宋代 List of Authors
Yu RumingYing JunLiu JiChen Bokui
Yuan Cai
宋代  (?~1195 AD)

Confucian class《世范》

Read works of Yuan Cai at 百家争鸣
  Date of birth unknown, died in 1195, Zijun set, Principal (now Changshan County) people.
  Xiaozong Longxing first year (1163) Scholars, the official monitoring board heard drums hospital. "Quzhou Fu Zhi" called "Tang Scholars section, the three slaughter opera-eup, in order to remain upright and clean, said."
  Chunxi five years (1178), Ren Yueqing magistrate. Yueqing magistrate in office, the official upright, and rebuild county school, Compiling "Yueqing County," XXX, after the earliest known Yueqing County.
  A three-spot investigation into the Yandang corrected Yanshan map error, write "Yandang mind," a term ends at the time of The Wild Goose Famous Monk, Monastery, and the new development landscapes of historical data, the development contribution for the Yandang hugely.
  Author of "governance and magazines", "magistrate Little Lu" and "World Court" three books, this is only the "World Court" handed down. Detailed examination of their stories have not.
  Yuan adopted the writings to Zhijiageyan work "of The Yuan," the most respected people in the world. "Si Ku Quan Shu Abstract" said: "The book sustains life skills repeated in detail, so tempering the very end of morals Du Zhi, easy to understand the proposal of Re who know easy to view from, solid after all," Family Instructions "in Asia also." When to evaluate the book "one line, the vertical to future generations too." Yueqing not only educate people, and Liu Zhen that can be "Jesus Christ the norm," renamed the "vulgar and training." A book many times since publishing a 700-plus years, Chinese scholars in the West also attracted attention, and there are translations.
  "The Yuan Fan" of three volumes, sub-Mu pro, office himself, running home 3. Volume Mu-pro, the main truth about the family harmony and methods; Volume II Department has discussed personal cultivation and interaction with others of the Road, on human life of wealth and rank were often encountered, success or failure of ideological and philosophical exposition ; Volume III of household management, housekeeping Societe Generale some of the reason is, quite wonderful. This book discusses the different way conduct themselves in society and general writings, the language thoughtful, and easy to understand, very interesting, easy to understand and learn.
  "The Yuan Fan," a book of logic is not like other books of ancient self-cultivation as old-fashioned orthodox Ga, on the contrary, Yuan Caisi want very radical, and even dare to anti-traditional. He is a practical and near-human perspective on the principles of Confucian philosophy, not like some old pedant, as the "classics" of Confucius and Mencius that a set of ethics imposed on people's head. For example, Yuan adopted the "World Fan Yuan" to promote the family members should be equal between the father and his sons are equal, can maintain their own character, even if the elders at home, but also to their own than others training to establish their own credibility, not overpower other people; children did not need to submit to the authority of elders.
  "Fan Yuan Shi" There are many sentences are good words indeed, such as: "Villains far as King"; "thick and thin has been responsible in the responsible person"; "evil villains do not admonished"; "home into the fear of break in the negligent ";" poorly known from the partisan police, "and so many others.
  "The Yuan Fan" handed so soon after the training school to become a private school textbook Mongolia. Rejuvenation of the book are very ancient literati, will treasure it as gospel.
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