近代中国 List of Authors
Su ManshuWang GuoweiZhao ErxunLi Dingyi
Liang QichaoCai DongfanLi BaojiaZhang Zuyiliangxizuoguanlaoren
Sun XimengHuang XiaopeiXu ZhenyaLiu E
Wu JianrenYi SuoLin ShuChu Renxun
Huang ShizhongDun LuYun JiantianzhuishengHuang Nadingshi
Leng FoSu YuWang XianqianXu Ke
Sun YirangYi ShundingSong YuqingLuo Dunrong
Zhang JianMa JianzhongXu NayingShe Dehui
Li JiarongMeng SenYi MingLi Suiqiumeizhou
Xia RenhuXu GuoyingHuang JunYu Gong
Huang ZhiQian JiboTao XishengJiang Zhichai
Gu HongmingHu KaimingChen LianhenHan Shishi
Xuan NaliyinZhang ChunfanWu WoyaoCheng Shanzhi
Zhou DahuangYun QingnvshilvyiLi HanqiuZhang Henshui
She ChucangCai YuanpeiHan ZhaoqiXu Dishan
Liu E
近代中国  (1857 AD1909 AD)

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  Liu E (è) (1857 年 10 月 18 日 -1 909 on August 23), modern novelist. Formerly known as Peng Meng, word cloud Tuan. Later renamed the E, the word iron cloud, then the word convention. Signed "Hong Du Bai-lian health." Jiangsu Dantu (now Zhenjiang City) who, Jiji Sanyo (now Huaian). Origin bureaucratic families, but do not like writing the examination site. He inherited the family learning, dedicated to mathematics, medicine, water conservancy, science and other practical knowledge, and an overview of 100, like the collection of painting and calligraphy rubbings, stone bones. The "Iron Cloud possession of turtles," a book, the first company to turtle shells and bones to waste. Early Branch field disadvantage, have practice and business. Guangxu 14 years (1888) to 20 a year, has the governor Wu Dacheng into Henan, Shandong governor Zhang Yao shogunate, deputy Harnessing the Yellow River project, significant achievements have been the sponsor to the Prime Minister of foreign affairs Yamen to prefect appointed. Guangxu 20 years (1897), should be the appointment of foreign peking, he was raised in Shanxi mining minerals manager. Then took part in the development of Henan authorities Sherwood Mining articles of association, and make way for the peking Sichuan Ma Ha gold mining, Zhejiang Qu Yan Wen Department Sifu coal iron ore, as the comprador and foreign brokers. 20 years (1900) Boxer things, the Eight Allied Forces invaded Beijing, Liu E to be purchased too much storage coalition Su, Ping Tiao Board to set up Beijing hunger relief difficulties. 30 years (1908) Qing court to "private sale of grain warehouses," the crime he was banished to Xinjiang, Urumqi, died the following year.
  Liu E students will complete when the feudal dynasty ruled the eve of destruction, on the one hand against the revolution, but also the political situation in the ruins of the late Qing Dynasty disturbed and indignant. He argued that "state of the illness, in the public lose its proper nourishment. Countries to exploit the case, court order □ cut as something unbearable people carry on. The people's plight was thought disorder" (in a letter to Huang Bao). He requested clarification Official, against the "tyranny nuisance" to ease the class contradictions. Flood of Western civilization's case, he holds out, "support the weak vibration spacious" prescription is to borrow foreign capital in industrial, mining roads, so people out of poverty, the country gradually toward prosperity. In his letter to Luo Zhenyu, said: "Jin opened the public may raise mine, but the country can be rich too. The country will not factor storage, as any opening of the European people, and I set the system of strict, so three years and all ore Road to me. And if so, he shall benefit in time, to benefit from the Best Solar and I carry on. "However, the pace of imperialist aggression against China and wantonly to intensify the economic exploitation of the situation, Liu E addition of the yield on the foreign, it will The system tends to undermine national sovereignty and interests of the people, so "secular cross Exile, head for the Chinese □". Liu E believes Gu School, for the founder of Gu School of Ancient Thinker disciple of Li □ star pupil. He has in a letter to Huang Bao said, "of the sub-Longchuan (Li □) of the Law", "Zhe Yang Yang night insomnia, and then be content change of heart." Also in the "Travels" in Gu and Huang Longzi by □ the mouth spread and he played Gu School inherited the essence of the reasons that the Song of Science, Desire sub unreasonable; in the attitude of life Receiving advocate for human as According to it that "acted from their hearts, but restrained Ritual." At the same time that Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are achieving the same fundamental are "attractive for the good, the introduction in the Grand Duke." He also in a letter to Huang Bao-year, said the school "Holy outline, nothing more than two-way education," yellow push "to teach the world their own," while self-supporting "in order to keep the world their own." Gu School of the Spirit of life, Liu E thinking, acting and novels have a profound impact.
  Liu E's novel "Travels" is one of the late Qing novel four condemned. A total of 20 back to the book, the Qing Dynasty, (1903) published in the "Portrait novel" semimonthly, on the 13 back for any reason suspended after heavy on the "Tianjin daily news", before all. Refining the original Department of Health and the Concord 100. Autobiography of the novel he said: "chess game has been disabled, I will be old, want to have to almost do not cry?" Fiction is the author of "chess game has been disabled" in the feudal society and untold suffering experienced by the people cry. Write a novel to be called a quack Tie Ying Lao's knowledge in the travel and as. Lao is the work reflected the positive character of thought. He was "shaking a string of bells," rove the dead, in order to practice subsistence, wallow in indifferent and write it into Huantu. But his concern about the fate of the country and nation, compassion the suffering of the people, political parties, and Xia Dan Yi intestine, doing everything possible to save some of the people suffering. With Lao's footprint actions, and can clearly see the Qing Shandong area social life. In this piece of the beautiful, charming land, is undergoing a series of thrilling events. Big succeed feudal despotic officials willfully abusive people, made from a living hell. Revealed a prominent novel is that literary works in the past few exposed the "clean government" tyranny. The writer says, "bribetaker hateful, all aware of. Honest and upright official in particular, hateful, many people do not know. Cover bribetaker knowing ill, did not dare to non, clean government that is not from money, what is not? Opinionated, small is murder, while a major harm the country, I can see a pro, I do not know where a few carry on. " "Novels are always exposed bribetaker evil, evil honest and upright officials who are exposed, since the" Travels "beginning" (No. 16 back to the original assessment). Liu E to write about "clean government", in fact, are "anxious to do a high official" and kill the people at credit, employing child's blood top executioner. Yu Yin is a "remarkable achievement to" the prefect complement Caozhou's. Acting CAO state capital in less than a year, the bureaucratic cage before the 12 stations will stop more than 2,000 people died, nine and a half is the guy. In Asamune 1, Jie Yuan is due and the bandit frame, Yu Yin without investigation, conclude that the robbers, father and sons on the ruined cage at the station. A grocery store dispensers Dongjiakou young son, as casually criticized Yu Yin drink a few, it was he arrested the cage stops dead stop. Tung Ping House Shupu and those who voiced sharply Yu Yin truth, "whether you're a groundless, as long as his heart felt good on the station on a cage." Yu Yin logic is: "This man is not innocent either wronged. If he lay down, must not be willing, even I will not hold future. As the saying goes good, 'cut grass to root out'." To Apprentice, he would not die put down the knife. Lao poem "The Buried City Que injustice dark, bloody red top pearl", "kill people, such as Shazei, prefect is Yuanrong" deeply reveals their nature. Bute is just "too clean Ge Dengdeng" Morally, he had refused to huge bribes, but they rely not money, not bribes, blind speculation settle a lawsuit, slew many good people. He tried jiajiachang 13 lives giant case, assume, Wei Shi Funv be the murderer, torture and make a shocking miscarriage of justice. Novel also exposes the seemingly virtuous of Hunguan. Shandong governor Zhang Kung Pao, "love it, if thirsty," to source different to people in Washington. The surface is a "courteous" aspects of high officials, but in fact very stupid. He does not distinguish good and evil Xian Yu Zhu Li, also can not see how the proposed plan right and wrong. His love was the United States and Germany, gave Shandong people bring a series of disasters. "Pirates can do Officials" Yu Yin he appreciated just Bute is his reliance on the more serious is that he had mistakenly used the history of the river proposal Jun Fu, Yang spent the following people Dam economy, retreated embankment, the two sides have more than a dozen million lives being trampled on. In the novel wedge of peach Hill chipped in, the focus was in seclusion in the hills and Huanglong Zi Kou □ Two Remarkable. Through both words and actions to promote the author believed in Taigu theory, while the revolutionary movement, the so-called "North South Leather Fist", which means the north and south Boxer bourgeois revolutionaries, a malicious slander and curse against them are "rebellious." Boxer fierce and he said, "almost sent the country's life"; Revolutionary Party from the potential slow, he thought, "let alone skin ailments, ulcers up to that whole body will fatal"; warning people not to "stir into his party go "behind the performance of the author, reactionary side. The first novel back-that was politically symbolic for illustration. He was likened to a corruption of the Chinese floating in the sea about to be swallowed up by waves of old junk. There are several people on board: a steering tube, led by owners who sail, was the top film that feudal hierarchy. Author believes that they "had not been wrong", just because it is taking the "Pacific", and only through peaceful day, unexpectedly encountered a storm, so Mao's hands and feet, with not prepared to approach, met with a cloudy, sun, moon and stars all by cloud cover, so there is no fall back. Yet another person is encouraged passengers who rebel, revolutionary at the time metaphor, slander those who are "only care if they accumulate and ask them to bloodshed" and "Heroes." Spread, if according to them, "This is a faster boat cover." Wantonly plundered some passengers "sailor inferior", it means that regardless of the overall situation of the feudal dynasty, wanton evils of the ruling class lackeys. Of them are very offensive, as a sinner. How can we save the only downfall of the ship about to do? Author believes that: The only way is to send it a "most accurate" foreign steering wheel, that is to take some of Western civilization and repair broken countries. Novels written by some real characters and events have their people, there is such thing. Jade Yin refers Yu Xian, just Bute that fortitude, Chang Kung Pao (sometimes written Chuang Kung Pao) Zhang Yao, Yao Yunsong as Yaosong Yun, the prince would like for the Prince show, Shin Dong-made for the Du Bingguo, Liu Xiaohui as Charles Yeung and, history Kwan just as Shi Shaoqing, or the set being to the more his name or surname renamed deposit, deposit name Gengxing. Black Girl White Niu was indeed the trick for the man, a white Niu Xiao-yu, the Daming Lake home playing trick, tilting a moment, there are "red makeup Liu Jingting," said. The following people spent Jiyang Dam, is a dynasty 15 years (1889) facts, when the measurement of the Yellow River in Shandong are, seeing their miserable condition. As the author describes itself: "unofficial persons, correction of the missing history also. Name could care thinkers is true, all things have to sign it." (No. 13 in the original assessment), "Travels" of artistic achievement is relatively novel in the late Qing prominent. Particularly in the use of language have their unique achievements. Scenery can do in terms such as natural and lifelike, with vivid colors. Book Qianfoshan scenery, Peach Hill, Moonlight, are bright and clean, clean. Xiao-yu sing the bass drum in writing, the use of contrast is more vivid and appropriate practices and a series of metaphors, vivid descriptions of tracing out gives a sense of immersive. Therefore, Lu Xun praised its "Syrian King shaped by a substantial time" ("History of Chinese Fiction").
  Liu E had also written "Travels," a sequel for one year at Guangxu 30 (1905) to between 30 years. Gentry said, according to Liu, 14 back, this remaining 9 back. 1934 "The Human World" published fortnightly 4 back next year Companion Book Published 6 back booklet. Published in 1962, Zhonghua "Travels data" contains 3 times after. Sequel to the first 6 back, although there are the children of wantonly trampling on the bureaucratic evil of the exposed women, but the main struggle through the Taishan Temple nuns basking in the love story of its heart Yi Yun-depth subtle ideological activities, as well as children's discourse Chilong acts publicity of the body of true enlightenment of the Philosophic Theory. After three back to hell is described travel Lao, striking its punishing evil and persuading the purpose.
  In addition, remnants of "woven" more than 4,700 words, written in Guangxu 30 year later. In addition to "Travels", the Liu E a operators work one day, "Pythagorean Tianyuan grass", "solitary triangle technique" river works "of the Yellow River map test", "river 7", "the river said "medical book" Life Wo Collection "(not completed), stone works," Iron Cloud possession of a tortoise "," Iron Cloud possession of Tao "," Iron Cloud mud seal, "and poetry" s Tie. " 1980 Qilushushe published "s Tie", the poem fresh Toshihaya, deep skill, reflecting some of his whereabouts and thoughts and feelings.
  The content of aged:
  Qing Wen-tsung (Yi Zhu) ancient seven Dimba (1857)
  In September started this day, was born in Jiangsu Luhe.
  Father Liu Chengzhong, when he was 40, for the secret censor.
  Second Opium War broke out in the previous year.
  Li 30-year-old.
  Zhang 21 years old.
  Ma's 14-year-old.
  Huang Bao-year, Jiang Wentian 13 years old.
  Xianfeng eight years, Wu Wu (1858)
  Two years old.
  Liu Chengzhong Fujian Road March up to monitor the censor.
  April Qing government signed with the Tsarist Russia, "Yuan Hui Treaty."
  May the Qing government and the United Kingdom, France, Russia, the United States were signed "the Treaty of Tianjin."
  Britain set up in Shanghai, "Macquarie Bank."
  Kang students.
  Xianfeng nine years, have not (1859)
  August Liucheng Zhong Ren Shun try the Provincial prison officials.
  Father go to Beijing.
  Yuan Health.
  Xianfeng years Gengshen (1860)
  Literacy from the second sister Su-Qin, chanting, "Three Hundred Tang Poems."
  9, respectively, the Qing government in October and Britain, France, Russia signed a "Treaty of Beijing."
  Qing government set up in December, "Prime Minister of foreign affairs checks."
  Shandong Zichuan Depei uprising.
  Xianfeng 10 a year, Xin (1861)
  Liu Chengzhong Yu Huining Prefecture in Henan prefect.
  Father to Runing.
  Festival began in March, Beijing foreign minister.
  Yi Zhu died in July.
  October Tsz, Empress Liang Gong behind a screen.
  Governor Jiang Zeng any two, and supervision of the Southern Military Affairs; Li Ren, Jiangsu governor, organization and training Huai.
  Zhang Yao-Nien Chen Daxi beat in Runing Department.
  Qing Mouzon (set soon) Tongzhi first year, Saigon (1862)
  In January in conjunction with the Taiping Nien west Henan.
  Chang American flag shipping company established in Shanghai.
  Imperial College and set up.
  Tongzhi years, Guihai (1863)
  Li dialect in Shanghai, Guangzhou Museum located.
  Shanghai Jiangsu and Shanghai made the British rail business requirements.
  De-Pei Liu, Shandong Zichuan failed uprising.
  Tongzhi three years, Jiazi (1864)
  Zhao Jun held from time.
  April Hong death. Tianjing fall in June.
  Tongzhi four years, Yi Chou (1865)
  Liu Chengzhong transfer prefect of Kaifeng, rotary transfer Guide and accompanying.
  Britain set up in Shanghai "HSBC bank."
  Shanghai Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau set up in August.
  Li Jiang, the Governor of any two, went to Henan suppression Nien Rebellion.
  Tongzhi five years, Bing Yin (1866)
  Shandong governor Huang Yan Jingming destroy Hongyashan, Zhang Ji of martyrdom.
  Zhang Yao-Jun Wu Song in Henan system.
  September Nien Road east and west points.
  Li appointed imperial commissioner in November, offensive Nien.
  Luo Zhenyu Health.
  Tongzhi six years, Dingmao (1867)
  December East Nien failure Lai Wenkwok death.
  Li appointed viceroy.
  Tongzhi seven Wuchen (1868)
  12 years old.
  Liu Chengzhong blowing station in Kaifeng. Old River dredging economic benefits.
  Zhang Yao led his army to Zhili, Shandong, and the West Nien operations.
  June West Nien failed Zhang Zongyu death.
  Zhili Governor's office in August Zeng.
  Tongzhi eight years, Baba (1869)
  13 year-old.
  Liu Chengzhong survey Lu River, ordered copy European tankers.
  Chih reign, Gengwu (1870)
  14 years old.
  Li Sheng into the shogunate.
  Tongzhi years, Xinwei (1871)
  Liu Chengzhong transferred to Henan Yu Kwong Road South.
  Tongzhi 10 year Renshen (1872)
  16 years old.
  Died March Zeng.
  British business office in Shanghai, Swire Pacific.
  Steamship Li petitioned a trial in November.
  Chih, GuiYou (1873)
  17 years old.
  Henan traveled extensively make personnel.
  January set Soon reign.
  Sheng Ren Merchants Steam Navigation Company will do.
  Liang health.
  Tongzhi 10 years, Awake (1874)
  18 years old.
  Chun died in December contained.
  Tsz, Empress once again behind a screen.
  Jardine Matheson good at building British business Songhu Railway.
  Corrections (contained Tian) the first year of Kuang Hsu, Yi Hai (1875)
  19 years old.
  Dynasty years, the Rat (1876)
  Spring back to Huai'an, May tour of Suzhou.
  Examinations held in Nanjing in August, returned to Huai focus of the Poor statecraft.
  To Yangzhou, an audience Gu School Li Xin.
  Heir large chapter of Health, the third son of brother Wei Qing.
  Run in May Songhu opening of the railway.
  Songhu October demolished railway.
  Zhang Yao to Admiral name, set off with the tang of Xinjiang.
  Guangxu, Landmarks (1877)
  21 age.
  Huai Gu Bing Liu Chengzhong resign back.
  Confucianism, the eldest daughter Jane health.
  Li organizing Kaiping Mining Bureau.
  Sheng Steamship name to purchase the flag ship, etc. Edward Keller.
  Guangxu four years, the Tiger (1878)
  Guangxu five years, The Spring (1879)
  Of arithmetic, measurement, mapping and so on.
  Once out, Suimu side return an unknown location.
  Tangshan, China's self-built, xugezhuang coal railway started.
  Kuang Hsu six years, the Dragon (1880)
  Fan Qing Yangzhou and the hair to go with, thanks to Li Xin from the Gu School for the division.
  Cable and Wireless set up in Tianjin in August Li, Sheng chief by the Office.
  Guangxu seven years, Government House (1881)
  Study in Yangzhou.
  Fu in the second son of great health.
  8, in September due to ill father back to Huai.
  March Tsz death.
  October, the British founder of Shanghai water company business.
  Tangshan, xugezhuang railway was completed.
  Guangxu eight years, Horse (1882)
  Huang Bao and Taigu door, the Jiang Wentian set pay.
  Guangxu nine, Gui Wei (1883)
  2 female Buddha of Po Sang.
  Guangxu years, Jia Shen (1884)
  Father Liu Chengzhong Death October, at the age of 60-year-old.
  And studied the bridge opened in Huai'an tobacco shops, at the end of collapse.
  Sino-French War broke out.
  Guangxu 10 year Yiyou (1885)
  Listed in Yangzhou practice. The third son of Big Ocean Health.
  Li Xin from the study.
  Qing government set up a "Affairs Movement", by Yi-MU, Li presided over.
  Guangxu years, Leisure (1886)
  Concubine's value sent back to Huai.
  Fu Ning examination is not at an end, to visit relatives Luhe.
  Guangxu 10 years, Dinghai (1887)
  31 years old.
  Shi Chang bookstore opened in Shanghai, as the beginning of our lithography.
  From the Huai, Shanghai, Nanjing between. Four sons big gentry (word season Ying) students.
  August south of Zhengzhou Yellow River flood 10 Fort Branch burst under three hundred of feet
  All river drying up, downstream flood disaster.
  Guangxu 14 years, Leisure (1888)
  February engraved Liu Chengzhong manuscripts "for fast Poems."
  Shi Chang bookstore closed, back to Huai.
  Went to Zhengzhou defecting river, the Yellow River embankment in winter closure, so that power and brother Wei Qing.
  September Kang thousands of words written.
  Wu Dacheng Ren River Governor.
  Guangxu fifteen years, Ji Chou (1889)
  Any mapping, "Yu, Zhi lu three provinces of the Yellow River Map" mentioned adjustment.
  Write the text of the river, suspected that "the river of Five" or the draft.
  February contains Tian reign.
  Lu-Han Zhang petitioned March railway construction.
  Guangxu 16 years, GY (1890)
  "Yu, straight, Shandong provinces of the Yellow River Map" into.
  By Zhang Yao Xi stressed that any adjustment to mention the lower Yellow River.
  The "Examination of the Yellow River Map."
  Essays, "Seven said river."
  September Zhang Hanyang Iron Works in Hubei do.
  Guangxu 17 years, the Xin Mao (1891)
  Huai received from family members to Jinan.
  Young's visit to Fairmont source books stored in the sea, without see.
  Zhang Yao died July either in Shandong, the Friend successor, governor of Shandong.
  Kang set up in Guangzhou in August, "10000 Wood Cottage School Museum."
  Guangxu 18 years, the Imjin (1892)
  30 year-old.
  Guangxu 19 years Kimi (1893)
  In August, his wife Wang disease die.
  Female students Longbao the same month.
  In September, the mother Ms. Zhu Tai Death, by the funeral home in Jinan back Huai cuisine.
  "Examination of the Yellow River Map" was published.
  Guangxu twenty years, Sino-Japanese War (1894)
  First met with Luo Zhenyu to set pay.
  Fall to Hubei, because wait for verification.
  Sino-Japanese war broke out in July.
  Friend transferred to the governor of Anhui, Shandong governor Li Bing-heng successor.
  November Sun Yat-sen established the Revive China Society in Honolulu.
  Guangxu twenty years, Yi Wei (1895)
  Yan Luo Zhenyu to Xi Xi, professor of capitalists nephew.
  Friend sponsor again for the winter to Beijing Yamen examination, to be appointed prefect.
  A letter from the requested host Lu-Han Railway.
  Then the end of every family to Beijing.
  Sui Mu, Jinan degree years back.
  The Qing government signed with Japan in March, "Treaty of Shimonoseki."
  Kang bus a letter in April.
  Kang founded in Beijing in July, "Foreign News" (first name, "National Public") newspaper.
  August Emperor Wen Tingshi come forward to organize the party's "strong Society."
  September Sun Yat-sen Guangzhou Uprising fail.
  Kang office in Shanghai in November, "Strong of."
  December Qing block Beijing's "strong Society."
  Yu Xian Association of Shandong party, Yi, Cao, Jinan Road staff.
  Wang 'Zhili Governor's office.
  Zhang once again petitioned the construction of Lu-Han Railway.
  Guang Xu Nian Er, the Bingshen (1896)
  Jinan returned to Beijing by the first month or two back to the South in March.
  Record set "Fen Tuo Li Room Manuscripts."
  Wang concubinage.
  In Shanghai and Liang, Wang Hong, the Luo Zhenyu, etc. to meet and sing with poetry.
  Winter by Wang ', a letter, please build the railway town of Tianjin.
  Li ambassador to Europe in March, and tsarist Russia set "Russian secret treaty," the King of Belgium built commercial short Lu-Han railway loan.
  East Province, China and Russia signed a joint Aug railway company articles of association.
  Yu Xian Association of Shandong provincial judge.
  US-China Joint Mentougou mine, this is the beginning of foreign invasion of the Chinese mining industry.
  Sheng take over Hanyang Ironworks, Lu Han Railway.
  London Fog set up an office in Beijing.
  Guang Xu Nian San, the Ding (1897)
  41 years old.
  To do mine in Shanxi, Taiyuan, three to go.
  In April, the five sub-large by the students.
  Candidates for the company's Chinese managers Mountain Cifo.
  Jiang Biao March, Tang Caichang founded in Hunan, such as "Xiangxue Daily News", later renamed as the "Strong of."
  Mid-April, more than the agreed "Lu-Han railway loan contract."
  September Changsha set up a "school of contemporary affairs," Liang employed as Lecturer.
  Round-Kuang Hsu, the Reform Movement (1898)
  Shanxi mine because things impeachment back to Beijing.
  March and April, three held participate in Kang's "protection Congress" activities.
  Involved in peking activities in Henan mine do.
  March Qing government signed with China and the United States Triangle "Han Railway Loan Contract."
  Yan Fu's translation of a leap in March, "Evolution and Ethics" was published.
  April Niansan to August 6, containing Tian Reform.
  August 13 Tan so ji martyrdom.
  September "declaration" released "thread Paul Congress against the track record."
  Guangxu twenty-five years, has Hai (1899)
  Proposed rail line construction Lu Han Ze-Pu Railway.
  Association of Shandong Provincial Governor Yu Xian in February.
  November Yuan acting governor of Shandong, killing the Boxer leader Zhu had, the Ming monk.
  Turtle shell bones unearthed in Yin Ruins.
  Clear and the United Kingdom, Germany and sign a "town Tianjin railway loan contract."
  Guang Xu Nian Liu, the Boxer (1900)
  Go south from Beijing, spring Putuo.
  March, six sub-Large William Health.
  XIA Zheng women married in April for the second wife Ann Hong.
  May all dependents return to the South, staying Shanghai.
  Office in Shanghai in June, "The five-story mall."
  Qing masculinity played by peking things through foreign participation, please Spot Executions, was due home from Shanghai difficult.
  August north of Tianjin, and then to Beijing, to do relief.
  Cover SHEN Jin.
  May the Boxer Uprising in Shandong.
  Power Allied Forces occupied Beijing in July, the empress fled west, life Plenipotentiary Li Ren Negotiation.
  August Tang Caichang other self-organization in Hunan army, ready to revolt failed, Tang Caichang so killed,
  SHEN Jin fled to Beijing.
  Guang Xu Nian Qi, the Boxer (1901)
  Organized in February to help Bo Gong, "East Literature Society."
  Feng Shu Shen shares of public bookstores.
  Luo Zhenyu Office funded "education world."
  Acquisition of Heritage.
  Beijing water company proposed to do.
  April Yaosong Yun dead.
  Eight-leave Beijing, the Qing government and 11 state ministers signed the "Boxer Protocol."
  Li died in August, Yuan Zhili Governor and reward Taizishaobao successor title.
  Prime Minister of foreign affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs was renamed the Department of Yamen.
  Guangxu Rubbish, Renyin (1902)
  Henan Yu Feng charter company intends to mine road.
  Haibei salt company jointly with Zheng Yongchang.
  Liang translated as "15 Little Hero Biography" title signed. (?)
  April Gu School Shanghai Yu Garden Gate brother ease of assembly.
  Sawaura railway started.
  Such as merger and acquisition and Chengwen Bing Pu Island in Pukou 9.
  November to account for all business peking.
  Is in frequent and from Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Tanggu and other places.
  The first month, Liang Founded in Japan, "New People's Journal."
  Mao Qing Fan, Director-General of the Shanghai Jiangnan Arsenal do.
  November at the Imperial College school.
  Guangxu Eve, the mao (1903)
  South owned by the family, living Shanghai.
  From June to November, essays, "Travels," the first return back to the 14th.
  In September, "Iron Cloud possession of turtles," printed.
  Mineral matter in Zhejiang, a debate article published in the press.
  Board of Punishments lobby.
  In June, "Su Bao" occurred, ZHANG, Zou Rong was arrested.
  Former Minister changed its name to University Management School Minister.
  Guangxu thirty years, Jia-chen (1904)
  The first month, "Iron Cloud possession of pottery clay seal attached," printed.
  Hand extension "Iron Cloud Tibet and India", "Iron Cloud Tibetan goods."
  General circulation Zhangrui Shan's "10 - String Library Chin Music" for, and essays sequence.
  Huang Xing, etc. set up in Changsha, the first month, "Hua Xing Hui."
  Xing planning a failed uprising in Changsha in September.
  Duan Fang Ren Jiangsu governor.
  Governor Zhou Fu Ren two rivers.
  Ze-Qing Pu Railway Road in February completed section.
  Pukou 9 Pu Island to obtain licenses.
  Weaving factory in Shanghai to do.
  In September started continued Piece "Travels," 11 back, 15 to 20 back.
  Asked Qiaoshu Nan Luo Zhenyu Recommended Admission Services Department.
  July Qing government the right to redeem the Han Railway construction, from Hunan, Hubei and Guangdong Province public building fund-raising.
  August Sun Yat-sen in Tokyo, Japan set up a "League."
  Duan Fang and other five ministers going abroad.
  Guangxu Thirty-two years, Heigo (1906)
  Spring and autumn twice to Japan, the autumn when returning via North Korea.
  Autumn Piece "Travels preface."
  Essays, "Travels of Lao woven."
  Management of industrial, is on most of the failures.
  Lu-Han railway opened to traffic in March was named Beijing-Hankou railway.
  Governor Zhou Fu transferred to Fujian and Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guangxi Governor spin tune.
  World continued into the Grand Council.
  Faculty established the Qing government, Luo Zhenyu second Consultative any official.
  Guangxu thirty years, DingWei (1907)
  50 - years.
  In Beijing, Tianjin reconsideration water, trams, light industrial, etc., were not into.
  Essays, "Travels of Lao Can two sets," beginning in July, "Tianjin daily news" serial.
  To Pukou to do, had secretly ordered the arrest of Yuan, Yi Kuang get help, stay.
  Went to Hankou, the reasons for wait for verification.
  Xu Xilin assassination attempt against the governor in May in Anhui unpaired En-Ming martyrdom.
  Jun Qiu Jin failed uprising in Shaoxing planning martyrdom.
  December Qing Government and the British, German Bank, signed "Tianjin Pukou railway loan contract."
  Guangxu thirty years, Shigenobu (1908)
  In Nanjing to the "three continents land company."
  June 20 was arrested in Nanjing, spin Exile.
  Xinjiang Dihua arrived in mid-December.
  October set Tian, Empress died.
  Appointed lieutenant-governor of Gansu Mao Qing Fan, care and printed the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.
  The first year of the Qing Pu Yi Xuantong, Ji You (1909)
  Started writing the first month, "Life Wo set."
  Body shipped back to Huai'an, the following year buried in the southeast Cao Huai Wai.
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