南北朝 List of Authors
Xie LingyunXie TiaoBao ZhaoXie Huilian
He XunXie XieYu XinLiu Kai
Shen YaoBao LinghuiKong ZhiguiJiang Yan
Fan YunYin KengZhi JiangLiu Jingshu
Tan DaoluanGuo JichanLiu QianzhiPei Songzhi
Wang ShaozhiLiu DaohuiFan YeXiao Zixian
Wei ShouCui HongCang RongxuXiao Ziyun
He FachengYang XuanzhiZong LinShi Huijiao
DharmaTan MomiduoShi SengyouYe She
Jiang LiangyesheChu ChengTao HongjingGu Saixie
Xie HeYi MingBao JianShan Qianzhi
Wu JunDeng DemingLiu ChengzhiDong Yangmoyi
Zheng JizhiFu ZhaoYan YunYuan Shu
Gao ChengWang LinFa ChangHuiguang
Gu Saixie
南北朝  北魏(386 AD534 AD)

Agriculture class《齐民要术》

Read works of Gu Saixie at 百家争鸣
  Jia Sixie living in the late Northern Wei and Eastern Wei Dynasty in China (sixth century AD), is distinguished agricultural scientists devoted her life to agricultural research, access to a wealth of information, extensive collection of folk sayings, visit experienced farmers, and personally planted crops, field observation. Shandong Yidu who he is, has done Goyang-gun (now Shandong Linzi) Prefecture, went to Shanxi, Hebei, Henan and other places, and later returned home, ran a farming, about two years in the North Weiyong Xi (AD 533 years) to the East Wei Wu set two years (AD 544), the working people in ancient China in summing up the achievements of agricultural production based on agricultural science written in the famous book "Arts for the People."
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