秦代 List of Authors
Zhou NaZhao NaXian QingugeBei Feng
Yong FengWang FengQi FuzhishenWei Feng
Zheng FengJi FengWei FengTang Feng
Qin FengChen FengGui FengCao Feng
Bin FengLu MingzhishenBai HuazhishenXiao Minzhishen
Tong GongzhishenBei ShanzhishenSang HuzhishenDou Renshizhishen
Wen WangzhishenSheng MinzhishenSong YuWen Wang
Pū ZixiaKong JiZeng ShenKong Fu
Shen BuhaiDeng XiGuan ZhongShang Yang
Wen ZiGeng SangchugengsangziGuan YinziHe Shanggong
Wu ZixuWei LiaoFeng HouSun Bin
Wu QiFan LiYang NakeQin Yuerenbianque
Shi KuangCheng BenHe GuanziLi Bing
Qin ShihuangQin ErshiQin WangziyingChu Lizi
Qin Yuerenbianque
秦代  战国(407 BC310 BC)

Medical Science《难经》

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  Invention:, "Canon" and "foreign economy", four diagnostic methods (that is, look, smell, and asked, cutting)
  Bian Que, the Warring States Period physician. Surname Qin, were more people, Qi Bohai Mo (now Renqiu) people. Bian Que is the founder of traditional Chinese medicine, on the development of Chinese medicine has a special contribution.
  Bian Que doctor practicing medicine with "six dead" principle: First, rely on powerful, arrogant and overbearing people died; second, just for the sake of money, regardless of the lives of people died; third, binge eating, eating impermanence of people died; 4 is a disease not deep Early medical treatment of the dead; 5 is weak can not take the medication died; 6 is the belief that doctors do not believe in witchcraft Road dead. Bian Que concluded on the basis of previous medical experience looking to create summarized (see color), smell (hearing voices), Q (Q illness), cut (by the pulse) the diagnosis of disease. In this four diagnostic method, Bianque gem by inspection and palpation. At that time, Bian Que's Qiemo highly skilled, gained world renown.
  Shanxi Lu Jinan suburban magpies have Bian Que tomb, the grave monument Department "Spring Medical Lu Bian Que tomb", and 18 years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1753) re-marked.
  Bian Que wander the country, for Junhou medical treatment, except for sick people, gained world renown. His technique is very comprehensive, nothing unreasonable. Handan heard in respect of local women, they do gynecological doctors (gynecologist). In Luoyang, where is respect for the elderly, he made a tyranny geriatric doctors. Qin who love children, where he made a pediatric doctor, no matter where, are, Barghouti's reputation.
  One day, Jin's doctor Zhao Jianzi ill. On the 5th and five nights unconscious, we are very scared to death, Bian Que said after seeing his blood normal, nothing to fear, no more than three days will wake up. Then two days and a half, he really regained consciousness.
  Visible, Bian Que's hope the attending technical superb, really "look with knowledge that God" miracle-working doctor was. Diagnostic methods in Chinese medicine, the hope among the four diagnostic clinics in the living first, very important, very profound, to achieve a look that is the magical ability to know even more unusual. These three examples are very well-known medical story, "Revival", "Chien," The phrase is also out of this. According to legend, Bian Que reputation is too large, because by the state of Qin Tai Yi Li Mi was their jealousy have killed.
  Chinese medicine is a classic "Classic" is said by a person for the Qin Yue, but the content appears to be that "Yellow Emperor" after the book came into the works, written in the Han Dynasty. The content of deep, is rare in the theoretical writings of medicine. Thus, the ancients of the book were written by Name in Qin Yue, also said Bianque in the eyes of a high status people, by their names to show the importance of the book, also expressed his respect for people and miss.
  Bian Que childhood hometown did relinquish strengths in that hotel owners. The hostel was there in his long stay visitors a long Sang Jun, They in the past very close, emotional harmony. After long-term exchanges and long Sang Jun finally Bian Que said: "I am in possession of some secret recipes, and now I have old, wanted to pass on these skills and secrets you, you have to keep a secret, non-rumored." Bian Que immediately worship Cheung Sang-jun as a teacher, and inherit their skills and eventually become a generation of doctors, the Qin Dynasty outstanding representative of physicians. Bian Que after fame, touring the world, giving medical treatment. Because of its highly skilled, they often see the doctor for the monarch by the state of Qin was the jealousy of the imperial doctor to make Li XI, after Lee sent the assassin assassinated.
  Bian Que a clever medicine. Practice of his deeds and achievements in medicine, can reflect the level of the Qin Dynasty medicine and medical characteristics. Qin Bian Que a lot of books containing the deeds of this paper, drawing on "Bian Que Historical Biography."
  Bian Que in advice to the disease, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine a comprehensive diagnostic techniques, later summed up the four diagnostic medicine: Wang diagnosis, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation, when Bian Que refer to them as looking color, listen to audio, video writing and 切脉. These diagnostic techniques, and fully reflected in the history books as some of his medical treatment cases. He specializes in looking color, to judge by looking color and the course of disease evolution and prognosis of evidence. If he audience with Qihuan Hou, through the diagnosis can determine Marquis Huan sick, but still light condition, disease location is only part of the body surface Cou reasonable. He advised Qihuan Hou treatment, such as the condition will be better dead. Marquis Huan because self-satisfied, refuse treatment. Soon, Bian Que Marquis Huan again when an audience that has increased their disease, disease location has progressed to the blood once again to persuade them to accept treatment, so as not to further develop the disease. Marquis Huan still refuses treatment, the hearts of displeasure that Bian Que to show off his, and thus profit. When Bian Que third audience with him, that his condition has deteriorated, access to the internal gastrointestinal disease location, if not treated in time, will eventually intractable. Marquis Huan still ignored. The last time, Bian Que diagnosis by looking to determine Marquis Huan critical condition, has entered into bone marrow deep, ill, not treatment. Unexpectedly, Qi Huanhou soon the disease, eventually dies. This case illustrates that Bian Que was already well on Inspection of applications, but the diagnosis is quite high.
  In the treatment, Bian Que proficient use of combined treatment methods. Among them, one example from the treatment of Guo Prince, he used methods ■ grindstones, that acupuncture, as well as hot iron method kimono decoction method. Combination therapy as primary treatment when Bian Que practice measures.
  Bian Que in his medical career, not only a superb level of diagnosis and treatment, also showed the noble medical ethics. He was modest, never grown arrogant. As he healed the dead Prince Edward Guo kick Permit, Guo Jun is very grateful, we all praised him back to life the art, Bian Que was realistic to say that the patient does not die, I just make him ill eliminated reply to his original state only, and not "revive" ability.
  Bian Que attaches great importance to prevention of disease. From Qi Huanhou this case, he's the reason why many times to persuade the early treatment, disease prevention in the first place on the Apartments have thought. He believes that as long as the measures taken in advance of the disease, eradication in the early stages of the disease is completely curable. He was quite touched that: the objective existence of many types of disease, but doctors but have little treatment for the disease. He therefore attached great importance to prevention of disease.
  Pre-Qin period, witchcraft certain markets, and has become the obstacle to the development of medical science. Bian Que abhorrence of witchcraft, sorcery that the skills and irreconcilable. He thought of these medical ethics, in the "Historical Records" and summing of the six precepts, known as the "six dead." The six dead include: letters do not believe in witch doctors, regardless of the reason unbridled arrogance, are light weight money, food and clothing not appropriate, in a serious condition to the "shape lean not on medication, possession of gas uncertain" and so on. This is his treatment of the doctrine, this also reflects his noble character of medical. His medical experience is extremely rich, has been a valuable compilation of "Bian Que Classic" 9 volumes and "Bian Que Foreign Economic Relations," 12, unfortunately have been lost, this is a great loss of Chinese medicine.
  Bian Que selflessly put their skills to impart to his disciples, his apprentice son Yang, son of Leopard, the more children and others who are to be successful. Appear later in the Han Dynasty, "the Yellow Emperor Classic of 81," a book, some people think is based on Bian Que's skills, especially on the pulse of knowledge organized into books, and signed by Bian Que (Qin Yue people) book. Modern theory also think that his far-reaching, Bian Que formed school.
  Bian Que Temple
  East Temple preserved relatively full, with the main hall, Xian Dian. Snappers in the main hall seated clay Bian Que, the left and right to present themselves pharmacist, Division boys and girls book. The two sides of the house of plastic two stacks Medicine King statue, next to the paternity Division drugs, Secretary books, boys and girls are well preserved. Bian Que color as applied Lek powder laced with gold, jade robe, sitting first chair long, kind face solemn, surface radius, the amount of square Yee Kwong, plastic relic of the Song. Bian Que superb medical skills, medical ethics deeply loved the people, so by the ancient ritual. Bian Que Temple of the provincial key cultural relic protection units.
  Bian Que Legend - "Good treatment of disease"
  Under the Code in mind, King Wen Wei Bian Que famous doctor, whom we consulted: "your home three brothers, all experts in medicine, who is the best medicine for?" Bian Que: "the best big brother, brother badly, I was three Among the worst one. "
  The King wondered and said: "Please show you some details."
  As a matter of control after the control and control and better to be controlled, unfortunately the majority of business owners were unable to understand this decision until the error caused heavy losses before seeking cover. Up well, of course, to fame, but more often it is late, too late.
  Qin famous doctor Bian Que
  Bian Que is the medicine's pedigree. People respect him for the miracle-working doctor. From Sima Qian's monumental work, "Historical Records" and a number of pre-Qin Bian Que books can be seen in both real and legendary life.
  Bian Que's real name - Qin Yue people. About activities in the King of Mu to Qinhui Gong period (407 BC was considered years - 310 BC), Qi Bo Hai (now Renqiu area) people. Create a look-out, news, questioning the diagnosis, clinical medicine and laid a foundation for diagnosis and treatment.
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