五代十国 List of Authors
Li XunFeng YansiLu QianyiMao Wenxi
Zhang BiHe XianGu XuanWei Chengban
Mao XizhenXu ShiLi CongshanLi Congqian
Li JianQian ChuWang JipengJing Hao
Wang RenyuWang XuanDu GuangtingTan Qiao
He GuangyuanXu ChangtuShen YuWang Mengjian
Wang MengjianXu YanLiu XuZe Cang
He PuWeichi WoLiu ChongyuanZhou Jiamin
Ma GaoPing JuhuiLi Guangxuan
He Pu
五代十国  南唐(922 AD1019 AD)

Several types of surgery《灵城精义》

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  No. potential fast, Dusk Purple Cloud elderly, Yichang Tang Dynasty magistrate how easy fifth-generation grandson, whose ancestors moved from Henan Lujiang Ying Yin County (now part of Luohe City).
  "New Tang • how easy transfer to" "easy to tow the boat," Mr
  How to make easy for the Yichang county forty miles from the provincial governor Zhisuo ①, ② Jialing South City. Provincial governor Cui Park, try the spring take over from the upper reaches of songs from the guests wine. Boating ③ East, the straight side of the Yichang. To the cable harness ④ boat people, easy-to-the waist Wat ⑤ lead boat up and down. Provincial governor Jing Wen-like, easy to say: "side spring ⑥, people are not that silkworm farming, gaps can not be won. Easy to be so, no matter when it can charge labor ⑦." Provincial governor and the guests out of a boat, kai ⑧ back riding also .
  He easily has to do Yichang County magistrate. Yichang County, the legacy of forty miles from the provincial governor, the county seat in the south bank of Jialing River. On one occasion, the provincial governor Cui Park riding spring sunshine, with many guests, the ship sat, drinking songs, from the boat up the East River, the ship had been near to the Yichang County. Ship to, ordered to the public Fraser fiber. He easily took the DPRK edition in his waistband, pulling the fiber, pulling the boat along with several porters, run up and down bustling. Provincial governor found that the magistrate in tow the boat, was surprised and asked him why. He easily said: "Now is the spring, people are not busy farming, tends the silkworms in a bit of time can not lose. Easy-to-head under your magistrate, now not much to complain of dry matter, can come to provide us with the errand." Provincial governor hearing, and a few guests out of the cabin, shore riding back together. Chang County, most people kind of tea in the nearby mountains, collected the money earned tea entirely his own. Are experiencing salt play imperial officials to strictly enforce a monopoly system, under the edict, said the emperor, where production of goods to the official monopoly, the people are not allowed to hide. Edict affixed to the county, how easy to read the decree, said: "Yichang tea does not levy taxes, the people have not been able survive, let alone to increase taxes to harm people too!" He ordered the servants to shovel out the edict. Servants argued that: "the emperor's edict that 'officials are not allowed to cover up for the people', now shovel to decree, even more important than the concealment of drugs. I lost one life, but the adults do not you will not be exiled to Haijiaotianya? "He is easy, said:" Do I protect my life Ershi to a county all the people suffering? I will not let you take charge. "He set fire to himself, the edict of the wooden sign burned. States observed so that this matter through, the courage to come forward because of how easy for the people, in the end but did not report this incident to impeach him.
  La fiber magistrate
  Imperial Wen Yuan Ge "Si Ku Quan Shu" Head
  "Spiritual essence of the city," South Tanghe Pu essays
  Old Topic South Tanghe Pu essays. Pu, so pass the word.
  Elegant and Graceful Millennium Town - Riverside
  Jiangwan Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province in eastern and backed by the majestic beauty of the Soul Mountain Mountains, repose after the Yongsan embrace, before Yau towering mountains, one after the other as a natural barrier Jiangwan. Jiangwan ancient, is leading to Huizhou land Wuyuan hub, Riverside rely mainly on the modern inter-provincial transportation of asphalt road Wuyuan (source) - Hugh (Ning) line. Ziyang Town, 28 kilometers away from the county, 89 km Jingdezhen, three National Scenic Areas Castle Peak 63 km, 90 km Huangshan City, Anhui Province. Zhan land also has a pit, the dawn, the hills, so the three main roads out of Riverside.
  Jiangwan built village in the khanate, the first move of this habitat for abalone, rattan, leaves, wear, what all name. Yuanfeng in North Song two years (1079), "Xiao Jiang's" 8th generation ancestor, the enemy moved to Riverside Jiang, children quickly multiply into a huge family, and now the village has more than 2,700 people, 70% of all river names.
  Since ancient times, this is the gateway to Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, traffic arteries, because of the unique location advantage here, making Riverside in more than a thousand years, from a village into a defensive trade and economic prosperity, Wise people giving birth to Elegant and Graceful Millennium town.
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