清代 List of Authors
Jiang ChunlinZhu YizunPan YongyinChen Tingjing
Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtshoPu HeZheng XieJin Nong
Yun ShoupingWang ShishenZhang DashouNing Diaoyuan
Wu QiLi FangyingYu YuenaziYu Yue
Song LuoLv RanCao XueqinNa Lanxingde
Lv FuQian QianyiWu WeiyeGu Yanwu
Gu ZhenguanChen WeisongWang ShizhenCha Shenhang
Yuan MeiHuang JingrenGong ZizhenHuang Zunxian
Qiu JinHe WenhuanFeng BanWang Fuzhi
Sun TaoGuo LinYang KuishengMo Sitong
Bi YuanWang JiShang QiuHuang Shi
Huang YizhouZhang TingyuYi MingWang Bingtao
Bai JunlinLi QingfuChen FangshengSun Xingyan
Zhu BaluZhang XuechengGu YingtaiGao E
Pu SonglingWu JingziLi RuzhenXing Shijushi
Na Lanxingde
清代  (1655 AD1685 AD)

poetry comment《纳兰词典评》
Poetry《Drinking water vocable Corpus Total head》   

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  Nalanxingde (1655-1685): formerly known as German, the word content if, No. Lankavatara Shanren, Manchuria is yellowfin, big-Ci Qing Dynasty.
  University for the race meeting tomorrow beads Nalanxingde the eldest son of the palace. Young, clever and smart, Wenwuquancai. Kangxi 15 years (1676) at the age of 22 successful candidates, dimethyl seventh, giving birth Chin. Grant third-class guards, then through into the first class, military attache was Mishina.
  Book of Guangdong and Guangxi Governor Lu Xingzu wife the daughter of Romer, giving Shu who, after the Patent grant a goods wife, married his wife's death three years later, following the government's married, giving Shu people. The concubine Yan, Shen Wan satisfied after, South talented woman, with a "choose the word dream." Nalanxingde the age of 31 died, was buried in West Beijing Gleditsia Tuen. Left three sons and four women.
  Submitted by Nalanxingde life, mostly Han Chinese poets without, such as Zhu Yi-zun, Chen Wei, Gu Zhen Guan, Jiang Chen Ying, Yan Sun and other rope, whose home he Lu Shui Ting often elegant gatherings with friends, which they virtually for the Qing emperor Kangxi of the Qing government to win over a group of Han Chinese intellectuals living.
  Nalanxingde Although life is short, but it works quite good: "Tong Zhi Tang Collection" 20 volumes (including Fu volume, all four volumes of poetry, three volumes by the solution sequence, the text in length, "Lu Shui Ting Miscellanies" IV), "the word forest is a little"; series "Big Easy set meaning pure words," 80 volumes, "said Chen Li Ji correction" Thirty eight volumes; compile "set near the beginning of the word," "famous quatrains notes" "All Anthology" and other books. Moreover, most of them are his retinue while the pommel horse to complete, the pen with startling.
  The main achievement is the word Nalanxingde. The existing 349 words, published as "Side hat", "water" set, after many said "Ci", style fresh Juanxiu, Aigan stubborn Yan, a Southern Tang emperor of legacy, Wang Guowei a comment: "Song Since only one person. "
  Nalanrongruo and his words
  Nalanrongruo, name of morality, if his word content. Nalanrongruo the name beautiful scenery, teaching people amazing: chest satisfied orchids, God, if capacity slightly. 1 Yin this name, meaning of Innocent Wets elegant style, distinctly eyes.
  Nalanrongruo birth year of the Qing Shunzhi 10 are yellow flags, their ancestors in the Qing Dynasty from the Lung into the pass, merit to shine through, the son of Pearl, is the Kangxi wield Grand Secretary of the minister. Yung if talent perspicacity, Broadcom by history, calligraphy work, good at Danqing, then fine riding and shooting, 17 for the various students, 18 Provincial Examination held, 20-year-old successful candidates, giving Scholars origin, Houjin first-class guards, often accompanied by Emperor Kangxi frontier patrol Thirty-one year old, sick and die because of cold.
  Nalanrongruo author of "Annals Hall Collection," 20 volumes, but the big achievement was the word on. Wanli his words fresh, unique sharp sense of truth, pointing Conscience, published in his lifetime edition exerted "every struggle to sing the" buzz. Behind him, Nalan known as "the first word Manchu" and "First Scholar" Seike Words and scholars have high regard for him, Wang Guowei Chan said, "to Natural Eyes to Nature tongue romance. ... ... Song has just one. "
  To the time the Republic of China, or the very famous wit Nalan typical example of early death. Have this as evidence: Mr. Zhang Henshui's "History of Chunming," wrote a gifted scholar, died in the three-year-old prime of life, their friends and muses Road: 'to see the word written on weekdays, I feed him with that Nalanrongruo the same can not be Yongnian of ... ... "
  The Nalanrongruo word, or write to write of love or friendship, there is no criticism of the superstructure What song, What song did not care about the working class, even his word that describes Frontier scenery, but also because of people enveloped Homesickness The worry Yu, set not to "praise the motherland beautiful mountains and rivers" of the cap.
  Therefore, each selection of contemporary comment on this at the time Ci should say "Content thin narrow" and "ideological levels are not high" to the group; in contemporary human edited book, and Nalan Nalan into literature history of lace, became dispensable touch of leisure document.
  Nalan Family
  Nalan family can be traced back to before entering the Department of Haixi Nuzhen Empress. Baylor head of its Department of stone deposits for unity in fighting northeast of Nuzhen Nurhaci war, the city trapped dead.
  Nalan Aeneas his son moved to the Department of Korean statehood as Empress by Zuoling level. In Manchuria into the customs process, the product function by the level recorded in cattle Zhang Jing (Jidou Yu). Niya Melbourne Qi Han's wife, a son Cheng Library, the second son of Pearl.
  Nalan Premier side for the Pearl, three sons, his wife and grandson to Liqin Wang Shuo good health on behalf of the pro-jie eighth woman, is a Princess. As a Premier side and the master volume attached (Gunma), with its privileges and the Duke. Premier wife both parties have died, leaving two sons: Yasuaki, Yuan Pu. After all, after Emperor Kangxi ordered to Premier Syria adoptive couple, and renamed the John Ting, Yongfu.
  Life in the 16-year-old Nalan Yong Ren Zuo Ling, guards, are yellow flags Manchuria Dutong commanders, Libu You Shilang, it was named assistant minister left Ministry of War, John married life is Huangqihai Han Dutong commanders with the daughter of A's grandfather, gave birth to four women, one woman later became the Qianlong Hong Li of Shu Fei.
  Nalan Yongfu Yun Tang and Wong, daughter of nine children married three formatting, the official Imperial Household Explorer. He was with nine sub-Yun Tang Yue Zhang Huang genetic relationship, has supported Yun Xi, Yun-Zhi gain the throne, grudges in four sub-Yin Wong Chen, Yung-cheng's political opponents to become, for its evil, be dismissed. Shengjing Hubushilang successor until the Qianlong four years.
  Nalan looking for the Nalanxingde the Sun Dai, the official Qianlong is red Manchuria Dutong commanders, Admiral military governor of Zhili Chief General sub-prefect. And his father posthumously Dr. Fogg is red flag for the guanglu Manchuria Dutong commanders, but also donated guanglu doctor Admiral Jin Famous Official military governor of Zhili sub-prefect. Romer's mother, mother Yan also "and Patent products donated a Lady."
  Nalan family system for generations because of the feudal aristocracy official, and once bit extreme ministers, by blood, marriage, etc. and the Qing dynasty form or another. Nalanxingde Premier I and the brother of Syria and son are very knowledge, Fogg; father and brother worked for the children of the civil and military officials also concurrently, which constitutes the family lineage, is a microcosm of the feudal upper class, which has the typical sense.
  Nalanxingde 22 years old, once again participate in jinshi test, comprehensive examinations with distinction dimethyl seventh. Kangxi emperor granted him the official third-class guards, later promoted to second-class, up again for the first-class. Around the imperial bodyguard, as the emperor, the military attache to participate as a mighty handsome romantic things Sven's poetry. With the emperor's southern tour North hunting, traveled extensively, was ordered to participate in important strategic reconnaissance, with the emperor sing poetry, dubbed writing, because that St. Italy, has been repeatedly ex reward, is the envy of both civil and military people are young talents, the emperor regarded highly portable Elegance, promising high-brow.
  But as the art of poetry Wizards, he was tired of bureaucracy heart vulgar and attendants life, mood Cyril fame. Although "living in mansions with high gates, often Shanze Ichthyornis Thought." His poems are very good, especially the word for an outstanding, known to the world. 24 years old, with his own words for compile into the set, called "Side hat set", later renamed the "water words", after that was set by the two words left to fill a vacancy, a total of 342, edit one, called "Ci." Handed down the "Ci" reputation in the society at that time on, for the literati, such as a high degree evaluation, as the outstanding representative of the times Ci.
  1674, Nalanxingde 20 years old, married the daughter of Guangdong and Guangxi Governor Lu Xingzu wife, Chi Shu people. Is a party 18 years in Romer, "born Euphemistic, of the dignified." Into a marriage, two loving couples, deep affection, happy married life inspired his poetry writing. But only three years, Romer died due to post-natal exposure to cold, which caused great pain to Nalanxingde, from "Memorial of the Yin many friends and a deep hatred." Heavy psychological blow to his poems again and again after the Memorial showing the endless desolation Aiwan Acacia feelings and look to regret the miss state of mind. Nalanxingde then continued to marry Anna, and a Ce Shi Yan. It is worth mentioning that Nalanxingde 30 years old, in with the help of friends Gu Zhen Guan, Wan-Shen talented woman in southern Namibia. Shen Wan, the word Royal cicadas, Zhejiang Wu Cheng who was a "choose the word dream." Mourn the focus to "Fengshen not diminished her husband." Unfortunately, her live with Nalanxingde year after Nalanxingde died, this short-lived love You Yi ended in tragedy. Nalanxingde as the generation of Libertine, and his love life which was later relish, but also a variety of marketplace rumors based on hearsay evidence, the most widely rumored that the cousin palace concerned, but not the final exam.
  Nalanxingde Although only a short 30 year life, but he is renowned Qing Dynasty, one of the big words. At that time the situation Ci Restoration, he represented with Yangxian Chen Wei, head of western Zhejiang Jiaxing in separate categories sent, saying, "The Three clear words." However, with distinction, Nalanxingde is distinguished into the Manchu customs soon, be able to grasp and use of the Han culture was so deep, that have very much amazed of.
  NaLan for the existing 348 (some say 342), which relates to love, friendship, frontier South, Sing Yong history and essays and so on. Although to the author's Shenfen experience, he's small number of the Ci, is not too broad vision, but because of Lyric Poetry charming, but is Ji Wei Xing Nalanxingde really are, therefore, make every word out of his share and , and has never then and afterwards praised. Modern scholar Wang Guowei gave his famous high praise: "Nalanrongruo by Natural Eyes, tongue romance of nature. This is not stained by the Han Chinese culture first joined the Central Plains, it could be so real. Song has only one . "Zhou Yi is also the" Hui Feng Poetry "in reputation as a" country first hand the first word. "
  NaLan has been compiled for the "side of the hat," "water," It was more Ci. Throughout NaLan wind, fresh Juanxiu, Ai Gan Yan stubborn, very close to Southern Tang emperor of. I also appreciate his Li Yu, he said: "Flowers of words such as jade, precious and not applicable; Song applicable and less expensive, but there were Li Yu and the United States, more spare blur of smoke caused by the water. "
  Physical Perspective
  Ming Dynasty capital in Beijing, many VIPs have to create a private garden outside the city. If the British public garden city, west of royalty Wei Tsinghua Lang Park and the canal m 10 000 minutes spoon Park, are very prestigious. To the Qing Dynasty, especially the royal family in the western suburbs of Tai Hing Gardens civil, from the beginning Chang Chun, to the Winter Palace of the peak, three mountain five Park, is almost the history of ancient Chinese garden peak. To follow, in order to facilitate the Korean class, but also to enjoy the western suburbs of kings minister also purchased land and built his own garden villa Villas. Pearl being swept Department in Chang Chun, the construction of "self-Aged." Take Haidian, the Western Hills area of hills and win, like architecture of the King's private garden south. The Nalanxingde to do his own business named "Lu Shui Ting", first, because there is water, but because the virtue of self-Mu-water ratio. And his own book, also entitled "Lu Shui Ting Miscellanies." Words people use water clear, Worldly Desires, Han well meaning, to water-friendly, with water as partners in the infirmary, recreation, poetry lyrics, reading the classics, wrote books, and invited guest Yan set, Ya will poetry and literature - a cultural salon of the Road. At the time of his death, did not leave his Lu Shui Ting. In contrast, abundant with Haidian in the spring, Takeo Sengge Rinchen has made dry garden, play in the garden, the mountain god. Huan Li Lien-ying in the Haidian right downtown in the home town of three industries, convenient living Quewu water fun. Royalty merchants built houses Sally thoroughfare, be seen more than, less elegance. Imagine if the great water for the nature of the water by the word did not always focussed on water, his emotional stimulation and inspiration for Flaring being reduced, or even almost dry. If the theme mountain to mountain is pregnant, that his art will be another kind of manners.
  Nalanxingde's poems, the chant of the lotus, describing many. Comparing the lotus of purity and integrity Xing Nalan son, is more appropriate than. The mud without being contaminated is the realm of scholars who advocate. It begins with the teachings of Buddhism, the lotus as a symbol of vulgarity. In traditional Chinese culture, the plum, bamboo, orchid, chrysanthemum, "four gentlemen" and the pine and cypress, personified lotus, etc., given to personality, emotion, sense of fun, it has a specific cultural connotation and Philosophy. Banqiao bamboo, gold farmers Mei, Cao Xueqin's stone, have become literary sustenance mentality, emotional and cultural totem. The Nalanxingde has identified a lotus. His number is Lankavatara Hermit, a Zen edge who value flowers and more is rational. Nalanxingde the home, the music between both the presence of water, the water lotus cultivation of the poet's temperament more. Lotus Hill Park side are urns miles, Yuquan Temple Lotus hill, Lu Ling Dutch water Tingbian clear water, soap Pearl Garden, West Garden, Tuen A site is still residual water marsh, white marble lotus flowers unearthed tailgate ... ... this shows that sex with Nalan Germany's life, writing is closely associated with the human spirit is always the same word in.
  Chinese intellectuals of material from rationality of the pursuit of knowledge, and bring it with life, world outlook, philosophical concepts such as linking to guide life, career, and put it art. In the philosophy of reason and passion for art at the intersection of some germinal. Nalanxingde no exception, in the form of his poems to each other outstanding artistic reflection of his philosophy.
  Scenery from Xing
  Nalan Nalanxingde poems, many of them are traveling for Hu Jia when Beijing Xishan scenic area of writing. So far almost all of these places be traced, can be protracted in history. The result of the emotion and the delight germinal monuments out of there office. Place through written appreciate, more profound, more comprehensive understanding of, awareness of such Poetry Nalanxingde causes and his rich cultural and historical knowledge, and the image of objective things and accurate feel. Nalan Nalanxingde he joined the Kangxi Xing Yu "Badachu" Pearl of holes. With his retinue of high Xuan Ye Yuan Wang, wrote, "Wang Haichao Pearl of holes", "desert storm Ling, Hanyancuicao, rivers and mountains rise and fall everywhere. Day mountain air, clear night chanting, calculation, especially bleak. Past most worthy of injury wanted copper lanes Luo, Jingu scenery. several Imperial Villa, has Tongzi Mu cattle and sheep. Huangsha a vast, there are mulberry dry line, cold snow carving Cheung. a smoke, three Dream Dreams, endure to see the setting sun Lin Biao. Return Goose two or three lines, see the chaos of low cloud water, cavalry Araoka. monk food evening, loose brush on the door cool clothes. "flat slope of mountains stood Miss Sarah Tiao Ting Yuan-dong, the desirable south, east to the overlooks. South Hope, the Yongding River with a similar yarn line illusory as it is thousands of years by the proliferation of Western Hills, alluvial fans formed by erosion, not only the formation of Beijing plain old geography in Beijing also have important impact, and so far both sides are still visible in its large Huangsha, numerous redoubt. Yamashita far is Babaoshan, old mountain, Tin Mountain, Shijingshan, two thousand years ago, to less known early Han, the foot of the Yuan Dynasty tomb of oblivion Cuiwei princess find, Ming Gui Qi burial ground has been gradually replaced the Qing Dynasty tomb kings . Southeast Wang, Jin mutilation in particular in the Wall, the Ming and Qing Beijing Dadu Purple site on the east. Song, will be gates in the north, Purple Bamboo area was "Sorghum River Battle," Army of Liao cavalry to rush to the rescue, so Song crash. Manifestations of the capture of Liao You state the city, the capital of its last Jianzhong. Per person will be burned in both gold, the eastward shift of the enclosing walls of major capital construction. Historical changes, the change of dynasty, Du Rise and Fall, triggering an infinite emotion Nalanxingde.
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