秦代 List of Authors
Zhou NaZhao NaXian QingugeBei Feng
Yong FengWang FengQi FuzhishenWei Feng
Zheng FengJi FengWei FengTang Feng
Qin FengChen FengGui FengCao Feng
Bin FengLu MingzhishenBai HuazhishenXiao Minzhishen
Tong GongzhishenBei ShanzhishenSang HuzhishenDou Renshizhishen
Wen WangzhishenSheng MinzhishenSong YuWen Wang
Pū ZixiaKong JiZeng ShenKong Fu
Shen BuhaiDeng XiGuan ZhongShang Yang
Wen ZiGeng SangchugengsangziGuan YinziHe Shanggong
Wu ZixuWei LiaoFeng HouSun Bin
Wu QiFan LiYang NakeQin Yuerenbianque
Shi KuangCheng BenHe GuanziLi Bing
Qin ShihuangQin ErshiQin WangziyingChu Lizi
Shang Yang
秦代  战国(390 BC338 BC)

Legalism class《商君书》

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  Patriotic (today the city of Anyang, Henan Huang Liang Town area) people, the Han. Warring States period, politicians, thinkers, famous Legalist representative. Defending the king's descendants, Kung-sun's, so called Yang of Wei, also known as Kung-sun martingale, then sealed in the business, then called the Shang Yang. Seeking to be made to Qin Xiao of Qin, to persuade Xiao of Qin and Political Reform. Xiao Gong's death was noble Wu Hai, tying a person to death. 19-year reign of power, Qin great order, known to history Constitutional Reform.
  Shang Yang "less good Legal Advisors of learning", specializes in rule by law, by the Kui, Wu Qi, and others greatly. Wei Gong Shu acne prime minister after retainer, Gongshu acne ill on King Hui of Wei, said: "There Gongsun martingale young wizard may be appointed for the phase." Also on the King Hui said, "the king not to use Gongsun martingale, will kill the , Wuling exit. "Gongshu acne death, Shang Yang Xiao of Qin heard such thing, portable with Kui" law by the "go to the state of Qin. Jing Jian Xiao Gong three see through the eunuch, talk about political reform and statecraft, Shang Yang, Xiao Gong overjoyed. 359 years before any Zuoshu Chang, start political reform, after the tertiary Ryozo.
  Constitutional Reform
  Shang Yang from 356 BC to 350 BC, were two large-scale implementation of political reform. Shang Yang's first political reform in 356 BC, rather than the year 359 BC, Yang W, "History of the Warring States Period," 185 such a description: "" Textual Research about, "said: Xiao of Qin three years' Yang of Wei, said Xiao Gong Criminal Reform Amendment ... ... Xiaogong goodness. Ganlong, Du Zhi, etc. Vladimir However, phase and indisputable, Death Martingale method, the people's sufferings. home for three years, people have the, Naibai to Zuoshu Zhang. 'Accordingly, Xiao of Qin 3 years has been 'used martingale methods', six because of 'the people have the' upgrade to Zuoshu Zhang Yang of Wei. But the "Historical Records Biography of Shang Yang" wrote: Xiao Gong 'to Yang of Wei as Zuoshu Chang, Reform of Death set to make' . Accordingly, political reform is ordered, should be six years in the Xiao of Qin (356 BC), after Yang of Wei Ren Zuo Shuzhang. the two that contrast, when after that as is. "Qin Warring States policy of" one said: 'Lord Shang Qin rule , Act ... ... Xiaogong line to line of 18 years, the disease and can not afford, want to pass Lord Shang, words are not. '"Han Fei's articles and" said: the law of Lord Shang,' Xiao Gong-bound, to respect the main An, the country to prosperity, for eight years and death of a prince, Lord Shang tying a YU Qin. 'Wang Xian-qian, "Annals" that the' eight 'on off' 10 'characters, is correct. from Xiao of Qin six years (ie 356 BC) Yang of Wei 'is Zuoshu Chang, Reform of Death set to make' after the death of twenty-four years Xiaogong, end to end 19 years to the whole a year, is 18 years. "Accordingly, Shang Yang Reform should be the first BC 356.
  In 340 BC, son of Wei Yang of Wei Ang design capture, large break Wei, Wei forced to return to the past claimed the River. King Hui of Wei, said: "Gua Ren words of hate have no Gongshu acne." Shang Yang merits and, therefore, a glimpse of the business (now Southeast shangluozhen County of Shaanxi Commercial) 15-eup, No. Lord Shang.
  338 BC, Xiao of Qin's death, Prince Edward ascended the throne, that King Hui of Qin. Son of Qian Shang Yang, who denounced "For anti-" King Hui of Qin ordered the arrest of Shang Yang. Shang Yang fled to the border, want accommodation guest houses, guest houses do not know his master is Lord Shang, see he did not take evidence, reported to Lord Shang of law, no certificate of live guests to the Code of. Shang Yang Wei to think, but because he captured son Aung Wei, refused him entry. He returned to his letters eup, Ju-Bing resistance, the results failed to be tying a person to death.
  350 BC, Shang Yang and the implementation of a second reform, the main elements of reform are:
  1, waste Ida, opened Crossroad (Crossroad is the field of road). Qin leveled these broad terraced rice paddies, but also planted crops and brought before the mound as a border with, wasteland, woodland, ditch land, have also cultivated up. Who reclaimed wasteland, it owned. Land can be traded.
  Second, a county organization, the towns and villages merged into a county organization, directly managed by the state school officials. This is even more powerful central government concentrated.
  Third, move the capital Xianyang. In order to facilitate the development of the east, the capital from the original oak Yang moved to the north of Weihe River in Xianyang (Shaanxi Xianyang City, the Northeast).
  Such large-scale reform, of course, a heated struggle. Many nobles, ministers are against the new law. Once the state of Qin Prince committed a crime. Shang Yang on Xiao of Qin said: "The whole country must be to comply with the Act. If at the top can not comply, the following people can not believe this Renchao Ting had. Prince the law, his teacher should be punished."
  The results, Shang Yang to two master's son Prince Edward Qian and Gong Sun Jia have done a crime, a cut off the nose, a character in his face tattooed. This way, a number of nobles, ministers have not violated the new law was.
  So, after a decade, the state of Qin really getting strong, bet the king sent messengers to send the sacrifice to give Xiao of Qin, to him as "Uncle Fang" (the leader of the party princes), the Central Plains of the vassal state of Qin also have to congratulate . Wei had ceded the land in Hexi, the capital moved to beam (now Kaifeng).
  South Gate Standing Shang Yang
  In the Warring States, the state of Qin in the political, economic, and cultural aspects than the Central Plains behind the princes of the country. Posted neighbor than the Qin Guoqiang Wei, also from the Hexi Qin claimed a large place.
  In 361 BC, Qin Xiao of Qin ascended the throne the new ruler. He determined to think of higher things, first of all collecting talent. He got a command, said: "Whether people or outside the state of Qin guests, those who can find ways to make Qinguo Fu Qiang up on his official seal."
  Xiao of Qin such a call, it really attracted a lot of talented people. A defending aristocratic Gongsun martingale (that is, the later Shang Yang), in Wei are not reused, went to the state of Qin, the Trustee draws your attention, get Xiao of Qin in the interview.
  Shang Yang on Xiao of Qin said: "A country should be prosperous, we must pay attention to agriculture, incentives and soldiers; to be intended to cure the country, we must reward and punishment. There is reward and punishment, the court has authority, all reforms will be easy to proceed. "
  Xiao of Qin, Shang Yang's ideas completely agree. However, some of the nobility and the Minister of Qin has strongly opposed. Xiao of Qin saw so many people against their own had just ascended the throne, fear of trouble to go wrong, put reform of the matter being put down.
  Two years later, Xiao of Qin's throne firmly secured, and they worshiped as Zuoshu Chang Shang Yang (Qin Jue name), said: "From now on, reform of the system to do all the Zuoshu Chang make a decision."
  Shang Yang drafted a reform of the law, but are afraid people will not trust him not to do under the new Act. The first in the capital city of South Gate Jiaoren put up a wood thirty feet high, under the command said: "Who can this piece of wood came through the north gate to go on tour 12 gold."
  Constitutional Reform of the rules are ready, not yet published, worried people do not believe in yourself and the south gate was erected in the capital market a wood thirty feet high, the recruitment of a piece of wood to get it moved to the north gate of the human reward 12 silver. People feel strange, not Quban. And that "people who can move the wood 52 silver reward" a person to move the wood, gave him 52 silver, used to show that there is no cheating (people). Finally enacted that law.
  Polysemy: a: Ready
  Parts of Speech: Strange (shaped as conative) surprised
  Special Sentence: Nai Li thirty feet of wood in the South Gate City State (preposition post)
  People said: "Zuoshu Chang's command and unambiguous." Shang Yang know that his command has played a role in drafting the new law took his announcement out. The new law rewards and punishments, the provisions of unknown size and the level of knighthood in order to fight meritorious service as the standard. No military merit of aristocracy no title of nobility; more production of food and cloth, and remove the Guanci; all to do business and because they are lazy and poor, together with his wife and children are doing fine official of the slaves.
  Since the Constitutional Reform Qin after the increase of agricultural production, military force is strong. Soon, the Western Wei Qin attack, hit the east of the river from the Hexi Corridor, the capital city anyi Wei also played down.
  In fact, Li Wei Shang Yang trees before the Qi also used a similar means. People in the Qi River County Executive, to a wood stand in the south, who provided the wood to seal his push to make a long doctor's official. The results really been done, do the people blocked the officer was. Shang Yang's practice passed down and Qi were not.
  Shang Yang's two main political reform
  356 BC the first political reform, mainly the following points:
  1. Promulgation of laws, development of even the sitting method, with minor misdemeanors. The Kui "Act by" the promulgation of the increase of even the sitting method. Is the company of five, 10 Why, denounce each other, even sitting with the crime, information, "Hong Kong Adam" cutting off the enemy with the same reward, not to inform the cut. A possession of "rape", even, with the crime guilt Ng. Officials in hosting visitors to stay without official certificate, the owner of "Hong Kong Adam" the same crime.
  2. Reward military merit, such as the establishment of 20 Military Ranks. Provides a tour heads cut enemy Jiashi Jazz 1, Tin 1 are, nine acres of residential, service labor's "Bastard," one person. The higher the knighthood, and the corresponding political and economic privileges of the greater. Imperial clan, Guiqi those who are not military merit, it may not be included in the imperial clan of the membership, can not enjoy the privileges of nobility.
  3. Restraining Commerce, reward farming organizations, special incentives for reclamation. States: "To my best to weave the farming industry over who poppy silk, complex of its body; matter benefit and the lazy and poor at the end, give that income to take" (meaning try to weave in the production of male and female farming business, the production of grain cloth over be relieved of its own lord; persons engaged in the business and for non-productive and poverty bankrupt, together with his wife and children did not enter official as slaves).
  4, stressed that "rule by law" requires the State officials, law and literature and law, people who study law, "Officials as Teachers."
  5, for the law to change law. Emphasized the universality of the law, has "divided the world under one Fan" function.
  6, misdemeanor subject to heavy penalties, not amnesty does not forgive. Any claims should be punished guilt by key.
  7, to encourage divisions rape
  8, using legal means to deprive the old aristocratic privilege. Such as the abolition of duke Shilu system. In addition to the monarch loyalists outside the provisions other than the imperial clan, there is no military medals on the cancellation of its nobility.
  9, and strengthen the overall control of central and local, deprived of the old aristocracy of local monopoly power.
  350 BC, the Second Reform, are mainly as follows:
  1. "Open is played a border." Get rid of the last sector of each Azeta of Oda and each one is played field field boundary are a border province, the original "hundred steps for the mu," to open up the 240 steps for the mu, re-set the "Crossroad" and "a border." The State recognizes landowners and farmers of the private ownership of land is legally open to allow land sales.
  2. Universal implementation of the county system. Not located in the county where the number of townships, Yap, aggregate and into the county, a total of 31 new counties. Set magistrate, s Deputy, by the appointment and removal of the monarch.
  Historical evaluation of Shang Yang
  Domination of Confucianism as the reason, the history of the use of violent means for rapid evaluation of Shang Yang's reforms is not very good. Sima Qian in "Historical Records - Biography of Lord Shang" in Aspirations: Lord Shang, whose talent mean to people. To trace the operation of dry Xiaogong to the emperor, held hostage, said floating, non-carry on its quality. The cause and the Favorite, and to use, criminal son of Lin and Wei will be expensive deception, not the words of Master Zhao Liang, little has enough grace carry on the invention of Shang Yang. I try reading the book of Lord Shang Kai Sai Keng-war, instead of acting similar. Death by Bad YU Qin, have to have husbands! Descendants added: Yang of Wei to Qin, Jing Jian is due. Not benevolent, patients see the pro-Pa. Government must reform, Li Qi follow. Wei will not only deceive, people also complain Qin. How to approach, not Bin Inner Challenge! However, Shang Yang was also positive, such as Wang: Since ancient times, people drive at Fidelity, a word for the light weight 100 gold. Modern people know for sure non-Shang Yang, Shang Yang make the political imperative. This is certainly Shang Yang's governing strategy. The Mirror said: husband unbelief, Renjun great treasure. State Security in China, people insured letter. Non-trustworthy in order to China, Africa and China to keep the country free. Therefore in the king of ancient bully universal, Bazhe bully its neighbors, good for the country who bully their people, good for the family who bully their parents. Inefficient contrary: bully its neighbors, deceiving their people, and serious was bullying his brother, bullying his son. Do not believe, the next non-letter, upper and lower eccentric, so defeated. The drug benefit they can not hurt, can not make it available to death, would it not sad! Former Duke could not back Caomo the Union, the lord does not corrupt the original cutting of benefits, Marquis Wei Wen not abandon the people of the danger period, Xiao of Qin did not waste the reward of wood resettlement. The four emperors were, way of non-pure white, and in particular of Lord Shang said the harsh attack of another world war office, the world tends to fraud force, Utah and Bu Ganwang letter to animals of their people, the political conditions for the universal Zhiping who zai! While Shang Yang mean, but also shows that the integrity of the quality of Shang Yang. In modern times, despite a few dissenting voices, but most people recognize as a dare to touch the old Shang Yang forces, daring heroes of the reform.
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