汉代 List of Authors
Ban GuCai WenjiYi MingLiang HongMei Cheng
Gu YiHuai NaxiaoshanSima XiangruWang YiDongfang Shuo
Wang BaoBan JieyuZhao YiQin JiaBan Biao
Ban ZhaoZhang HengCai YongMi HengKong Rong
Mao HengXun YueZhao YeHan YingLiu Xin
Wei BayangZheng XuanDai ShengDai DeDong Zhongshu
He XiuZhao QiLiu XiMa RongHuan Kuan
Liu GuWang FuMahākāśyapa MatangaDu FalanAn Shigao
LokakasinHuang DangongGongsun HongFan ShengzhiLiu An
Wang ChongZhongchang TongYing ShaoLi YingXin Shi
Guo XianHuang XianHuan TanYang XiongShi You
Xu ShaoJing FangXu YueJiao YanshouXu Fu
Huan Kuan
汉代  西汉

Confucian class《盐铁论》

Read works of Huan Kuan at 百家争鸣
  Characters times the public, Han Runan County (now where this Henan shangcai Southwest) who rule "ram the Spring and Autumn." Dispute between cited as Lang, the latter was appointed the prefect Lujiang Cheng. Their extensive knowledge of good writing. Author of "Salt and Iron" 60.
  "Salt and Iron" is the beginning of dollars under Emperor Zhao six years (before 81) Salt and Iron conference held political commentary of the paper written essays. It is more vivid account of the royal doctor Emperor Wudi and come from all over the country called "Elite", "Literature" their debate, save a lot of mid-Western Han historical economic thought and customs, to expose some of the problems of society at that time and contradictions. In writing, it passed a certain concentration and summary description of several different characteristics of the characters, some characters more vivid language and description language, emotion is relatively concentrated; in particular the use of dialogue in the form of body, and each chapter contact each other which in the prose works is rare. But overall speaking, his written Shaojue stereotypes.
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