齐国 List of Authors
Gongyang GaoSun WuSima RangjuGui Guzi
Gongyang Gao
齐国  战国齐

Spring classes《公羊传》

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  Old Topic, "Chunqiu" author. Warring States Period, the State of Qi. It was said that Zi Xia (BU provider) disciples, governance "Spring", Communication in the ram-ping. "Chunqiu" I said initially only circulated when the Western Han Emperor Jing, Qi spread great-grandchildren and one ram Shou Wu is born, only "with the Zhu Bo," spread in the world. "Chunqiu", also known as "ram the Spring and Autumn" or "Kung-yang" is Jinwen important books, hidden from the year in Lu year (before 722), and finally Lu Aigong 14 years (before 481) emphasis on interpretation of "Autumn," the "dissatisfied", "righteousness", history recorded more briefly.
  "Kung-yang," the main spirit is to promote Confucianism in the restoration of order, Taiyimieqin, ruthless suppression of the Luanchenzeizi to side, in order to strengthen the Central Autocratic and the "universal" service. "Kung-yang," is particularly admired by the New Text school, is important Jinwen classics, ancient New Text scholars have used it as a tool of political discussion. It is also of the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Confucianism among the important information.
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