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Deng Shuguang

narrative educe《西游真相》

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  Deng Shuguang Liu Xiao Ling Tong products
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong has repeatedly stressed in various occasions, said: "Whoever I had no goods," "I write the contents of the scholars may not realize," "Joking, interesting that I am very disgusted with subversion.
  Is "Journey to the West," U.S. success of the Monkey King Liu Xiao Ling Tong
  "Liu Xiao Ling Tong Commodities West" begins with the first sentence of Chapter Jinlai one who made achievements on whom, he asked the Monkey King, Journey to the West, who is among the achievements of Wu who, Zhang Jin Lai said his answer This argument is a chicken-like people with the same chicken and egg problem, not tell Road unknown. However, the "Journey to the West," U.S. success of the Monkey King is one of Chapter Jinlai everyone understand. Difficult to imagine if the Chapter has not appeared in the Monkey King Jinlai this role, he will be what kind of actor, "Journey to the West" can not Liu Xiao Ling Tong, Xiao Ling Tong will have seven or eight younger children, but six younger children can not do without, "Journey to the West."
  Najinisi world records to prove that an actor is Liu Xiao Ling Tong's sad and shameful
  An actor of 17 years to play with the Monkey King, Liu Xiao Ling Tong said that this was recorded on the Gini, Deng Shuguang said with 17 years repeatedly perform the same role, is a very frustrating thing, Kyrgyzstan Nice world record and can not represent the performance of a talented actor and performed in the cause of the recognition, the recognition of an actor, is a variety of film and television awards, the Oscars, Golden Rooster, flowers, instead of the Guinness Book of World Records, got the final also Najinisi world record to prove, for an actor, it is a great sadness and shame.
  Follow suit is not a shame, is dishonest
  If more than acting, and even the Wu Cheng-en of the "Journey to the West" did not have a say in Liu Xiao Ling Tong
  Fairy tale writer Zheng Yuanjie said, "for" Journey to the West "This book, Liu Xiao Ling Tong have the final say, otherwise he could not play vividly displayed the Monkey King." Deng Shuguang said with a smile, You're the one to play Monkey Wu Cheng-en, I am afraid I can not play more than six younger children better and that he also performed for 17 years and the Monkey King and his family a century monkey show, so to compare, even of Wu Liu Xiao Ling Tong did not have a say, Wu Cheng-en wrote "Journey to the West" that long useless, as compared with monkey opera performances, nor of Wu Liu Xiao Ling Tong's rivals.
  "Journey to the West" achieved a six younger children, but the six younger children can not become masters, the Journey to the West "as there had been. Liu Xiao Ling Tong said the "Journey to the West" the best voice, Zheng Yuanjie is not that right, and his reasoning almost funny, see Zheng Yuanjie still quite childlike innocence, a childlike's. Impact on a wide range of cultural and enjoys popular works, the "Journey to the West" How many readers, there are number of Tang Monk, Monkey King, "Journey to the West" is mankind's common spiritual wealth of society, who have no right to interfere in other people's spirit free. Those who read "Journey to the West" who have a say, even if that never read the original "Journey to the West" story of people who have a say.
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong does not know who is the
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong Journey to the West beginning in the product tells a parable on the two stones, with a hill in a long time ago, there are two identical stone, three years after the occurrence of the different changes, a stone by the crowd of admiration and worship, while the other piece of stone has not been anyone's concern. Asked another piece of stone a stone Why such a difference. Carved stone Buddha that is said, because when you are afraid of the pain, and I had to imagine the future look like, do not care about knife knife on the body pain, something's different today. Liu Xiao Ling Tong's interpretation is the difference between the two is a concern you want, fear of a concern. Deng Shuguang said Liu Xiao Ling Tong elections this story is to emphasize individual effort, but he chose the wrong story, because who knows what piece rock afraid of the pain, what piece are not afraid of pain stone. Adults that reason that less naive, everyone knows that the changes caused by two different reasons for the stone, is not afraid of the pain problem stones, stone is passive, is a stone sculptor election issue, the truth is the opportunity problem.
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong, and regardless of the objective facts, to impose its own concept of two innocent in the stone, is reluctant to admit the success of their impact opportunities, and more willing to let people believe that his success depended on his own capability and the ability. In many cases, Liu Xiao Ling Tong did not know who he is, just as we do not know, "Journey to the West", that Monkey King, that Liu Xiao Ling Tong, Jin-Lai do not know the same. Zhang Jinlai often do not understand their own who is often, he mistakenly thinks he is the Monkey King, or it is of Wu, the Tang Monk. As has been carved piece of stone statues, as though the stone is now the shape of Buddha, is not the Buddha, people respect and worship the Buddha, not stone, Liu Xiao Ling Tong in playing the Monkey King, though the United States Monkey King's appearance, not the Monkey King, people love and appreciation of the Monkey King, is not the age of six small children, this one is a sad misunderstanding, the stone is not a Buddha, nor stone. Liu Xiao Ling Tong also put his Monkey King is neither confused nor Jin-Lai, and are very true, not only carved stones of the mountains that still remains a stone's character, or block of real stone.
  Interpretation of the Monkey King Tang Seng Deng Shuguang the real reason for worship services
  Why the Monkey King proud nature bowed at the foot of the Tang Monk? This is the interpretation, "Journey to the West" can not avoid a problem. Liu Xiao Ling Tong in accordance with the interpretation, first, because the Monkey King finally become a struggle over the Buddha, the fruition of that by the Tang Monk's guide and support and help it achieve. This is clearly the cart before the horse, reverse causation, Journey to the West is to get rid of illness and death, it is unnecessary Monkey King. Liu Xiao Ling Tong also has a solution, because the Monkey King himself has said of the Tang Monk, the saying goes, one day as a teacher, his own father. This is the five virtues of Confucian ethics, the Monkey King said this was after they become a mentor, say, and let such as the Monkey King and no father no mother since childhood Wild Child, to understand what his son is very difficult to master and apprentice, the Monkey King If so part behave, what father and son follow the road to mentor, then why did he not keep monarch and his subjects in front of the Jade Emperor of Road? Monkey King also said, "I am a man doing a brave man, only thanks to three individuals, Western Paradise worship the Tathagata, the South China Sea worship Kuanyin, the Five Elements Mountain Master, help me, and I worship him four worship." Deng Shuguang said, here lies Monkey King said, he really is a loss to the first prayer of the Patriarch Bodhi mountains, the Monkey King Tang Seng Five foot worship before, no chance to worship the Tathagata and the Goddess of Mercy. Here can be interpreted as the Monkey King is reported that Tang Seng Tang Seng worship save grace, on the surface, seem humane, in fact, the Monkey King Havoc in Heaven was suppressed in the Five Buddha Hill, equivalent to indefinite imprisonment, and now to release the Monkey King, Buddha is the real judge, Judge. Guanyin only acted as a pronounced role, as Tang Seng, at best, but is open cell door and the guards, the Monkey King if the human operator to the Tang Monk who no doubt counted wrong people.
  So why choose such a kind of Buddha roundabout way to release the Monkey King then? Monkey King in order to give a face to a new level, the Monkey King is a strong self-esteem who had only a row just to gain face peach feast, If you insist on the Monkey King threw himself at his feet Buddha, Monkey's bad temper to the event turn hostile , which makes us no face, nor the room to maneuver, the Buddha is the sights on the Monkey King Siyaomianzai weaknesses. Let the Monkey King had nothing to do thanks to a free can of Tang Seng is a division, the Monkey King Fandao can accept, in fact it is for the Monkey King to do his disciple, the Buddha is very clear.
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong underestimate the wisdom of Wu
  The ancients once said, "Journey to the West" like a riddle, is that which contains some of the secret of Wu does in "Journey to the West" in fighting a number of ambush, Deng Shuguang that read, "Liu Xiao Ling Tong Commodities West" will feel Liu Xiao Ling Tong is to underestimate the wisdom of Wu to Liu Xiao Ling Tong's intelligence, he could not understand of Wu, and interpretation can not, "Journey to the West", read his "product Journey to the West" will be read out as an actor Zhang Jin Lai sorrow, and his reluctance as a writer.
  Journey to the West not to use the time to 17 years
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong said, "an actor with 17 years of time to shoot the world famous, which is on the Guinness Book of World Records, and, true west in the history of Tibetan Buddhism is the time to learn from 17 years." Liu Xiao Ling Tong his acting time and time coincidence Journey to the West compared together, seemed to imply that the center has some mysterious connection, Journey to the West 17 years and became immortal, were sealed Buddha, Monkey King play for 17 years of 6 younger children on the Guinness Book of World Records, it appears, Liu Xiao Ling Tong also did a number of scholars product out product does not come out with something.
  Monkey King speech with a long, Liu Xiao Ling Tong can be said to myself the subject, Journey to the West is not the time Liu Xiao Ling Tong said can be counted, many people know, even if do not know, Internet 1 also known by the mouse. Tang Zhen Guan first year, 627 AD, Xuanzang west, Chang'an, Zhenguan 19 years, AD 645, Xuanzang returned to Chang'an. This is an even-year-old child can understand that things can be said for 18 years, also said 19 years, but never could be 17 years, it seems, Liu Xiao Ling Tong to bring it forward monkeys and Journey to the West their own time pull relationship, had to ring again in 2012.
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong wanted to give everyone's heads are on a hoop
  Interest in the opposition, said, Joking, subversion, Liu Xiao Ling Tong finally also aware of the literary and film creation is not one person said he can count, and for the adaptation and creation "Journey to the West" gives the basic creative bottom line is that the main the role of the basic plot and character can not be changed, can be extended a lot of stories. Deng Shuguang Liu Xiao Ling Tong said that his not wearing a hoop, the hoop still want to impose on others, and urged them to stay honest, "Journey to the West" to paint the circle in fixed, nothing is changed a couple of monsters, and then repeat several times escaped the old routine, many continue to compile a few stories about tossing Tang Priest and Pig, 91 to 81 hard-inflicted difficult or more difficult. As Zheng Yuanjie mentioned in the preamble, "Journey to the West" shows our ancestors the Chinese nation have the imagination, unfortunately, now we Chinese people's imagination declining. It really is a very regrettable things to Chinese people, but this is not as described can only be attributed to Zheng Yuanjie exam-oriented education, but also due to Liu Xiao Ling Tong as the ancestors of the thigh not to want to let go of people, from condescending people who think that people's imagination can limit the scope given to him. Liu Xiao Ling Tong obstinately to act as "Journey to the West," the watchdog, bones face full of servility, Liu Xiao Ling Tong played in the television show, Monkey King is the unfettered freedom of caprice, may face more like the weak bones of Tang Seng, stay in circle drawn with a Monkey King Bar Monkey King can not come inside, but also get out, like the inability of the sand Wu Jing, listening to the Master's words, do not let him get angry.
  Wu Cheng-en, I was a rebel of a subversive
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong should not forget our roots
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong stressed that his "product Journey to the West" is not interested in that, and certainly not Joking, but adhering to the serious manner, and said, if you just want fun, this starting point is not right, because this book is not written for children to see . Deng Shuguang said Liu Xiao Ling Tong performed is that interesting features of the Monkey King, a lot of love to his audience are children, Liu Xiao Ling Tong speech was lively and mischievous Monkey King, more skill, like a walking lakes playing skill performers, and a child in the eyes Monkey King, Stephen Chow in "Westward Journey" for acting very rebellious Monkey King Passes a proud, lonely, or even do nothing more as a monster of the Monkey King, is the adult in the eyes of the Monkey King .
  Liu Xiao Ling Tong was angry that we need to spoof, go back out to grandparents, do not spoof "Journey to the West", these words may sound sick people, against the spoof is right, can be counter to the other grandparents go there, it too much, whose grandparents did not provoke Liu Xiao Ling Tong, did not spoof "Journey to the West." What people off grandparents, everyone knows that "Journey to the West," which the main characters are no descendants, even if the Pig had parents move in Gao Village, what could have not left a pig Zhu Lian's worthy progeny.
  As Liu Xiao Ling Tong thinks that the shape of the Monkey King is someone he can not go beyond the artistic image, an actor with such confidence is good to create artistic images is not a game running and mountain climbing, art should enjoys greater freedom, to play their Good Monkey King, also want other people to be able to play well the Monkey King, this is the age of six small children should have the attitude, sees himself as the standard and model, as others can not exceed the peak, that is wrong. Stephen Chow play the film "Westward Journey", now what's novel "Wukong Chuan", Lin Geng's "Journey to the West Rambling" are very good and wonderful work of art.
  Monkey King is a spiritual rather than an appearance
  Deng Shuguang said, I am "Journey to the West the truth" in writing a story of two monkeys fighting, story two monkeys fight, said he was really Monkey King, Sun Wukong the other is false. Another monkey red monkey shouting, Yao Hou, do you think you were Houlian long, put the root stick you are Monkey, and his head was still wearing a Jingu not joke about being like a monkey,, and also thinks that beautiful, to a 100 without a monk as a pupil with submissiveness, nodding his head with both hands, Yaohou is Yaohou, demon sex gone, the monkey was gone, tails wagging like a dog to please the cold to, but also, and a pig with call each other brothers. Losses you have the nerve to say what he is Monkey, what is also called the Monkey King. Said, a bared fangs, I heard laughter, I Pooh, called the Monkey King, you are not worthy. Later, the two monkeys in a fight, then later, a monkey killed the other monkeys. The inside, not about who is who, in fact, no matter who killed who were killed that is definitely not the Monkey King, as the Monkey King's name to represent the never yielding, never compromise, never to be bought spirit.
  Six younger children to play the Monkey King is indeed appear in the appearance of vivid, very exciting, but he is not in the bones that unrestrained courage to face the challenges of all authority and restraint of the Monkey King, and even the full interest of the Pig are not, he more like the conservative prayer service in front of his head in the Buddha of Tang Seng, as well as the submissive in the face Master of sand Wu Jing, of course, sometimes, he also thinks he is the superior Jade Emperor, to the authority itself, must not people of the world cranky.
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