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She Hui
清代  (?1883 AD)
Township: 浙江嘉兴

poetry comment《煮药漫抄》

Read works of She Hui at 诗海
  Leaf Turquoise Xiangzhou brother suggested a "cook drugs diffuse copy" print out, so that the soul of the nineteenth century-old home of Jiaxing in resurrection. May 28 this year, I took possession of the dynasty of Jiaxing City Library 17 years (1891) by Jinling edition out copies and handed it in to Brother.
  Check my diary written in 1991, with a turquoise and the leaf. I was in Local Records office, are also considered city will edit. One day, Jiaxing transferred to the Foreign Affairs Office, requesting assistance in locating the life of turquoise leaves. According to the letter that Japan has a husband named Yokota amount of people interested in turquoise on the leaves. Yokota husband volume business in Osaka, Japan books bookstores in China, and he to the Fuji International Exchange Office made this request, the exchange room Sugisawa and have direct contact with the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiaxing. Jiaxing then have formed friendship with Fuji, so with the official's words: "Look Ye turquoise material, is to promote the Sino-Japanese friendship." Inquire and examine more than a month, city will do the drafting of an A Yokota amount of husband's letter, on the leaves rough turquoise resume, such as leaf turquoise Name Wei, Jiaxing people, with a "cook drugs diffuse copy", Tongzhi Awake (1874) went to Japan to teach English, the epitaph for the Yu Qu Park Zhuan. I therefore know that Zhou has an article entitled "Medicine Man cooking copied," the article, Zhi Tang said he had two "making medicine Man copy", just different color paper. Nagai Customs of Lotus also know that the Japanese had in the article recalls his youth, the family leaves hanging over the word turquoise pieces. Unfortunately, no city will do the birth and death found in leaf turquoise year.
  I find the diary and found that he had copied a leaf Lost Poems turquoise card. According to the source, I went to archives to find Guangxu six years (1880) of the "declaration", to check. This is a step Chen Manshou leaf turquoise "heavy to the mountain," a poem rhyme. Chen Manshou also Jiaxing who leaves turquoise in the poem, said: "Today, her husband followed the step", adding: "None had intimate hi there Mr, Barry cable boxes and poetry." I saw the information, said seven of Jiaxing's Po Hua Guangxu to Japan Chen Manshou relationship. Friendship between the three of them can see the close degree. Except that the leaves turquoise, Chen Manshou, Pu Zhuying, how many people went to Japan in Jiaxing? Their contribution to Japanese culture there be?
  June 16, at Brother punctuation can be a "cook drugs copied Man", the filling of two palace "Sijia off." Brother Original cover Xiangzhou after school, filled in a "Few play." They fill an egg on my Que "good nearly" because I do not know Yi Sheng, can only hide one's inadequacy by keeping quiet.
  June 26, I went to check archives "declaration", found the "Jiaxing City Records" in the records of the poem, I recited the poem again, "Zuo Xiao Yi bass even the United States, South Lake up to the fishing boat dreams "deep with emotion. I'm still the same year in November's "declaration" in another poem found: "Ye Wang Mei Official Titles in return from the official White EGL I will next meet, under the Shanghai Fu Xi recorded on this blog a new Man Ting Nong Quan Yin be less . " These poems are the Department, "the letter edge of the Mandarin Duck Lake students", and "Medicine Man cooking copied" by the Department of the book "Dream gull Itsushi", could serve as a city will additional information.
  "Medicine Man cooking copy" print come out. I do of finding out whom Yu Qu Park epitaph written, can not amount to the husband of Yokota in Japan questioning. With regrets, hope will be surprises.
  Fan laugh 2 OO a year on June 28.
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