现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
现代中国  (1969 AD)
Township: 高雄
Enjoy songs and music of mai at 乐岛
  Original name: Chen says
  English Name: mai
  Nickname: Asia and Asia
  Birthday: December 22, 1969
  Constellation: Capricorn
  Height: 158cm
  Weight: 45kg
  Blood Type: AB
  Place of Birth: Kaohsiung
  Family members: parents, a brother and a younger brother, husband, Chih-Peng Chang, the son of Zhang Yu (voice yù, meaning: pay close attention) was born in 2007, the first month started this.
  Home Ranking: youngest
  Education: High School, National Chung Hsing
  Personality: soft on the outside on the inside
  Hobbies: housework, reading, travel
  Favorite Sports: Walking
  Favorite season: Autumn
  Favorite snack: pudding, jelly, Yakult
  Favorite singer: Rita (Israeli singer)
  Favorite animal: small dogs, pandas, penguins (another version is: puppy, panda, silkworms)
  Favourite countries: Canada, Japan
  Most want to do: Tamkang University
  Fear most: life is change
  The most difficult thing: the edge of death
  Fear reactions: serious tension
  Angry way: dignified silence
  Learned or are good at talent: guitar, piano, Dunhuang Dance
  Biggest dream: promote Buddhism, the interests of all beings
  Related Websites
  Meng Tingwei official website (the moon to speak): http://www.moontalk.com.tw/
  Meng Tingwei Baidu posts it: http://post.baidu.com/f?kw =% C3% CF% CD% A5% CE% AD
  Bear Star (Meng Tingwei brokerage company) official website: http://www.ursa-major.org/
  Mengting Wei Sina blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/mengtingwei
  About Meng Tingwei
  Have we thought about her collection of memories will be forever in the memory, have we gone through in her singing dreams of a glorious era, occasionally reading, listening, riding her music for the time being to leave the real world.
  Mengting Wei is definitely one of the 90's good, that is full of soul-stirring love Qiongyao Shi, San Mao-style of the wandering infinitely fascinating era, we listen to her "you look you see the moon's face," to listen to her "Winter in Taipei see the rain "..., the music those memories so precious, who accompanied us through, and will have to keep going.
  Over the years, many young idols one by one coming out, who over the years but never as pure as her ethereal us moving.
  Separated by four years, Asia and Asia back, with her still the clearest voice, gorgeous smile in the face. Dressed in new clothes in 2005, but singing the same elegant and gentle love songs, so Asia and Asia, may seem strange familiar, the same is her enduring delightful.
  In 2005 we again hear her song, she seemed never disappeared. Like the night I walked on, occasionally looked up and saw a bright moon, slightly hidden in the trees, Guanghua clean.
  Suddenly we meet, the rise of total happiness.
  Meng Tingwei Resume
  1989 Suzuki motorcycle ad performance.
  May publish first solo album, "In fact I still do care."
  November publication of the second album "growth."
  September publication of the third album "You see, you see the moon's face."
  This album sold more than 500,000 in Taiwan, Asia, total sales figures more than 5 million, for the Meng Tingwei personal singing career turning point, this album also won her "Moon Princess" nickname.
  Should be invited to perform at the Golden Bell Award as the unit plays "last train" the play's heroine, high school students performed the play Meng Tingwei to four-year-old from a middle-aged women. The play also received the annual Golden Bell Awards for Best Picture.
  May published its fourth album, "Winter to Taipei to see rain."
  The album sold 400,000 in Taiwan. She and the "winter to see the rain in Taipei," "Silent Rain", "Do you think you see the moon's face," three songs short-listed in Hong Kong, "Singer" in Mandarin Jade Solid Gold, and short-listed in Hong Kong "Jade Solid song "Ten new awards finalists.
  February published its fifth album, "Who's tears in the fly."
  This album sales in Taiwan, once again break 500,000.
  November issue of the sixth solo album, "Wind in flower rain clouds do." This album won her the title of natural singer.
  Meng Tingwei personal army first concert was held in Hsinchu, Hukou.
  Ministry of National Defense (Taiwan) held the first time in the armed forces always combine "military Lover" selection activities by six weeks of voting, Meng Tingwei topped the list, won the top "military lover" the title.
  Zhenjiang, China in December should the economy Radio invited to participate in its platform in Zhenjiang celebrate sports performance.
  Fujian TV station in January should be invited to record New Year special programs.
  Published in August 7th album "The Age of Innocence" folk album.
  Officially joined the Sony Music SONY MUSIC TAIWAN.
  January block radio show host "everyone happy city." To Mengting Wei for the first time as a radio show host, program content is excellent disabled access to public welfare-oriented programs.
  Beijing Central Television in February should be invited to participate in the annual event, "Spring Festival", the only invitees Taiwan Meng Tingwei, singing "Wind in flower rain clouds do." Hong Kong singers Andy Lau.
  March publication of the eighth solo album, "true or false."
  Chan Lian Department of Defense awarded the "Army of Lovers" award.
  April should be the Republic of China Disabled People's Talent Development Association was invited, and Dong Zhicheng partner as the "Golden Chi Award" ceremony host. Kim Chi Award, the nation's first award in recognition of the disabled mother.
  June went to Cambridge, UK Study Tour.
  March publication of the ninth solo album, "Mind made sign language."
  October hosted massive UFO show "Little Prince Rose met." Content in the form of Notes.
  Tianjin TV station should be invited in December to participate in "Spring Festival" performances.
  March publication of personal 10th album, "second rainbow."
  July hosted massive Taichung National Radio show "naked sun moon." Content to play world music, movies, music-based, and there Mengting Wei to guitar on the unit.
  August should be the Taiwan Television and Shanghai Oriental TV was invited to participate in "a thousand miles of cicada Juan" Mid-Autumn evening activities. TTV line that night and do satellite live.
  September shooting LD debut eight years of review issued in mainland China.
  October officially join the dog-friendly labels.
  May in China, including Shanghai, Nanjing, Kunming, more than 20 cities and hosted radio programs to open up, "Asia and Asia to see the world." Went to China, Changzhou, Changchun, Kunming held "Asia and Asia to see the world" meeting will be broadcast to their listeners.
  July Shouyao Zhi Penghu prison inmates to visit with them singing the same music.
  In August at the recording studio to join the new team's first album.
  November to join a friendly dog first album "Lovers" was published.
  December and all the artists shared a friendly dog to participate in the Taipei Daan Forest Park by the "Earth Women Want" public concert. In Taichung A sister PUB, PUB, Kaohsiung Jurassic hold two "love song" mini concert.
  February Beijing Xidan audiovisual World "Lovers" signings
  May "99 Mengting Wei Zhejiang Personal Tour" officially began, the first stop in Shanghai Hongkou Stadium, a total of 37,000 spectators; Ryan Wenzhou, Huangyan Zhejiang Yueqing, and held concerts resumes.
  September Shouyao Zhi participate Fishing Festival Ningbo large-scale performance events, as guest performers, and promote marine environmental issues.
  In November to participate in Nanning, Guangxi Nanning Municipal Government organized by the Ethnic Arts Festival, the first major party activities.
  October Taiwanese first album, "Love to Shih Yen-wen" issue.
  In December announced its withdrawal from pop.
  By the end of December, Nanning farewell fan club
  December 31, Yunnan farewell fan club
  In November the first Buddhist music "Amitabha" issue.
  October 22 was invited to Beijing Great Wall charity performance the same song, singing "Prayer." (At very low temperature. Yaya sister played close to 0:00 pm)
  January second Buddhist Music "Heart Sutra" issue.
  Widely held in September to participate in the fifth grade concert for the first time after nearly two months singing pop songs, to help Taizheng Xiao-hsiang concert album title song "both sides" by the Rolling Stones album released in mainland China.
  October should be President of the Asia-Pacific Association of the Disabled Deng invited to visit Shenyang, Liaoning Province at the "Eternal Love" Benefit Dinner
  November 2 should be invited to visit Shanghai Oriental Television, Zhejiang Jian source involved in the Huangpu River "come together" a large public party
  November 16 went to participate in the first South Sea Putuo Guanyin, the "Haitian Buddhist, lotus sung" singing songs in concert, singers invited to Taiwan only Mengting Wei and Yu Chyi.
  January 7 to participate in the Shanghai Oriental Television, "the beloved under the blue sky," a large public charity dinner
  April 18 to attend the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, Ministry of Culture, is jointly sponsored the "Love China" the world's best original music song Chinese large-scale concert. World tour first stop was held in Suzhou City Sports Center. Mengting Wei, SHE, Fei Yu, Shabao Liang, Zhu Hong, Chang, Hung Liang, Zhou Hui, Yu Chengqing singers such as Hong Kong and Taiwan and mainland China will participate in this concert.
  July 25, married and middle school students for sight, in high school alma mater, ZTE wedding.
  September 17 Shanghai Oriental TV Entertainment Channel to be invited by recording "family studio."
  September 26 Rongchang Chongqing government should be invited to participate in the "China Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Forum Science and Technology of Chongqing City, China Investment and Trade Fair for the third," as large-scale variety show entertainers.
  September 29 to participate in the CCTV "The Same Song" into the Hubei Shiyan, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of large-scale Dongfeng Motor Show.
  September 30 to participate in the CCTV "The Same Song" into the Yangzhou.
  October 21 to participate in the Central Taiwan "Same Song" into Yuhang.
  December, 4 years of absence singer, joined Virgin Records, on December 21 return to Beijing held a press conference.
  December 22 (yaya birthday), Beijing filming "Who do you want the time alone" MV
  January 7 won the Shanghai Oriental TV star held the first family of the ten most romantic happy family award
  January 28 signing Virgin debut album, "safflower" Issue
  June 15 at his alma mater, ZTE AM 10:30 78 high school graduation in 2005, and received the title of Distinguished Graduates
  September 16 CCTV Mid-Autumn evening, singing "moon flower good"
  October 28 the same song into Jinan
  January 10 Wuhan Evening Daily Group liquor group
  January 15 Fuzhou: China Mobile decade celebrations
  West Lake in Hangzhou on April 22: "Happy China" World Leisure Expo Opening Night
  July China Mobile wireless starter "happiness" on-line
  September Bear Star debut album, "happiness" issue
  September 17, Shandong Rongcheng Rong Cheng Square Happy Chinese line
  October 9 cum Hubei Province, Hubei Wuchang Wuhan City, the Red House Museum commemorate the 1911 Revolution 95th Anniversary Conference
  October 18 Jiaxing, Zhejiang performance
  October 19th performance in Kunming, Yunnan
  October 20 outward Mak Di Beijing "happiness" at the new album release
  October 20 CCTV2 "Tonight" show recording weekend extended version
  October 21 "good housewife" magazine shoot
  October 22 Jinan, Shandong fan club
  Feb. 18 gave birth to the son of Zhang Yu
  May 6 Xining Happy Chinese line
  19 May Ninghai travel section to open the fifth Xu
  August 6 Kaiyang National Rally Ceremony
  August 15 InterContinental Hotel in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Baoxiniao Dealers Association
  Dandong, Liaoning Province on September 22 fun five continents, the Yalu River International Festival
  October 18 Gaoyou fourth Gaoyou Festival
  October 25 GTV 10:00 Alumni Association
  October 26 Olympic cultural party Zhejiang Pinghu
  November 16 Buddhist music concert held in Suzhou, Jiangsu
  November 18 Nanchuan Happy Chinese line
  December 15 Yunfu fan club
  January 6 Xuzhou Charity Event
  February 19, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Bird Group invited by the good news
  May 24) (Million Star program
  May 31 concert will be held in Taipei color dreams
  June 7 Mr. Liao Fengde Chengchi University, Taipei memorial concert
  June 12 local eighth lobster Jiangsu Cultural Festival Xuyi
  July 8, Xi'an played the strongest voice sounds of nature
  August 27th Urumqi Li-Hyun Kim endorsements
  September 11 I Love Peach Blossom Spring, eight TV
  September 16 Jinan, Shandong Li-Hyun Kim endorsements
  October 1 business speech in Singapore
  Meng Tingwei Album list
  In September 2006 of "happiness"
  January 28, 2005, "saffron" Virgin Music
  Buddhism in January 2003 album "Heart Sutra" culture of Hong Hai
  Buddhism in April 2002 album, "Amitabha," the driving force record (mainland unissued)
  2000, 10 platform language album, "Love to Shih Yen-wen" friendly dog (mainland unissued)
  November 1998 "Lovers" dog-friendly
  March 1998 Beatles song + "Meng Tingwei sound box on" Sony Music (with 4 port white, Africa, Asia and Asia read white, is Sony's colleague Li Wei)
  March 1997 folk album, "second Rainbow" Sony Music
  March 1996 compilation "moon speech" on the Chinese record
  March 1996 "Heart made sign language," Sony Music
  March 1995, "true or false," Sony Music
  August 1994 folk music album, "The Age of Innocence," the Chinese records
  Nov. 1993, "the wind made the rain clouds with flowers" on the Chinese records
  February 1993 "Who's tears in the fly," the Chinese records
  January 1992 "winter to see the rain in Taipei," China Star Records
  September 1991 "You see, you see the moon's face," China Star Records
  November 1990 "growth" (the mainland release tape called "day and night like you") on the cell recordings
  May 1990 "In fact I still do care about" (Asia and Asia's first album) on cell recording
  Other Collection
  1995 "Diamond Beatles" on the Chinese record
  Dog-friendly collection, "Girl, Interrupted"
  Most Popular Tracks
  1. No lover's Valentine's Day 2. The wind in flower rain clouds do 3. You really have some good younger sister 4. Winter to Taipei to see the rain 5. Shy rose quietly opened
  6. Who's tears in the fly 7. You see the moon you see the face of eight. Hurt your heart of my heart 9. A romantic who fell in love 10. Brave New World
  All Albums
  "In fact I still do care about"
  1. In fact, I still do care about 2. And biscuits speaker 3. Love you know 4. Castle 5. Last season
  6. Silent flower 7. I tell lies are really 8. Love you know how to love you after 9. Not the gentle 10. At the moment after
  11. Not want to forget 12. Hey! Friend
  1. Day and night to you 2. You are the person I should not close to 3. Wipe away your tears 4. Flying dream 5. The most moving
  6. Heart journey 7. If you do not love me 8. Please leave me before I cry 9. Film after 10. Can not help but kiss you
  "You see, you see the face of the moon"
  1. You look you see the moon's face 2. Falling 3. Do not let you see my tears 4. Out of love 5. A sad person
  6. Purple Huanhua 7. A romantic who fell in love 8. Who says you can only have in my life 9. Pained favorite 10. No
  "Winter to Taipei to see the rain"
  1. Winter to Taipei to see the rain 2. Silent rain 3. Transfer him to do what you 4. No lover's Valentine's Day 5. Liangxiaowucai
  6. Yaya Yaya and 7. Eccentric 8. Centre Hong Kong 9. Millennium bride 10. Wait for the bloom
  "Who's tears in the fly"
  1. Who's tears in the fly 2. The wind in a dream 3. You really have some good younger sister 4. Shy rose quietly to open 5. A lovelorn puppet
  6. Autumn tears 7. Incarnation as the sea 8. Juniors III 9. Originally thought this life 10. This season long
  "The wind has to do flowers rain cloud"
  1. The wind in flower rain clouds do 2. You listen to the sea is not laughing 3. Forget 4. Not happy lover 5. By worries to the wind by month
  6. It does not rain on the sun 7. Who dinner 8. And said the shadow 9. Presentiment 10. I remember the direction of the wind
  "The Age of Innocence"
  1. Past 2. Go my love 3. Walking in the rain 4. Monocrotaline also spring 5. Kapok Road 6. Dreams and Poems 7. White screens girl
  8. Occasional 9. How can 10. We must say goodbye to 11. Gold Thread 12 Choice shoes
  "True or false"
  1. True or false 2. Love you too real 3. The possibility of love 4. Unwilling a person 5. Winter
  6. Spring Snow 7. Default 8. To miss sustenance far away 9. Leihai 10. Love stay
  "Heart made sign language"
  1. Morning 2. Sign Language 3. Will mistake 4. Love the sea 5. Love the truth 6. Escape
  7. Telepathy 8. Who are you 9. No place to hide 10. Hurt, I hurt your heart 11. In my heart 12. Night
  "Moon Talk"
  1. Campus news that a special fast 2. You look you see the moon's face 3. Who's tears in the fly 4. Winter to Taipei to see the rain 5. It does not rain on the sun
  6. You listen to the sea is not laughing 7. Day and night like you 8. The wind to do with flowers rain cloud 9. You really have some good younger sister 10. Silent rain
  11. Falling 12. Transfer him to make you 13. Purple Huanhua 14. In fact, I still care about some
  "Second Rainbow"
  1. The answer 2. Second rainbow 3. Not too many 4. Gatha 5. Heaven
  6. Love Proverbs 7. Shiny day 8. Lock the memory 9. He was walking along the edge of the beach 10. In a distant end of the solo
  11. Every day sky blue 12. Deep white
  "Mengting Wei's Music Box"
  1. I will not forget 2. Rain, Joyful 3. Jealous 4. True or false 5. A new feeling 6. Will mistake 7. Second rainbow 8. Telepathy 9. Love stay 10. I never let you know 11. Love is not heard 12. Sign Language 13. default 14. not too many 15. hurt, I hurt your heart 16. shiny day 17. the truth of love
  1. A good lover 2. Hardship Love 3. Infighting 4. Lovers 5. Zebra
  6. Tomorrow 7. The right 8. Night confession 9. Like their 10. Crush
  "Love to Shih Yen-wen"
  1. Pink color of the convex bed, Aberdeen 2. Pretending to be romantic 3. To find a person 4. Strong For up sleeve of a robe note 5. Sky garden
  6. Love to Shih Yen-wen 7. If I 8. Brother 9. Softly, then 10. Know Shadow
  1. Meet Amitabha 2. Light guide 3. Obsession Amitabha 4. Theme for recollection 5. Prayer Amitabha 6. Brave New World 7. Amitabha
  "Heart Sutra"
  1. Heart Sutra (concert version) 2. Heart Sutra (Erhu) 3. Heart Sutra (pipa playing) 4. Heart Sutra (saxophone) 5. Heart Sutra (accompaniment) 6. Heart
  The (concert version)
  "Red flower"
  1. You see you see the moon's face 2. Quiet river of life slowly 3. I heard a piece of marine remote 4. Amber 5. Lonely when you want to know who
  6. Winter to Taipei to see the rain 7. Phoenix Wood 8. Shy rose quiet knock to open 9. To find a man of 10. Safflower
  "Diamond compilation"
  1. You think you see the moon's face two. Winter to Taipei to see the rain 3. You really have some good younger sister 4. In fact I still do care about 5. Kapok Road
  6. Transfer him to do what you 7. Day and night like you 8. Go play my love 9. White screens girls 10. It does not rain on the sun 11. I tell lies
  Are really 12. Choice 13. Hurt your heart I'm sad 14. Shy rose quietly to open 15. A love romantic
  16. No lover's Valentine's Day 17. Shiny day
  1. The wind to do with flowers rain clouds 2. Who's tears in the fly 3. Past 4. Purple Huanhua 5. You listen to the sea is not a laughing 6. Walking in the rain 7. Silent rain
  8. Falling 9. And biscuits speaker 10. Ya Ya and the Asia and Asia 11. Monocrotaline also spring 12. Love to know how to love you until you 13. Not happy
  Love 14. A person's grief 15. The wind of a dream 16. True or false 17. The truth of love
  1. Sign Language 2. By worries to the wind by 3 months. Heart journey 4. Second rainbow 5. Will mistake 6. Love is heard 7. A good lover 8. Jealous
  9. Lovers 10. Telepathy 11. If you do not love me 12. I remember the direction the wind is 13. Rain, Joyful 14. Who says my life can only
  Have you 15. Love Stay 16. Default 17. Waiting for bloom
  1. Your taste 2. Angel Song 3. Well 4. We Three 5. Butterfly flower
  6. Little Princess 7. During the day the stars 8. To live in my heart 9. Looking at your eyes and smile
  10. Angel Song (solo version) 10 Happiness (Guitar Version)
  Other Frequently Asked Questions
  ■ constellation sister on Asia and Asia:
  Yaya sister's birthday is Dec. 22. This day is just two constellation Sagittarius, and Capricorn handover point. According to Asia and Asia sister was born that year, that is, 1969 December 22 should be a Capricorn. The next years may be in a certain year, a year after the striker's return to Capricorn, as the sun and turn a year are somewhat different, so the impact on Constellation. Yaya sister also said that he was shot Mount Block, which means the two constellation synthesized. Many people this is the birthday, every year the transfer may be attributed to the different constellations. Therefore, the characteristics of an integrated two constellations.
  Thus Asia and Asia have striker unique romantic sister, but also the pragmatic Capricorn. With AB blood type is typical of the sensitive. Asia and Asia today, cute sister is friends ~
  ■ Asia and Asia held a number of concerts?
  Strictly speaking, a real concert tour 99 generation in Shanghai, the other are fan club. Such as Taipei "love song" fan club, Kunming, Yunnan singer fan club farewell, farewell pop music fan events in Nanning and Beijing's "Lovers" and other fan events.
  ■ VCD issue had only 99 of the "Shanghai Peace Concert Season"
  There Taipei "love song" fan club, but this is fan club can also be a small LIVE concert, and our usual sense of the concert is not exactly the same. Available in the market it should be a pirated VCD, which is recorded the participation of viewers sale.
  ■ "Mengting Wei's Music Box," where I read white is the yaya sister own it?
  Many people think it is, but actually Sony's Li Wei (Vivian) from earlier. But really, and yaya sister ultra sound like ah. Sony Records she was co-ordinating the Department's promotional Mandarin. Often to the voice. There is a relatively well-known, Jeff Chang's "From the beginning to now"
  ■ "Meng Tingwei" name of origin:
  Yaya sister list "Mengting Wei" is the company requested the fortune teller counted out for the Asia and Asia, when there are several names for the options, there is a "Meng Tingxuan" At the time the boss is like the name, but Asia and Asia that "Meng Tingxuan "The name is like a tea house, so the boss chose to respect the views of Asia and Asia," Meng Tingwei "name!
  The "reed", which many believe is the meaning reed or reed flowers, is a kind of white flowers. "Ting Wei" means a white garden flowers. Is Renruqiming it?
  ■ "yaya" name of origin:
  There are several claims, are more widely to say:
  1 restaurant singing folk songs, the fear of family knew, and wanted a name. Was like a writer called "Love Ya", so take the "Asian" character
  2 school days, Asia and Asia and another three girls is better. Class passing notes for fear of being caught after the Aipi teachers, so everyone played a code themselves. Asia and Asia give their sister to take the "yaya"
  ■ Some heartless pirates do piracy:
  "Blue Sky Cabin", which is more of a campus famous folk singers do not know, but do not know why the pirates said that Asia and Asia non-singing sister
  There are "Love Rose" is the Kao Sheng-mei's work
  "2001 reunion" album, I have this poster, posters look absolutely genuine, but the reality is not. Only some of the yaya sister songs (mostly "true or false," this album) a change of name, back on this album. As also "a person willing" to call "the perfect love." But another long-winded one: posters do really well ... ah ...
  And this one
  ■ Asia and Asia sister in the end there is no filmed, film and television work?
  Has starred in, won the Golden Bell Awards is the "last train"
  There should also be considered a bar, sub-fan circles it is generally regarded incoming count: Music Love Story "to find a person." Yaya sister playing inside a delivery member of the
  ■ Asia and Asia MV sister did issue a genuine CD-ROM:
  "Change" issue Company: Golden Leopard disc
  "Meng Tingwei Diamond Select" Release Company: Taiwan on the Chinese record
  ■ Asia and Asia sister filmed the MV ("change" in the MV is not taken into account and non-MV patchwork of other):
  "Six dreamsToday"
  "In fact I still do care about" Album: "and biscuits speaker"
  "Growth" Album: "day and night to you," "Heart of the Journey," "wipe your tears"
  "You see, you see the face of the moon" album: "You see, you see the moon's face," "Purple Huanhua"
  "Winter to Taipei to see Rain" album: "Winter to Taipei to see the rain," "Silent Rain", "Ya Ya and the Asia and Asia"
  "Who's tears in the fly," Album: "Who's tears in the fly," "you really have some good sister"
  "The wind has to do flowers rain cloud" album: "the wind made the rain clouds have flowers," "you listen to the sea is not laughing," "it does not rain the sun"
  "The Age of Innocence" Album: "past", "Go, my love"
  "True or false" Album: "true or false", "default"
  "Heart made sign language" Album: "sign language", "telepathy"
  "Second Rainbow" album: "second Rainbow" and "not too much"
  "Lovers" Album: "Good Lover", "difficulties Love," "Lovers," "Tomorrow"
  "Love to Shih Yen-wen" Album: "find a person," "pretending to be romantic"
  "Amitabha" Album: "Prayer Amitabha," "met Amitabha"
  "Safflower" Album: "You see you see the face of the moon (2005 version)", "quiet life slowly River", "amber", "Who do you want when alone" (location: Beijing East urban land tax alley "reindeer Bar"), "red flower"
  "Happiness" Album: "You smell," "Angel Song", "happiness", "day star"
  And Tai Zhengxiao "both sides"
  ■ Purple Huanhua special meaning (switched from music heaven):
  I want music to Taiwan June 25, 2001, programs in Asia and Asia on the album "You see, you see the moon face" presentation (based on sound input):
  This song does, your "You see you see the moon's face," the album inside. The song is called "Purple Huanhua."
  Purple Huanhua It also has a story Oh. Many people ask me why it is called purple Huanhua, in fact, a matter of fact I have not read, I have not seen what kind of flower, but said that it is long in the lake, long a plant at the water's edge . Told me we were planning this is the case, he said that we have heard the story of Narcissus is not in the Greek mythology which has a very pretty boys like is that thing in a very narcissistic, he is not often stand next to the lake looked at his reflection, then he turned it into a narcissus Well. So they say the meaning of Narcissus is very narcissistic, in the Greek mythology.
  So in the Chinese legend, there is a flower called aster, in fact, the word should read "Yun", before there was something called Aster grass. Aster that thing and then do it to say it has a lover left a long time ago, so in this fall, autumn, late autumn, when he will open the purple flowers, and then wait for the wandering soul of love, so called "back to the soul grass. " Aster grass such thing.
  So now we hear this song, it is not called Narcissus, Aster is not known, it is called purple Huanhua. Purple Huanhua's mean? That is the kind of girl to be water washed as normal, very gorgeous, and then a light glowing purple, like the kind of general depression narcissus. Then "Low" is just a word pronunciation only. Whether or purple Aster Fortune hunters, that's actually a kind of spirit is a very persistent very loyal kind of a very chilling feeling this.
  ■ Asia and Asia's remake of a Japanese:
  1, Asia and Asia to issue Japanese album?
  Originally planned, but for various reasons has not been released. But Asia and Asia over his sister in a radio program, have let a Japanese singles
  2, yaya sister cover the number of Japanese singles?
  "Lovers", the Japanese singer UA (pronounce as: Gordon ah) of the same songs
  After listening to love yaya sister. However, due to UA and friendly dog with the feast (as is the UA of a specific song to allow a dog-friendly cover of a singer, but to a single. But not as the main issue of the final), UA decided not to own works to the singer's dog friendly. But the yaya sister is like, so personally invited to write songs. UA was very moved, so there was this person first yaya sister lyrics of "Lovers"
  At that time, news reports said that "lover" is the yaya sister's boyfriend works written for the original. Because one day yaya sister suddenly in the coffee shop (or other places, because it is somewhere) met the original boyfriend (also said to be first love, are not the same). Both men have very different and original. The report also said that Asia and Asia, and his sister was about ready to go when faced performances of the stage makeup. Because the feeling was yaya wrote "Lovers": you and me in the past, has been in the past. Is a true reflection of the mood.
  "Would rather a person", the Japanese singer Tamaki Koji work. "I was O-Aries," the theme song.
  Koji Tamaki sister listened to the voice of Asia and Asia, then decided to send this song to the yaya sister, royalties and other matters are not decided by the company to green light. So much charm yaya sister! ! !
  "Love, STAY", is "true or false" album in a song, a cover of the duo is from Hokkaido VOICE on August 94 released on single "STAY ~ Seest thou ta の が voice heard ki ta い ", by Yoshihiko other composer is.
  "The possibility of love", is also a "true or false" album in a song, a cover of the history of Japan's best-selling female artist by the Mira Matsutoya one of the best-known single "spring よ to い" even arranged all the same, but I do not know why the composer who wrote a most unlikely people in Taiwan called Liu? However, Hong Kong and Taiwan are said often to do so early. . .
  ■ "change" in the shooting and the Asia and Asia MV boys are?
  Zhou Weijie, Taiwan DJ
  ■ "telepathy" in the Mongolian folk song:
  The middle and the end of Mongolian songs, the Tengel recommended. Mongolian folk songs are well-known "Aobaoxiangkuai"
  ■ "sign language" behind the story:
  Taipei, a gas station near a group of runaway family Biao regular car. Including a pair of lovers. Girls do not like boys Biao car, but the boys do not listen to advise. So girls and boys insist on sitting in the back seat. In order for boys because of her and think of open slowly. But accidents still happen, and motorcycles too fast because of a defect in fall, the girl suffered head injuries. Although out of danger after emergency treatment, but because of nerve damage in the brain caused by high paraplegia, and loss of speech.
  Girls do not blame the boys. But because not talk, just try to use sign language to express themselves, to express their love for him still does not blame him. But when the boys see the girls can only rely on sign language difficult when the meaning, the more I feel remorse every day immersed in the strong condemnation of their own. As "sign language" in the sing 『how to tell you that long to forgive you, but can not personally say I still love you. Do not cry right? Do not cry. I hugged you with both hands. 』
  ■ on the "six dreamsToday":
  Asia and Asia in 1989, before the album release, and other singers singing a song.
  ■ Asia and Asia's English name
  Correct wording is: Mai
  Yaya sister's name as the last word is "rose", but because of Asia and Asia using a French sister, so I do not write Mei but "Mai", taken together, Mai Meng
  ■ "Millennium Bride" story comes from what?
  Asia and Asia like the author Hsi wrote a song called "Loulanxinniang" poem, from a similar DISCOVERY program "60 minutes" in the report:
  Loulan was supposed to belong to the territory of Xinjiang, China area, and later disappeared in the earth throughout the dynasty. Report referred to in the territory of origin Loulan found a bone panicked judge under dress headdress, is buried in the Loulan dynasty a bride married the girl. Hsi scholars under the play of her unique, association, and to write such a poem. So this poem has become the source of Asia and Asia created the song.
  Meng Tingwei official website of the "Mengting Wei International Co., Ltd." is?
  Label = Virgin Records
  Broker = Bear Star International
  Asia and Asia and Yang Guo (for sight) good cause = Mengting Wei International
  Asia and Asia and Yang Guo Yi Hai enterprise culture and education =
  ■ "Silent Flower" in the end is not genuine?
  Precise, the album list at the Asia and Asia, is definitely not a "silent flowers" album. "Silent Flower" is the yaya sister first album, "In fact, I still care about some" inside track. But it is pirated is not accurate. Because it has the legal formalities and approvals, is to allow the Ministry of Culture album.
  ■ About yaya sister schools:
  A lot of information is written in the Ming Secondary School, but we have to see the yaya sister ZTE to participate in activities. So in the end is what school? Is very simple, because yaya sister transfer was set. ZTE first in high school, middle school and then transferred to Ming. Ming graduated from high school last. Is as simple as slightly.
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