秦代 List of Authors
Zhou NaZhao NaXian QingugeBei Feng
Yong FengWang FengQi FuzhishenWei Feng
Zheng FengJi FengWei FengTang Feng
Qin FengChen FengGui FengCao Feng
Bin FengLu MingzhishenBai HuazhishenXiao Minzhishen
Tong GongzhishenBei ShanzhishenSang HuzhishenDou Renshizhishen
Wen WangzhishenSheng MinzhishenSong YuWen Wang
Pū ZixiaKong JiZeng ShenKong Fu
Shen BuhaiDeng XiGuan ZhongShang Yang
Wen ZiGeng SangchugengsangziGuan YinziHe Shanggong
Wu ZixuWei LiaoFeng HouSun Bin
Wu QiFan LiYang NakeQin Yuerenbianque
Shi KuangCheng BenHe GuanziLi Bing
Qin ShihuangQin ErshiQin WangziyingChu Lizi
Shi Kuang
秦代  晋(?550 BC)


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  Shi Kuang, were mine, the word sub-field, Jin-known musicians, the main music master (now Shanxi Hongdong) people (at the highest position of the name of the former musicians often dubbed the "teacher" character). About life during the years 572-532 BC, Jin Dao Gong, Jinping Gong came to power. Shi Kuang students without orders, it is claimed to blind Robinson, also known as Robinson close the eyes. To Jinda Fu, also known as Jin Ye. Great musician was known to "the Cong Shi Kuang," known to later generations. He was eminent and erudite scholar and political activist, when called its "multi-News."
  Musical knowledge is very rich not only familiar with the melodies, and sound use of natural sound of the piano performance, and depict the beauty of birds flying attitude and tweet. Hearing Maria, have a strong ability to discriminate sound. Han literature in the past often on behalf of the people particularly sensitive to the pitch. "Huainanzi. Bom on training," said: "The analogy of Shi Shi Kuang Joseph columns still have, by those who went up and down, no measurements of degrees, while the Mibu Alto." "Book Week" that he recorded not only good at piano, will play the zither. Shi Kuang north and south are also proficient in folk songs and instrumental tuning, "Zuo Zhuan" record: "I have heard that Jin Chu division, Shi Kuang said: 'No harm! I at first song north wind, but also songs southerly. South wind did not compete Chu will be no power '! "
  Shi Kuang once heard the great bell cast Jinping Gong tone no, let me know, Jinping Gong not agree, after the division by defending musician Juan confirmed that fruit so.
  To old age, Shi Kuang had mastered the satellite operator of music, like to pose a "treasure symbol" 100 volumes, in the Ming and Qing of sheet music, the "Springtime," "Snow", "Black Farmer" and so misinterpreted by the entitled Shi Kuang .
  Shi Kuang has extraordinary musical talent, but is more conservative, Jinping Gong like the new sound, heard a new song playing division Juan, Shi Kuang spot attack is "decadent music", "Conquering Music." Shi Kuang that use music to spread virtue.
  Shi Kuang Although music is only one officer, all his life living in the palace, but his status is different from the general music industry, have their own views on politics, dared to express their views before Wei Hou. Also to the king was worried the country out of many ideas, once lamented Jinping Gong Shi Kuang born blind, dim the pain suffered, Shi Kuang, the words will have five dark world, one that I do not know his feudal kings bribery Bo name people Shouyuan nowhere to stretch; the other is choosing the wrong king; The third is the King does not distinguish Xian Yu; the fourth monarch militaristic; the Fifth King Anson do not know the people meter. Qin Shi Kuang even hit Jinping Gong has used to persuade Jinping Gong Do not indulge in personal enjoyment.
  When the offer of public health was a result of oppressive people sent packing, the Jin Daogong that the public too far, Shi Kuang retorted: "Good prince, the people will of course support him, the tyrannical ruler to make people desperate, why not remove him then ? "Jin Dao Gong heard that makes sense, so he asked about the governance, Shi Kuang short for the" selflessness "is the word.
  Qi was very strong, Shi Kuang Qi Jinggong have also asked the political, Shi Kuang proposed "must jun Huimin" proposal, see Shi Kuang People have strong ideas, so he was well respected princes and the people . In later legend, he was the god of music evolved, the prototype of ears, and blind patriarch and other fortune-telling.
  】 【Artistic attainments
  Shi Kuang to achieve a high artistic attainments, to people in the world of Yang. "Equality of Things," said Shi Kuang "very Concert law", "Hongdong County," saying: "The Shi Kuang Tsung, the world matter to Satoya." Therefore, in pre-Qin literature, often on behalf of Shi Kuang particularly keen sense of sound people, "give an example of Shi Shi Kuang Joseph columns still have, by those who went up and down, no size of the degree, but Mibu Alto." Jinping Gong has been casting bells, public musicians all thought that a harmonious temperament, but Shi Kuang Yan " not stressed, "the judge Shi Kuang was really for the division Juan Qi confirmed by the musician.
  Legend】 【
  As Shi Kuang hearing very clever, highly discriminate sound, combined with his superb Qin Ji, it will be attached to many miraculous stories of Shi Kuang musicians. Gu Qin Shi Kuang legend, through almost the gods. "Yu Yang, white magpie flying, falling investment." By the ancients to Wuyang white magpies as "Yu sound Concord, sound teaching flourishing" and Rui Zheng, Shi Kuang to win this reputation, shows his extraordinary skills. Shi Kuang worked Jinping Gong played the "clean micro", a play, "there are two cranes into the mysterious," and then played, "and column", three outs, "leading the Ming Yan, Shu-wing and dance"; Youzou "clear Corner ", a mysterious cloud from the west then north, the rain suddenly to" crack the curtain, broken ZU beans, destroy Gallery W ", is soul-stirring, soul-stirring.
  Of course, there are people playing these records miscellaneous ingredients Qin Ji Shi Kuang, inevitably Farfetched to too. But not all to superstition or talk of the town as the type of story, it is a reflection of the Shi Kuang profound artistic culture and exquisite. History set, Shi Kuang visited Kaifeng, where the building sets play music, since the remaining sites. Can be seen, Shi Kuang is a peoples favorite by the artists at that time.
  Shi Kuang and ears
  In the Taoist temple, Temple and other temples in the door of the house building east and west two rooms, usually have stations like the eyes and ears is a Taoist temple guardian god. As the name suggests, clairvoyance is the ability of the eye can see objects thousands of miles away, ears can hear the sound of a thousand miles. 2 God is derived from Chinese folk tales. Chinese folk have a "10 brothers" story. "10 brothers in turn called the ears, eyes dry years, Hercules, steel head, steel frame, long legs, big head, big feet, big mouth, big eyes, each with unique skills. To Yuan period, the historical novel called clairvoyance and ears for the "smart second king." they refer to two ancient Shi Kuang and Lou. Farsighted is the patron saint of Daoism in the two status is not very high, very widely spread . The two small God has specific functions, respectively, clairvoyance can see objects thousands of miles away, ears then to hear the voices of a thousand miles away. ancient Chinese novels very early their image, but on the source of their can not research, to the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368), some novel, two people began to ancient as their source, they are Shi Kuang and Lou. Shi Kuang was a famous musician of ancient, blind ; from Lou is the legendary figure, very far away can see the tip-animal hair. Later they were incorporated into immortal Taoist system, as guardian of the religion of God, they are generally placed in the temples of the statue's main entrance , while increases in their next two warriors, collectively, the "big four Poseidon" is actually imitating the four Buddhist King. classic novel "Journey to the West" in the description of the East China Sea Monkey trouble, stir in the government, the matter up to heaven , the Jade Emperor asked, "Yao Hou," history, classes shone Farsighted, the "Yao Hou," the origin of Zou Ming. At this point the Farsighted is the Jade Emperor of effective eyes and ears, is not very glorious role.
  Shi Kuang stop the doom sound
  Although Shi Kuang was blind, but his good command of music, playing piano is particularly extraordinary, quite amazing.
  Shi Kuang was not born blind, is too smart because they say they can not specialized in temperament reason is because too many things have eyes to see, the heart has been thought, the book is of his own blind eyes with smoked wormwood to post on the music to.
  It is said that when Shi Kuang piano, the horse will stop eating and looked up and listening ear; feeding the birds stop flying, raising for the sidewalks, missing the mouth of the food.
  Jinping Gong Shi Kuang are so special to see, then sealed the charge of Grand Preceptor music.
  Jinping Gong completion of the new palace, and to celebrate the ceremony. Duke Ling of Wei to fix relations between the two countries, the rate went to congratulate the musicians.
  Duke Ling of Wei with a group of attendants, came Pu river water, has been slowly darkening sky, their vehicle resting in the river rely.
  A time when the early summer, the bright moon high in the sky, weeping willow breeze cross the water, the river flows quietly go, and swayed the moon shining down like nine days of a brocade. Duke Ling of Wei was admiring the beauty of the night, suddenly hear a tune novel Pieces Chen, Tai Yue mind can not help, so attracted musicians of his teacher Juan, Juan teacher to find this wonderful life of music and record it.
  Teacher Juan kicked away, sitting quietly by the river, adjustable rate, Fuqin, listen to the music, the music recorded, a full busy night.
  Duke Ling of Wei Jin and his party arrived in Border Town, Jinping Gong put in the new palace in a rich banquet, hospitality guests.
  Banquet, Duke Ling of Wei Jin watching the dance, they play life division Juan river from the Pu heard that tune add to the fun.
  Teacher Juan hospitality to answer XIE Jin-guo, Li stressed that a piano will be obeyed, did her best in playing together. With the ups and downs of his fingers, and music sounded like rain, rain continuously, then cry like a heartbreaking grief.
  Jin sitting in charge of music to accompany gallery Grand Preceptor Shi Kuang smiling, listening carefully. A moment later, saw his smile gradually disappeared, look more serious.
  Teacher Juan bullets just half the song, Shi Kuang could not resist anymore, he suddenly stood up, hold down the division Juan's hand, categorically shouted: "Quick stop! This is the subjugation of the sound ah! Do not bombs! "
  Duke Ling of Wei Jin Pinggong had come to congratulate, and listen to Shi Kuang Le Grand Preceptor say this palm, stared in surprise.
  Teacher Juan is scared loss. Duke Ling of Wei looked very embarrassed.
  Shinpei power see festive time of their sudden charge of Grand Preceptor meddle in its geo music, which makes an awkward situation, a pedestrian defending monarch, is busy accusing Grand Preceptor: "This song very nice, how do you do it is the sound of doom ? "
  Shi Kuang plausibly authentic: "This is the extension of the Shang Dynasty musicians division business for the tyrant King Zhou's 'decadent music'. Later, King Zhou in Shang is no way, was King Wu of discussion is off, stop being afraid of punishment knowing extension division, in desperation , the holding Pu Qin jumped into the river himself. So, this music must be heard at the Pu river come. It's very unlucky, who will indulge in its country who will decline. so we can not allow division Juan played End the song. He said that here, turned to ask teacher Juan said: "you play the tune was in the Pu river listening to it? "
  "Say that's right, it sounds from the Pu river's water!" Duke Ling of Wei in the surprise of musicians for their solution embarrassed.
  Shinpei power take exception to that: "regime change already, and we play now, what inconvenience? You let your country go on musicians bomb!"
  Shi Kuang shook his head, stubborn: "The JOY song can make us physically and mentally excited, Conquering Music is demoralizing. My lord is a state, should listen to JOY song, why should it listen to the Voice of subjugation?"
  Shinpei power see Duke Ling of Wei, a pedestrian pained, he ordered Shi Kuang Road: "you were let go, let musicians bomb go! Do not be a party pooper! Today is the big day, neglect of the guests, take you asked!"
  Shi Kuang stubborn, however, can only be let go.
  Teacher Juan finally finished that piece shells.
  When the last note disappeared, Shinpei see Shi Kuang face with a look of annoyance, power color, it would be for him, asked: "What music tune?."
  "This is the so-called" clean business "." Shi Kuang replied.
  "" Clean business "is not the most mournful tune?"
  "No more desolate than it was also" clear emblem "."
  Shinpei Power said: "Oh good, you come Danyi Qu as a present in return," Qing Hui "it!"
  "No," Shi Kuang Road, "the ancient would listen," Qing Hui ", and are interested in perfect virtuous monarch. King of the training was not good enough, can not hear!"
  Shinpei Power said: "I do not care what any moral sense, and I only like music. You were bomb it!"
  Shi Kuang Wang Ming Nanwei felt, had to sit down to start his own piano. When he set aside the first string fingering wonderful sound, they saw a 16 Hok Yuen slowly coming from the south, side of the outstretched neck stiffness tweet, while a neat row of dancing wings queue. When he continued to play, the mysterious Cape integrate their calls and Pieces, echoed in the sky a long time.
  Shinpei power and a surprise guest who attended the banquet.
  The music, Shinpei power excitedly carrying jug, left side seat edge toast to Shi Kuang asked: "In this world, probably no more than this," Qing Hui "more sorrowful tune, right?"
  Shi Kuang replied: "No, it is far less than the" clear corner "."
  Shinpei authentic power beaming: "That's great, please Grand Preceptor and then played a" clear corner "it!"
  Shi Kuang quickly shook his head: "useless!" Clear corner, "but an unusual tune ah! It is the Yellow Emperor in the year will be set Citer mountain spirits and for all, and how easily play? If provoke disaster, the regret the MO and the! "
  "Hey, Grand Preceptor do not unduly worried. Ancient things more distant, how can hurt now? You play to listen to the side?"
  Shi Kuang see Shinpei power must listen to, no choice but to reluctantly from life, bouncing a "clear corners."
  When a string of mysterious music from Shi Kuang finger out, people will see the northwest, clear sky from the dark thick cloud rolled in vain. When the second string sound floated off the hall, there was the storm crashed over the region. When a broad surge in the third string sound, the whole piercing wind whistled, overturned the court room tiles, pieces of the interior of an increase hangings, heavy devices have a variety of worship broken in a house to fall on the tiles .
  Frightened guests packed to avoid panic, there and everywhere.
  Shinpei power also scared Baotoushucuan, lie on the pillars in the corridors, the frightened eclipsed exclaimed: "can not be played" clear corner "again! Quickly stop ... ..."
  Shi Kuang stop, immediately stop the rain wind back, Yunkai falls away.
  The presence of all the people admire the bottom of my heart Shi Kuang of playing piano. Musician, teacher Juan defending an eye-opener, before the excitement on the ground holding the hand of Shi Kuang said: "Your skills arguably shaking, Qi Guishen ah!"
  【Music】 legal issues
  Spring and Autumn Period, the question of temperament with a very mysterious color and highly respected. Master of music in the control law, while often being absorbed to participate in military affair, Boji fierce, preparedness consulting. Shi Kuang Kuang Zhuyu not busy in the music masters and the public, musicians of one of the reasons politics is, of course, but the number of musicians, only to get Jinjun Shi Kuang appreciated, this is really good learning and ability by virtue of their eloquence to win condolences braided, flat 2 km trust, and have worked at Jin's internal affairs, diplomatic, military and a series of affairs. As Han Shang said: Shi Kuang, "Although the hidden music track officials, and the arguments Kwok."
  Literature, Shi Kuang usual to Mourning, Ping Pong second rule of public policy for Chen. Mourning, level two public often ask to Shi Kuang, he can be "asked to do by words," raises some serious macro of the country. Shi Kuang of "the world five ink road" on "Ren Jun Tao", which contains very good advice outspoken criticism profound political views, that Shi Kuang as political activists with the vision and broad mind.
  Political opinion】 【
  Politically, Shi Kuang Ching Ming advocate for the government, both Germany and France. Monarch should be "pure action", "Services in love", should also help to maintain the rule of law, "law no", then "Answer to straight." In the employment context, he advocated both ability and integrity should be appointed to the national task of those. If "not loyal, with Chen infidelity, under which the high office of unscrupulous temporary Yin", will be buried in the hidden political chaos. Economically, the Lord Shi Kuang Fu-Guo Zhang Qiang people, the people can Zhengping Fu.
  "Empty treasuries" will lead to "strike the poor countries, not down, and" situation. Rule tactics, the Shi Kuang advocated "open up the eyes and ears to the situation and" make people have recourse invasion of injustice.
  He also raised the "no solid addicted to the prevalent custom, informal system in about" positive ideas. That the monarch should be "Kuoran vision, Inspector natural independence" so as to avoid mistakes, make a difference in politics. Shi Kuang Wang of governance is a reflection of his political ideals, their thoughtful incisive matter to. Mourning, level II, monarch wise, government civilians, Fu, to revive the Reprint of dominance, Shi Kuang play a significant role. Shi Kuang also with the level of public crusade many expeditions and diplomatic mission on behalf of Jin Zhou Dynasty. Lu Jiwu son said: "There Zhao Meng Jin that the doctor, there is Peter flaw that Junior, a history of Zhao, Yan Shi Kuang and counseling degrees, with Shu Xiang, F Qi to protect Qijun division, its North Korea more than a gentleman, his yong Yu can almost !, "express with Zhao Meng Shi Kuang, Shu Xiang, and other famous politician par.
  Quality】 【character
  Shi Kuang temperament Unyielding, straight right way, he Xian in rhetoric, but never those in power, have no fear power of the integrity.
  Once, when Kuiranzhangtan Jinping Gong drinking with the ministers, "Mo music as Renjun, although its statement of violation of Mozambique." Shi Kuang Questionable on the side, that this is not as "Monarch of people who" said, actually Caoqin to the level of public collision. Death is not generous attempts festival spirit, how dare this "guilty monarch." Level of public old age, AIDS palace luxury, massive construction projects, more and more dissolute without Road, Jin dominance on the decline, so that "people hear public life, such as fleeing foe." Luxury and sorrow in the Jinping Gong prostitution when Sa, Shi Kuang Yan directly punish offenders still am, really need some courage. "Said park" set, the king went out hunting three times since that the "King of the main exit" Xiang Zhao, and Shi Kuang believes that this is self-deception. Jinping Gong angry exception, "Yi Qi Zhi Jiu population of Taiwan to the herbalist Chapter horse cloth Tribulus in order to", and called Shi Kuang solution to fulfill climb the stairs, Shi Kuang endured the pain, Yangtianchangtan. Health Hill worms from meat to eat meat to lose water birth stupid worm wood. If the company of their own with the servants, that find their own luck. Temple on top, not a place where students thorns. Now there is such a case, he predicted: "Monarch will die." Shou Shi Kuang does not show the noble character of Ah Jin's future destiny and feelings of depression.
  Shi Kuang also to scholarly known to the world. Pre contemporary artists with different musicians, "as the ancient culture of those who maintain focus." Able to "study in heaven and earth, pass from past to present." Shi Kuang satellite operator has to concentrate on melody into, "the test clock to be 4:00 Lu, without the least bit of difference," "Zuo Zhuan" contains, Shi Kuang reward fortification with his wife Jin Qi Grieve who was suspected of Jiangxian old age, elderly said: "The minister of Health of years old, the first month Jiazi Shuo, 400 have 45 Jiazi carry on, carry on its quarter one of this three." Shi Kuang Lu not only calculate their date of birth as tert Zhonghui Bo
  And Jin's cleft into the sub-contractors and Marina meet in the year, "this 73 carry on." And pointed out: This year, the Di people invade Lu, Luda Fu Shu Sun was captured by Chen Di of people overseas, such as, snake, leopard, etc., and use these names to name his son. Shi Kuang profound knowledge compelling.
  】 【Thoughtful
  Third, Shi Kuang's world view inherited the Spring and Autumn when the two sides of the religious ideas, with emphasis on manpower and re-thinking of God Mixture. Shi Kuang advocate serving the community, undoubtedly emphasis on manpower. But he always difficult to get rid of the concept of deity since the Shang and Zhou shackles, often showing the blind worship of God and hopes, sometimes with a very strong superstitious. Shi Kuang asked the old days, "Prince bogey on killing people, in the classroom has Xueguang, an ominous, Inoue kind of peach, the flowers wells, two ominous." These dregs to a certain extent damaged the image of Shi Kuang.
  Finally, Shi Kuang's full of practical ideas to persuade school educational. He said: "few and easy to learn, such as the rising sun, strong and eager to learn, the light of moon and cow, the old and eager to learn, such as the Ping-candle of the Ming and Ping-candles of those in what was ignorant of the line?" He gives a deep inspiration and encouragement.
  】 【Writing
  According to "theft by finding in mind," Shi Kuang had "written Bingshu 10000" as "the treasure symbol" 100 volumes ", apparently his writings few, but most of the loss. Survival Shi Kuang handed down today for a" bird by the "Volume 1, ages scholars have different meaning, that the book was was created by Shi Kuang Wei Tuo Department of posterity. in the arts, the division mine as we will not not work, can test the right to have Ming Zhu "magic Mysteries" contained in the "spring" "Snow", "Black Farmer" allegedly made to Shi Kuang. "mysterious silent," said Kang from protracted, pending further research.
  Shi Kuang Essay
  Jinping Gong asked to Shi Kuang said: "I in 70, you want to study, feared evening carry on." Shi Kuang said: "Why not Ping candle Down?"
  Ping Male said: "An almost promising ministers and play the leader and comfort?"
  Shi Kuang said: "Blind Chen Ann dare play Qijun? Chen Wen of: small and easy to learn, such as the rising sun; strong and eager to learn, such as Japan and the light; old and eager to learn, such as the Ping-candle of the next, and ignorant of what Line Down? "
  Ping Male said: "Good, good!"
  Jinping Gong Q Shi Kuang, said: "I have seven years old and want to learn the Lord, but I am afraid it is too late."
  Shi Kuang replied: "Why do not candle it?"
  Ping Kung said: "How can his ministers and monarchs do jokes that?"
  Shi Kuang said: "I am a blind person, dare tease monarch. I have heard: teenagers love to learn, like, like the rising sun; middle-aged love to learn, just as the midday sun the same; in his later years liked to learn, as bright as a candle, candle and secret walking which is good? "
  Ping Kung said: "put it well!"
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