晋代 List of Authors
Tao YuanmingWang YanPan YuePan NiSeng Zhao
Fu XuanHe ShaoZhang HanZhang HuaZhang Xie
Zhang ZaiLiu JiLiu YunDan ChongSun Chu
Cao ShuGuo PuLiu KunLu ChenYuan Hong
Xi ZaochiGan BaoCao JiazhiDeng CanXu An
Li GuiSun ChengChen ShouLiu HuiSima Biao
Chang QuWang YinYu YuZhu FengHua Jiao
Xie ShenYuan ShansongZhang FanYi MingHuangfu Mi
Fa XianZhou ChuJi HanGe HongDu Yu
Fan NingGuo XiangMa LongDai KaizhiLiu Hui
Cui BaoRen YuLuo HanWang JiaGuo Yigong
Zhang SengjianKong YeLiu XinqiGu WeiCheng Hongzhi
Xu An
晋代  (352 AD425 AD)

a historical treatise historiography《晋纪》

Read works of Xu An at 历史大观
  Word wild people, regardless of screen people in Dongguan, Xu Miao's younger brother. Born Jin Mudi Yong and eight, died in Song Wendi Yuan Jia years, 74 years. Family background to learn, to wide especially fine. One hundred, the number of patients, all research view. Xie Xuan of Yanzhou, the provision in. Xiao Wu Di, in addition to Mishu Lang, typical school secretary. After Sanqichangshi, collar works. Early Huanxuan usurped the throne, Emperor eviction, to accompany the column wide, sad move around. And Liu Yu Shou Chan, abdicated Emperor Gong, Guang Xie Ai Gan Tisi night that said: "Xu will be no smaller than the public?" Canton said: "the king Song Zuo Chen, Jin Shi remnant of the body is, worry about things like, not solid At the same time. "spy for more sob. Then go begging. Car service meter wide taste essays Notes and Jin Ji where forty-six, Dali asked over a hundred articles. There are 15 volumes Collected Works, ("Sui Shu-chi" and "two-Tang Chi") line of the world.
  Expo hundreds, knowledge intensive. Xie Xuan as Yanzhou provincial governor, turned into engaged. Sima Wang Qiao Tian for the Town General and make up for the army. Xiao Wu Di, allowed for the Mishu Lang, Code Province, the school secretary. Members outside the Sanji assistant minister after the turn, still lead the school books. Wang martyrdom of its Book of Order is very discouraged and recommended to Cibu Lang. Sima Yuan was cited after being recommended to join the army as the army, moved to leading Eliot. Huanxuan Colonial, he served as the general literature for the large Ji Jiu. Yoshihiro dynasty, Feng Zhao car service writing instrument note, Renzhen Jun Consultative, leading record room, sealed into music Hou. Members outside the Sanqichangshi after the turn, lead work. The orders of the court written instructions from national history. Has moved to Xiaoqi General Chiang Kai-shek led Xuzhou, positive staff Attendants, Daiji agriculture, industry still works. 416 (Yoshihiro years) wrote, "Jin Ji", a total of 46 volumes. Soon, the Secretary moved to prison. 420 years (two million Xi) June, Sima German Emperor Gong Jin Liu Yu Zen is located, the Eastern Jin Dynasty perish. He was very sad, speechless pain. To old age, seeking return their homeland. Although to the old, still Shoubushijuan, Yong reading stopped working. In 74 years, died at home. Also author of "Dali ask" and so on.
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