南北朝 List of Authors
Xie LingyunXie TiaoBao ZhaoXie Huilian
He XunXie XieYu XinLiu Kai
Shen YaoBao LinghuiKong ZhiguiJiang Yan
Fan YunYin KengZhi JiangLiu Jingshu
Tan DaoluanGuo JichanLiu QianzhiPei Songzhi
Wang ShaozhiLiu DaohuiFan YeXiao Zixian
Wei ShouCui HongCang RongxuXiao Ziyun
He FachengYang XuanzhiZong LinShi Huijiao
DharmaTan MomiduoShi SengyouYe She
Jiang LiangyesheChu ChengTao HongjingGu Saixie
Xie HeYi MingBao JianShan Qianzhi
Wu JunDeng DemingLiu ChengzhiDong Yangmoyi
Zheng JizhiFu ZhaoYan YunYuan Shu
Gao ChengWang LinFa ChangHuiguang
Xiao Ziyun
南北朝  南朝梁(487 AD549 AD)

Miscellaneous History《晋书》

Read works of Xiao Ziyun at 历史大观
Read works of Xiao Ziyun at 小说之家
  Southern Liang historian and writer. Jing Qi word, Southland Ling people. For the ninth son of Xiao Yi. Xiao Ziyun small Diligent and pay close attention. 26-year-old as the "Book of Jin", 30-year-old Leung Mishu Lang, later moved to Prince Edward Scheeren, the "New Orient House in mind." Tired after the foreign troops to join the army moved to North Zhonglang, Jinan palace literature, Stuart, the main book and the Ministry of Personnel Nagao and sijung other posts. He is also good at grass Clerical law, good effect Jong-won Chang (Zhong Yao), Wang Yi less (Wang Xizhi) book, and micro-change fonts, perceived power forward, the book is elegant. Emperor praised as being "on display in Jun Jin, Hand and Heart. Cleverest over granularity (the Eastern Han Dynasty cursive home), the United States had actually Cui, and Yuan Chang and drive when rushed." Xiao Ziyun calligraphy fame. Baekje sent envoys to come to the Southern States buy their calligraphy. When Xiao Ziyun any Danyangjuncheng, angels waiting in the Road, see sub-cloud, then Looking ago paid respects, said: "sijung chido beauty, well flow overseas, today sought, and the only name trace things." Following this, Xiao Ziyun brush 3, 30 papers and book Baekje States envoy. Taiqing three years (549 years) in March, the city fell in Taiwan, Xiao Ziyun East Ben Jinling, hungry died manifestation Temple, when he was 62 years old. Xiao Ziyun author of "Book of Jin" (has been Lost, has a volume of this series), "New Orient House in mind."
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