清代 List of Authors
Jiang ChunlinZhu YizunPan YongyinChen Tingjing
Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtshoPu HeZheng XieJin Nong
Yun ShoupingWang ShishenZhang DashouNing Diaoyuan
Wu QiLi FangyingYu YuenaziYu Yue
Song LuoLv RanCao XueqinNa Lanxingde
Lv FuQian QianyiWu WeiyeGu Yanwu
Gu ZhenguanChen WeisongWang ShizhenCha Shenhang
Yuan MeiHuang JingrenGong ZizhenHuang Zunxian
Qiu JinHe WenhuanFeng BanWang Fuzhi
Sun TaoGuo LinYang KuishengMo Sitong
Bi YuanWang JiShang QiuHuang Shi
Huang YizhouZhang TingyuYi MingWang Bingtao
Bai JunlinLi QingfuChen FangshengSun Xingyan
Zhu BaluZhang XuechengGu YingtaiGao E
Pu SonglingWu JingziLi RuzhenXing Shijushi
Liang Zhangju
清代  (1775 AD1849 AD)

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  Liang Kui Lin is an outstanding performance, well received by the people support the officials. He is Lin's friend, sent a strong Anti-British no-smoking people. Guangxi governor in office, he had petitioned put off the ineffective smoking prefect Wuzhou Xi-yuan top band, angrily ordered the bulk of the Yan Fan Liu grab hold to ransom fault, showing him smoking to "clear its source," the sensible proposition . Jiangsu governor in his care during the JAC suffering from floods, gathered along the day thousand victims in the South, his disaster relief people, Xiushui Li, showing the spirit of noble character.
  Resign when he is in residence in Fuzhou Yellow Yellow House Lane, his poetic pictures of the heart of cultural meaning repairs Yellow House, in the flower hall added pavilions rockery pond. Still remain in the rockery on the side of booths, the shape of the wonderful elements of the beautiful, ancient building is still for the connoisseurs praiseworthy. In the Yellow House, Liang Kui Fuzhou scholar of poetry and sing into a book series has been. Poetry book of his life were nearly 70 species. Lin said: The people in official circles, works no better than Zhang Kui enriched.
  Liang Kui body literary family, his life Shoubushijuan. He edited the "Couplets continued," and "Couplets three words," "clever on the record" and other series books, the creation of joint, then style, save the data ages, the first building classification system, opening couplets of the history of the first of its kind. "Couplets Cong words" is the first system works couplet, couplets in the history of our country occupies an important position.
  Liang Kui-life prominent, prolific. He specializes in writing couplets, there are dozens of sub-themes Department, paid gifts, birthday elegiac couplet handed down. Hubei Jiangling government offices such as the title together, "government but the people demand it, things seamlessly integrated with the hide"; Lanzhou Wu Quanshan couplet: "Buddha in the boundless, see row door of an inner layer, and the purple plug Shiqianfeng established threshold level; springs can cloud , laughter billowing out of the mountains, the city to hold the Yellow 9 "; gifts Lin Alliance;" Royal Forest that Gugong eyes and ears, the popularity of the gods, if their parents "; Suzhou Canglang Pavilion set of sentences together:" breeze moon this priceless (Ouyang repair), near the water Yaoshan all feeling (Su Shunqin) "and so on, all Meaning of far-reaching and popular.
  Liang Kui also good at poetry, skilled in identifying stone paintings, diligent notes, longer than the historical textual research. These writings better known as "retreat An Poetry", "retired Temple Essay", "Zhangju on", "Selected Works of circumstantial evidence" and so on. His 70 birthday, friends Shu-Lan Wang essays together to congratulate:
  "20 held village, 30 board first, 40 is also North Korea, 50 defend, 60 Open House, 70 turn to the life, Happy Notes then, many people Xia Ri Fu generation;
  Simple such as "motto", as shown in the "Essay", Bo such as "circumstantial evidence", fine, such as "choose" science, clever, such as "Union," and higher, such as poetry, a little number of his life writing, long-term cause good at mountain. "
  This joint overview Liang Kui's life writings and exploits.
  Liang Kui (1775 - 1849), No. Zhi Lin (Zhi tone chai), Fujian Changle people.
  Young Chinese and foreign public hanging calendar four years. Anchoret the rest, do not waste writings. On by: the "Analects of circumstantial evidence," 20 volumes, "Mencius circumstantial evidence," 14 volumes, "An Interpretation of Xiao Zheng," four volumes. In primary schools: the "article Cangjie" Proof three volumes. In history: the "Three Kingdoms circumstantial evidence" Twenty four volumes. On anecdotes; a "national courtier workers remember the words and deeds," 12 volumes, "Yuan Shu Chi Strategy," 16 volumes, "Chun Cao title List of" volumes, "the Southern Province, the remaining public record," eight volumes. In textual criticism: the "title theft by finding" ten volumes. In the article: the "Selected Works of circumstantial evidence," 40 volumes. Miscellaneous other poems are no less than dozens of editorship. The Pei Notes "three", Lee "Literary Selections", already has the Gai contact, and can still sign Bo detailed guidelines, and revised its loss, particularly the extraction effort cloud.
  Liang Kui (1775 ~ 1849), the word Hongzhong, Chen Lin, Chen No. o, Dusk back Om. Native of Changle County, Xi Ju Fuzhou. 14-year-old into the Aofong College Jiaqing seven years (1802) Scholars, Professor Shuji Shi. Jiaqing decade (1805), any board of rites principal. Jiaqing year (1807), palm Pucheng Punan College Lecturer, the following year, into the governor of Fujian Normal Cheng Zhang shogunate. Jiaqing 20 years (1818), Military Minister elected by the test. The light year (1822), prefect of Jingzhou granted Shi Tao and Jing Yi or military taotai Huai Hai River Services, the Department of Jiangsu provincial judge stressed. Daoguang five years (1825), Management disk Games Grain Administration, the delay of two million stone-meter canal transport crossed the Yellow River in full plate north, to save shipping costs 320 000 2 Association of Shandong provincial judge. The following year, transferred to Jiangsu administrative commissioner. Served 8 years in Jiangsu Province, has four deputy governor, striking achievements. Daoguang 10 year (in 1831), over Yangtze River floods, refugees, gathered along the southern and on up to people. He led the fundraising is to donate clean, side sending ships to escort the one hand to set up factories to remain dependent, since the donated coats million refugees, the refugees will eventually get all the information back north. In the same year, Lake license dam repair training, fund-raising as building Meng ditch, Tak, Hong Kong and three rivers bath water. The light year (1832) April, petitioned back to Fuzhou recuperate. Daoguang 15 years (1835), called into Beijing, Gansu administrative commissioner granted. The following year, school governance Jian Shu Sheng Guangxi governor. Daoguang 18 years (1838), Shang Shu advocate heavy government opium traders hoarding land, stressing that "laws must be from the official start line", and actively cooperate with Lin strictly Wuzhou, state officials arrest Xun Yan Fan, even taking 10 Paul law, to eliminate cropping of opium poppy. Daoguang 20 year (1841), personally leading troops defending Wuzhou, and the surge Xun state, Nanning, Guangzhou, transporting artillery support for the defense. Shang Shu Qi Shan in Guangdong has criticized "open the door to robbers," sing the people Sanyuanli Anti-British struggle, the first made to the court to "receive our top priority." In the same year, transferred to the governor of Jiangsu, Shanghai in conjunction with leading the troops to deploy into southern Anti-British Admiral Chen, organizations Baoshan, Shanghai, Chuansha, Taicang, Nanhui, Jiading and other places set up militia, close defensive, so that the British dared not frivolous. In the same year in August, the Acting Governor and the two Salt Salt River. Nov disease, specifically lack of conditioning off petitioned to open. Has resident of Yangzhou, Pucheng, Wenzhou. Daoguang twenty-nine (1849) died. Overview of books to his life, the book can be good poetry, learned, refined taste, the rich collection of good stone. Come to know the stories, make notes of good comedy, 50 years of work with more than 70 species of provincial officials in the Qing Dynasty who works the most. Well-known for "Retiring Suo Ji", "Zhangju on", "retired Temple Essay." Especially the "Zhangju talk about" preserving the rich historical novel.
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