晋代 List of Authors
Tao YuanmingWang YanPan YuePan NiSeng Zhao
Fu XuanHe ShaoZhang HanZhang HuaZhang Xie
Zhang ZaiLiu JiLiu YunDan ChongSun Chu
Cao ShuGuo PuLiu KunLu ChenYuan Hong
Xi ZaochiGan BaoCao JiazhiDeng CanXu An
Li GuiSun ChengChen ShouLiu HuiSima Biao
Chang QuWang YinYu YuZhu FengHua Jiao
Xie ShenYuan ShansongZhang FanYi MingHuangfu Mi
Fa XianZhou ChuJi HanGe HongDu Yu
Fan NingGuo XiangMa LongDai KaizhiLiu Hui
Cui BaoRen YuLuo HanWang JiaGuo Yigong
Zhang SengjianKong YeLiu XinqiGu WeiCheng Hongzhi
Zhang Hua
晋代  西晋(232 AD300 AD)

natural science《博物志》
Poetry《Doors Traveling passenger Row》   《Thin articles》   《游侠篇》   《博陵王宫侠曲二首∶一》   《博陵王宫侠曲二首∶二》   《Hunting articles》   《Warrior Posts》   《萧史曲》   《纵横篇》   《The bitter cold lines》   More poems...

Read works of Zhang Hua at 旅游地理
Read works of Zhang Hua at 百家争鸣
Read works of Zhang Hua at 诗海
  Western Jin Dynasty writer. Mao first word. Fan Yang Fang City (now Hebei Gu'an) people. Less isolated poor was once a living sheep. "Zhang Jin Shu Chuan," said he was "academic UB, rhetoric Wen Lai, Long age support multi-pass, map Wei Fang trick book, Mo unknown table." He has book "wren Fu" to the self-evident. Wei at the end, be recommended to the norms of. The throne, because of felling Wu active force, successive positions. Emperor Hui, he was the Secretary for Mullen and SUN Xiu Zhao killed. Zhang scholarly, has compiled "Natural History", recorded in different categories throughout Singularities, Ancient Anecdote chores and Supernatural surgery and so on, which saved a lot of material of ancient myth. "Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi" recorded "Hua-Ji," 10 volumes, has been Lost. Ming Zhang Pu, "Han Six Dynasties" Compilation "Mao-first set." "Natural History" Volume 10, there are people today Fanning School.
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