清代 List of Authors
Jiang ChunlinZhu YizunPan YongyinChen Tingjing
Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtshoPu HeZheng XieJin Nong
Yun ShoupingWang ShishenZhang DashouNing Diaoyuan
Wu QiLi FangyingYu YuenaziYu Yue
Song LuoLv RanCao XueqinNa Lanxingde
Lv FuQian QianyiWu WeiyeGu Yanwu
Gu ZhenguanChen WeisongWang ShizhenCha Shenhang
Yuan MeiHuang JingrenGong ZizhenHuang Zunxian
Qiu JinHe WenhuanFeng BanWang Fuzhi
Sun TaoGuo LinYang KuishengMo Sitong
Bi YuanWang JiShang QiuHuang Shi
Huang YizhouZhang TingyuYi MingWang Bingtao
Bai JunlinLi QingfuChen FangshengSun Xingyan
Zhu BaluZhang XuechengGu YingtaiGao E
Pu SonglingWu JingziLi RuzhenXing Shijushi
Zeng Guofan
清代  (November 26, 1811 ADMarch 12, 1872 AD)
Last Name:
First Name: 国藩
Name and Alias: 伯涵
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 涤生
Township: 湖南湘乡

leisurely corpus《曾国藩文集》

Read works of Zeng Guofan at 历史大观
Read works of Zeng Guofan at 散文天地
Zi Bo Han, No. polyester Health, Hunan for people reign Scholars, is the situation within the ruling class in modern history octahedral figure. Zeng life experience complex, mixed, is a most controversial figure: In the Qing dynasty crumbling because of his time, turn the tide, brutal suppression of the Taiping movement, so that rule of the Qing Dynasty to linger, to gain the "ZTE first minister, "the name; because he was the invasion by foreign powers, determined to waste from the bad vibration and establish the image of the Qing Dynasty China Enriching ideas, learn the advanced military science, the development of military industry, and Practicing, promoting the Westernization Movement, the construction of Arsenal, which was "a pioneer of Westernization Movement" in the world; because he made the article vibration, the unique charm of his students all over the world Gu Li, Tong Cheng Chung Hsing Ancient been because of him, so he won the "Derby Zhuge, merits and demerits Hsiao Cao, articles worthy of Korea, Europe and, in fact, over the past century rare saints "praise. On the other hand, because of his brutal suppression of peasant uprisings, it was the world as the "executioner", "had barbers"; as the "Tianjin Massacre" in the murder cede territory, also known as a traitor, traitor. Famous revolutionaries, thinkers, Sun Yat Chinese culture is very pertinent to the fan's life comes down to "goodwill was Saint phase was rendered and the culprits."
But anyway, Tseng is very influential in modern Chinese history, a figure that he influenced the whole generations. His disciple Li, Zuo, Zeng Guoquan brother, son, Tseng Chi-tse and so on adhering to his teachings and became a prominent figure to enter phase. Mao Zedong said: "fan is the most powerful figure in the landlord class"; Chiang Kai-shek put the fan regarded as a model of lifelong learning, in any principal during the Whampoa Military Academy, not only will "have Hu Zhibing quotation" as a required subject, but personally Supplement to the book "the mind" chapter. It can be said, in modern Chinese history no one person on contemporary Chinese politics and military dignitaries of energy compared to Zeng.
Although the surf life fan in officialdom, prominent life, but rather look at Wen Shi, early official in the capital, the school of moral governance, and for the articles, textual criticism, the door between Mei Liang has been nearly 10 years, has achieved striking success, No. articles leaders, "said one of its violation of the person, not all non-holy" (Li Long "on Tongcheng School"). Unfortunately, the man of the book is not much left, only his "Letter" and "Diary" can more fully embody his literary attainments.
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