晋代 List of Authors
Tao YuanmingWang YanPan YuePan NiSeng Zhao
Fu XuanHe ShaoZhang HanZhang HuaZhang Xie
Zhang ZaiLiu JiLiu YunDan ChongSun Chu
Cao ShuGuo PuLiu KunLu ChenYuan Hong
Xi ZaochiGan BaoCao JiazhiDeng CanXu An
Li GuiSun ChengChen ShouLiu HuiSima Biao
Chang QuWang YinYu YuZhu FengHua Jiao
Xie ShenYuan ShansongZhang FanYi MingHuangfu Mi
Fa XianZhou ChuJi HanGe HongDu Yu
Fan NingGuo XiangMa LongDai KaizhiLiu Hui
Cui BaoRen YuLuo HanWang JiaGuo Yigong
Zhang SengjianKong YeLiu XinqiGu WeiCheng Hongzhi
Huangfu Mi
晋代  魏晋(215 AD282 AD)

Medical Science《针灸甲乙经》

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  Wei and Jin Dynasties writer, physician.
  Filed Huangfu Mi, one may immediately think of his compilation of "B by acupuncture." In fact, in addition, he also compiled the "imperial century", "The knowledge transfer", "Recluse Biography", "Biography of Women", "Yuan Yan Xiansheng Collection" and other books. His life to writing as a career. In the medical history and literary history are prestigious.
  Huangfu Mi, juvenile name Jing, Shi-word, since the number Yuen Yan Xiansheng, is the grandson of the Eastern Han Qiu Huangpu Song, thanks to local people I tank for the division. Stability of that step (this county that step Lingtai town) people. Han Jian was born twenty years (AD 2015), died in the Western Jin Taikang three years (AD 28 years), living a 60 year-old.
  Huangfu Mi was a child, had one of his uncle, moving Xin (including Henan Mianchi). Uncle, aunt, aunt in particular, have much affection for him. The Huangfu Mi childhood fun to go to school, people laughed at him a fool. To 17 years old, big burly, actually, "not through the history books," all day loitering, like runaway horses, aunt of the Huangfu Mi so mischievous very angry, turn iron into steel, often for the future of his concerns. One day, she wanted to have fun in the Huangfu Mi out of the house and wanted to teach him a lesson. Unexpectedly, he went to the outside fetched melon, sweet fruit and the like, self-satisfied manner that was presented to aunt, thinking that "filial piety" or something, can calm the aunt of rage. Who knows more angry aunt, took the fruits, mercilessly fell to the ground, tears, said: "you were 2 years old, or 'go rather keep teaching, the heart would not join the Road', you have to really filial piety, respect was 'Slim Duxue'. " He was deeply touched, tears spent vowed to repent, change course, committed to hard study. Since then, his hard work and discipline, with an open mind ask for advice, do not slack day. Determined to be edited a book on acupuncture.
  For the acupuncture experience, as early as 2000 years ago, my physician has conducted a systematic summary. If a 97 years in the Han Tomb in Changsha, Hunan and Umazo heap, we found a variety of medical books written in the Zhou Dynasty, including "11 feet arm vein moxibustion" and "yin and yang, 11 pulse and moxibustion." Warring States Period of the "Yellow Emperor" there are many discussed the content of acupuncture. The early Eastern Han Weng Fu River Acupuncture famous doctor there, "needle" in the post above. But Jin Acupuncture involves the content of previous medical book, "his father profound," "Man and more repetition, mistake each other in one." By the time Jane with bamboo carving book, regarded as Mibao, ordinary people is not easy to get. As reference books are extremely scarce, this has caused great difficulties Huangfu Mi compiled. Fortunately, however, is not in the face of difficulties Huangfu Mi bow. He indomitable spirit, to the need of medical books borrowed by Qiongsou gaming, get a lot of information. He's three famous ancient medical works, that is, "Plain Questions", "needle" (the "Miraculous Pivot"), "Ming Tang Acupuncture cavity to", Compiling set up, to be comprehensive comparison, "delete the floating words, In addition to its repetition, of the essence ", combined with his own clinical experience, and finally wrote one for the future acupuncture set a standard masterpiece -" The Yellow Emperor three acupuncture B ", also known as" AB Classic of Acupuncture ", referred to as" B Classic. "
  The book also spread abroad, by countries, particularly Japan and the DPRK attention. Year 7 O year, in the Japanese laws, "Great Treasure Laws" in defined as "Acupuncture and B by" as one of the must-read reference books. Evident, Huangfu Mi's "Acupuncture and B by the" far-reaching effects.
  During his ill from reading a lot of medical books, particularly very interested in acupuncture. But with further research, he found books on esoteric acupuncture before but full of mistakes, is not easy to learn and read. He then through its own experience, find out the physical context and points, and combined with "Miraculous Pivot", "Plain Questions" and "tricks hole Acupuncture should" and other books, carefully studying, writing the country's first school of acupuncture book - "Acupuncture and B Classic."
  The book expounds the organs, meridians and other theories, but also recorded the body points 649, Ana 349, and the clear positioning of various points on the point indications card, acupuncture methods of operation and a detailed description of taboos and so on and 11 to correct a previous error.
  It can be said, "Acupuncture by B" is the development of acupuncture in an important work, the Department of the Tang Dynasty imperial doctor of acupuncture in the study is to book the hours of teaching materials. Later, the book spread to Japan, Korea and other countries, is also very high reputation in the international arena.
  40 years old, he suffered paralysis of wind disease, very painful, is still in learning not neglect. Understand why he was so obsessed with learning, he said: "hear the Dao, the eve of death may have." Am aware that if a truth, even if they died at night is worth it. Emperor King his noble character, knowledgeable, they asked him to become an official, he not only rejected it, yet she also borrowed a car to the emperor of books to read, could perhaps be considered a miracle it!
  The "King Century" as an important historical and geographical works, recorded during each emperor to mu, a dependency, population. He estimates the population of pre-Qin era is the history of the study population, important information, has been quoted by ancient scholars, but a number of modern scholars skeptical.
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