology, is the history of the ancient Greeks, but also ancient Greek polytheism. So I think the history of the imagination before the panda, it is possible and allowed. I always thought that reportage is not fiction, this precedent can not be opened, but should be able to imagine. Scientists also need imagination, or that there is no scientific hypothesis. So scientists wanted to see the first one has no scientific imagination, so I feel that this has proved this point, so I agree that this is reportage, documentary literature in the writing of which there is a tension, there is an extension of this style need to imagine.
  Second, I think this is a very prominent side Mintel points works out to see her this work together as a whole, I seen it, so much material, so many scenes, so many of the people, so many character panda, how to integrate into an artistic whole, you see the future, at least I do not think after I read these materials scattered in particular, is not able to form a thing, I think there are still looked after the arts the overall effect. Structure is basically smooth, jump from the prehistoric to the present. Wenxindiaolong which said the law created, he said, can be thought of a Thousand Years. Fang Min is the thinking here, take hundreds of thousands of set, in such a scope to support her imagination, what would? Writers rely on the strength of the main body, through her heart. Behind her, and finally she said such a sentence or two, said she is not only their feet measured, and is 用心去感受. I think this is very important. In this work which you can see, which wrote a scape in the Fu River, in Shaanxi wrote elf, elves are not the panda, the child is the flow of the two nose, rubbing her paper to the kids, kids smell That paper is very fragrant and children require the paper gave her, but she can not party all the sensitive paper gave him, his sensitivity to the other party not out of paper. Then went on to write the panda on, and then a turn back, so write very freely. Report writer, documentary writer is actually seven interviews, three writing, interview that writing is a lot of manual labor together, it is to go deep into the first line. Eat the same meal. Just say the flies off the floor, but also eating pickles pimple. On the one hand, really went to the first line, which has written to Wang Menghu These are very touching, and today the hero has come to our site. So I think this is very important to complete the epic, epic is epic reason is that it is not a simple narrative. But the hero to his narrative to write in, Marx read over every year and the Greek tragedy and epic, so he can have on the ancient Greek epic, such a high opinion, that is the reason.
  So here you can see it on this big bearing, she is in contact with the pandas were interviewed them, to their whole life has been dedicated to the protection of wild animals, protection of giant pandas, from the experts until the breeder, until managers, their pandas live in the house cleaning of those details, she received her eyes. There is thus a kind that we now need a heart. Original sin of mankind is in fact a kind of her own feelings on this endangered panda is the situation, as human beings in fact you do you have with the original sin of the redemption of these, you are salvation Panda, in fact you salvation is your own soul. Means that we deal with this issue, the panda, we need to save our own souls, not just rescue the panda, panda, while in the ambulance to save our own souls with the spirit to come back. She talked about it inside to de Grace, we all know in our formulation is the traditional day of En Zude which she put in this place is Grace to Germany. Grace to Germany made by a cat-oriented in her that which was made by the cat-oriented, she in front of the other side of that is people-centered, when we put people first when it comes to people-centered concept, initially proposed is not covered and the natural relationship harmony, in fact in Western industrial civilization now, in the early stages of industrial civilization, the development of industrial civilization since the Middle Ages as a call to raise the initial bearer of the flag, people awakening, human values, human-centered. However, human-centered itself is exclusive, so when we write the ecological literature we have to consider when an additional factor that can not be the whole world is completely human-centered. Of course, we were now at the center, people in the conquest of the natural position, but people need salvation, human-centered have to add the other. But the whole world if all do not mess with the cat as the center line, but the pipe should be of course a cat a cat as the center, those who serve the people, of course cat to cat as the center, we can only bring us to the concept of people-oriented extension to the harmonious , and open them to the field of Human DBH. I feel that the line drawing, to replace the handle next to the next is the white of the anti-dog. He was more pessimistic, he thought it was dirge, I do not think so. Panda is now out of thousands of years down the line. Fang also wrote that the last panda Chen-chen, Chen-chen, or dead last, but the experts still think that it can develop independently. So I think this should be the panda's epic life, I think we should take an optimistic look at the eyes of man and nature is now to explore the development of our ecological literature, and Fang Min is doing such a example.
  Fang Min can be said that she had her 12 years of Love, experience or even all of her feelings into the body of the panda, especially feelings, which I think her feelings on the panda, a writer on the feelings of the object creation, this input is a rare, rare. Fan Yong Ge just said that the long list of list of eco-environmental protection, are all men. I also think now we are engaged in eco-environmental protection, very few women writers, had a few, fiction writers can freely fly in the sky, feet on the ground reportage writer must go step by step, so the works of a writer so hard to create, I do not say the other, I expressed admiration.
  I told her creative approach is very admirable, documentary literature in the use of such anthropomorphic, romantic performance practices. And she is in person into the place where pandas live, and then dig so much historical data, so many of the previous research results, and then a literary way, and this expression means the first person to fall into their own history and reality life, and then lead the reader to look back, review the evolution of the panda, the panda has been to contribute to the cause of many of many of these experts and scholars. So it makes readers feel that a kind of intimacy, a kind of as if they were to this place, in particular, and those who write history, evolution Di story, Baokuo pandas have a lot of contributions of these experts, to China, the Western experts, in particular, is wearing Victoria Father, so some of the story, the reader quite a sense of freshness, this technique can enhance the performance of an interest in reading the reader, that is readable, literary, historical writing to live, to live a real life writing. But there is one, the authenticity of documentary literature, I believe that Comrade Fang, prehistoric, history, the evolution of these after the pandas to imagine that these fairy tale-like description, these stories, she should have very solid scientific historical basis, otherwise so that her imagination, and even wrote a very fine very fine story, so imagine that with the novel should be somewhat different. Documentary reportage literature in particular, is that authenticity and the authenticity of novel, sensitive side in this because I think the proposed creation of a new problem, this historical, scientific basis of this imagination, this detailed description, feelings of psychological description is, how true it is? Because of this thing, we participated in a lot of work seminars, like the first time this question seems to come across. Therefore, sensitive side in this regard in this book have a lot of their innovations. Another creative approach to this problem so I will mention a view. I do not say.
  Shao-Jun: The first I pay tribute to the Fang Min. Second, I am grateful, because she learned a lot from this book what I also touch a lot of things I think she actually wrote the panda's natural evolution, she called epic. I think she was such an epic process, her own thinking, I feel her touch I think things are a lot of things. Panda can say yes that effectively protect the human ecology philosophy Wen Ti, this is a reflection of human civilization, human beings into the damage caused and then again a progressive philosophy. But in fact I feel she is also reflection Fang ecological philosophy itself, which I think is very valuable, including her last original sin. In fact I think these things are a lot of things touch, because I was also very interested in ecological philosophy. First of all I was thinking what it means panda, panda now has more than one species concept, and it is also a symbol of human intellectual development is a time period to sign that we have entered into self-awareness, awareness of human civilization itself such a sign, but it is still behind the narrative of the main means of human, just like her book There is a saying, "If we do not protect the panda, panda this species to extinction, we will be the sinner," she's the conclusion or sinner. Of course, save the panda or save the human himself, the core of her or his humanity. After all she did not actually get rid of the human center of the basis for such a thought. I think the panda is actually a highly specialized diet of an animal, which is a product of natural diversity that these two centuries, mankind has discovered 150 species should be more than one million, and prove that the diversity of nature is, but it also has a per-hour species disappear every year ten thousands of Biological left us. This thing is very complicated, not just the evil consequences of human civilization, this is a law of nature and the earth before the humans actually told us many, many species are destroyed, including the dinosaurs, I think students and the death of nature itself is a natural evolutionary process. Life is precious, in fact, death is precious, and it is the law of nature. So why do we save the giant panda? In fact, this has become a symbol of, and behind it may still be dominated anthropocentrism in our thinking. Why save the panda? Because the panda is the star, is a great national treasure. An unknown species, we will not to save? We grew very familiar, including fireflies, in fact, this species essentially extinct. Beijing scientists have done a survey, Xiangshan nearby Firefly, Firefly melon is a fatal thing. So I think many, including I read this book is also an internal review.
  I will talk about two points, that is, it does not meet the recommendations or call. She used to write the panda is a literary way, this is very readable. But I think there might be some scientific basis for better, for example, on the ancient panda saved humanity such details, but this should probably have some scientific basis, for example, we excavated fossils, or scientists, some of the conjecture. Because I think Panda features of this species, it decided that she was far away from humans, that may be the natural evolution of her history it is nothing like human beings, including human ancestors, may have been unrelated. So in the middle of such a process of human civilization has not left the slightest trace of pandas. Among you mean that even a little there is available in a certain period of time can the panda as a totem of human things, actually felt like I should be no relationship, a species from the characteristics of the panda, I feel like this . If you imagine such a case, if there is some scientific basis to make if it, and I think probably would be better.
  This is certainly the second, a mistake that you are writing reports to the central beat the crisis of the panda's such an environment, you talk directly addressed to President, to see whether his pipe. At that time the Cultural Revolution in 1970, when there is no President, and President Lin Biao incident or even an important reason, want to set up President. I think this is not a letter to the President, or to the Central or a letter to Chairman Mao. Only in respect of this small problem, I wanted to say.
  Quarter red true: I've known for years and Fang Min is because the common interest, she wrote everything I read, I had this book very seriously, first of all I wish He Fangmin, the results significantly, the first 2 is remarkable. The book I very, very shocked, as an old friend for many years I had her with admiration. I think this is a revelation that she was such a crossover style that takes the family stories and "I" of the story such cross. I think this style, such a structure, ground-breaking, no one has ever used that way before, but this in itself made clear how the kind of people into the history, particularly how the kind of access to cultural history, and how kind of access to natural history. So I think this style is very successful. In addition to animal-based narrative, wrote an epic scale that is unprecedented. The book inside the structure as such, although the story of a species, the panda is panda migration, its evolution, he's such a long process endangered. But it is the revelation of the relationship between man and nature. Another is that I did not actually participated in the Wildlife Conservation Society, had just attended last year, but I participated in many natural environmental action, but also the sidelines this activity, so issues like environmental protection should also be said to be thinking more long time , so that her inspiration, the relationship between man and nature of this revelation, and is full of poetic Revelation. The relationship between man and nature, and I think this does not conflict with the people-oriented, you should focus on people, first of all to pay attention to the relationship between man and nature, as the late 19th century, precisely when the development of Western capitalism developed, when Engels wrote an article that is reminder of the human nature of each of the march madness of nature are subject to retaliation. He wrote the example of Asia Minor, this piece of farmers have cut down the trees as the land, the results have now become a barren place. There is also a club in Rome, at the beginning, when many people think that this is alarmist, but soon came the revenge of nature. So I think she Fang by such a way, her thinking is the core of animal ethics, this is a side-man and the international trend is contact. Fang Min able to write it, I think this knowledge structure is too wide, and it is the oldest conservation biology, so this is what I have great respect for her point.
  Secondly, I think this is a Confession, is that it is like Jesus, Fang Min is for all of humanity to animals repentance, confession to the natural, biological repentance to all. Confessions in the inside, I think this is the writer thinking of all the tentacles of the biological works of the most in-depth. Because the whole nineteenth century to the twentieth century, Western culture, art thought the most basic problem is that criticism of modern civilization, Fang Min is not only a critique of modern civilization, but also questioned the human civilization, is about the discovery of fire. She said that because man discovered the fire to make harmonious coexistence of human beings from the world came out, so that mankind enjoyed the privilege, the privilege of mankind continues to expand, and then continue to destroy. Because we can see a lot of myths which, so some day commit a sin, some people do evil, such as Marie Curie, she discovered radium, she felt able to use this material contact with people suffering, the result of the substance being applied to the atomic bomb above. But the confession Fang have a national standard, that is, to bring the Western capitalist countries in general the consequences are shared by all mankind, so the original sin of which she spoke of in front of a lot of terrible events, are due to for their evil deeds. She's such a sense of original sin is based on fear, is fear for the premise of human evil, the fear is the fear of being punished, although the law does not sanction, but is subject to natural sanctions.
  Participate in this will be my first time in my entire life will be this type, three units, in particular, Writers, I have not dipped in the edge Wildlife Association, an association of our peers, I have attended them alone The Council said that if a wild, wild animal protection association set up for me and CHEN hand up, and finally they took us a good set up kicked to one side, which is our Chinese characteristics. Chongqing Publishing Group that I have not contacted the three units that engage in a joint seminar Fang Min's documentary literary masterpiece "Panda epic", I was the first time. So sensitive to the side on the phone I have to say, I participated in this meeting, the new wife on the sedan chair with two words, two words that insight, to see how this scene is going on, after the word is to learn. I have this purpose. Knowledge, and by so many prestigious morning, the home, that home is home, really learned a lot. So my feelings about this seminar discussion the book is indeed a discussion, and speeches are all home were Wing-sie, so both seminars, the form again in Wing-sie. The back is also a famed singing session, I listened to nice. Because they are words, the language of the yin and yang, frustrated, mildly tune, I really think that singing than famous, is said to sing a song of the woman, or man to sing, sing a song to give him a lot a lot of million, so we become the biggest names, but today I want to hear the song form.
  The second sentence I would say is that too few works, such works are in need of such a work to do to give people inspiration, and give people think.
  I think of that is now the third sentence to the date the protection of giant pandas still at the critical stage, China is now the number of endangered species is continuing to increase significantly. The current process in the protection of giant pandas, the original number of threats and factors not yet completely eliminated before, and now with our economic and social development, the new threats to the protection of giant pandas still continue to develop with, and intensified. My first words to me make a simple comment that Fang Min said these people work inside these things, what knowledge should be said that I always know, or write this I have a lot of people inside is very familiar, but it is really sensitive side than I made in this respect a greater contribution, that is, these things she through a clever combination of her artistic creation, can reflect a kind of popularity, more people to accept the history, be able to see the inside of the problem, to thinking. That too few of these works, we, as the WWF had supported helped Fang Min done some number of giant panda survey in the mingling process, we still hope in this process, especially for some scientific knowledge understanding, we can still sensitive to some side support. There is that we now need to attach to these issues of concern, we do not rely on these things we call a few slogans got these problems can be solved. These 问题 is inevitable to produce, and as human development, in the process how do we do? We should start from each one of us, through our own activities, how to meet the sustainable development of our natural resources to the finite and infinite nature of human needs, how to run some Xiediao. In this case we may be able to solve some problems, but not able to solve all problems. Fang Min, in this regard gives us something to think about the platform, and gives us some of this problem, these issues are worth thinking about. I wanted to say.
  Peng Xueming: is that old saying, there are many expert teachers have no chance to speak, once again apologize to you expert teachers. The weather today is very good, sunny, in this time we had a sensitive side "Panda epic" works seminar was very happy. The experts and scholars, in his busy schedule to participate in seminars, other works were highly sensitive assessment and recognition, it was agreed that the works of Fang is the reality and history of the image recording, the philosophy of human and nature notes, is Literature and the soul of life, the dialogue is not only literature, science, the epic of good works, this work will lead to more of our nature, human destiny is closely related to the concerns and thoughts. More to awaken our love for nature, value and protection. Seminar was very successful, very successful, we again thank you to our experts and teachers, academics, special thanks to the busy schedule to join us in this session to protect our animals and make a significant contribution to a number of natural wildlife Society for the Protection of experts and teachers. We also hope that more writers and critics to pay attention to nature, human beings, concerned about our fate of human society and nature and to think, more animals for our endorsement, a natural spokesperson. Thank you!
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