现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Wang Xiaofeng

Read works of Wang Xiaofeng at 散文天地
  In 1990 graduated from the China University of Politics and Economic Law. School or distracted, like on the rock, not the law after graduation, "according to," but got into the media, more than a decade, those who have done the place called the media. Editor of "Guide to European and American pop music," a book published in 1999. Critics Essays "is not what I Fire" recently published by the authors. Now the "Life Week," journalist, writer, well-known blog, blog Former "Massage Milk", is now "no association." Early years was a well-known music critic, in September 2004 to begin writing blog, blog "Massage Milk" blog won the international competition in Germany in 2005 best Chinese-language news blog Gold, who created the film's first blog, "Xiao Qiang Adventure", and launched blog book "Do not think."
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