南北朝 List of Authors
Xie LingyunXie TiaoBao ZhaoXie Huilian
He XunXie XieYu XinLiu Kai
Shen YaoBao LinghuiKong ZhiguiJiang Yan
Fan YunYin KengZhi JiangLiu Jingshu
Tan DaoluanGuo JichanLiu QianzhiPei Songzhi
Wang ShaozhiLiu DaohuiFan YeXiao Zixian
Wei ShouCui HongCang RongxuXiao Ziyun
He FachengYang XuanzhiZong LinShi Huijiao
DharmaTan MomiduoShi SengyouYe She
Jiang LiangyesheChu ChengTao HongjingGu Saixie
Xie HeYi MingBao JianShan Qianzhi
Wu JunDeng DemingLiu ChengzhiDong Yangmoyi
Zheng JizhiFu ZhaoYan YunYuan Shu
Gao ChengWang LinFa ChangHuiguang
Chu Cheng
南北朝  南齐(?480 AD)

Medical Science《褚氏遗书》

Read works of Chu Cheng at 百家争鸣
  (Fifth century) word Yan Road, Clan (now in Henan Yu County) people. In the South Qi Jian-yuan (479 ~ 480) in the prayer for the Wujuntaishou, after the Book of the official to the left. According to "Nan Qi Shu, Chu Cheng Chuan" set, Chu Cheng skillful. Marriage in books of "miscellaneous prescription," 20 volumes, and "Marriage in suicide note," the former scattered and lost; Department of the Tang Dynasty after the book was compiled, and in Song Jiatai years general circulation. Is a book of 10, as described by the shape, the gas, flat pulse, body fluid, fission, energy and blood, in addition to illness, the trial micro, distinguish the book, ask children, the gist elucidation of human blood with the profound meaning of yin and yang. The book of the Five Elements of that have different views, that "gas is difficult to predict, it is difficult illness book; gas non-human, it is difficult diseases people measure", hence its "push experience more rape, and save easy to mistake" . The book highlighted the widow of the disease on the monks and nuns, and wives of the generation must be different, not equal, we should consider the special spiritual factors are suspected to book later for the Song Wei Tuo, the "Si Ku Quan Shu Abstract" deemed " SONG Shi Jing principles of medical science were written, and Wei Tuo Cheng to pass. " However, the essence of this book content has its Office, later to be used homemade Medicine.
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