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PushkinYi MingQiuteqiefuMikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
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伊戈尔谢维里亚 NingVladimir MayakovskyAlexander BlokCult Bo
GippiusIvan Bunin弗索洛维约夫马沃洛 application
KhodasevichPoplavskiGumilyovAnna Akhmatova
Marina TsvetaevaOsip MandelstamBoris PasternakSergei Yesenin
Vladimir NabokovWeiyayiwan Ivanov安德列沃兹涅 Xing SkiBella Akhmadulina
Ivan IV (the Terrible)
俄罗斯 莫斯科大公  (August 25, 1530 ADMarch 18, 1584 AD)
Reign1533 AD1584 AD

  Foreign policy, Ivan IV of Russia began to expand overseas. In the 1547-1552 expedition perished in the Khanate of Kazan, Astrakhan Khanate in 1556 was the annexation, then the annexation of the Snow cover and the Bashkir people, so many of the North Caucasus, the Russian national allegiance, Ivan IV, Russia started to become multi-ethnic country. Exterminate Kazan Khanate was a major turning point in Russian history, marking the stronger the power of Russia since then the Mongols. Gongmie Kazan power is stronger than before the Mongols, Russia; Gongmie Kazan changed after the Russians and the Mongol forces. Moreover, Gongmie Kazan Khanate, the annexation of the Ural Mountains in Russia over the vast territory of Siberia paved the way for. To 1557, also succumb to the Siberian Khanate in the 17th century Ivan and occupied. 1572 shattered known as the "Ottoman Turkey whip" of the Crimean Khanate regime. Ottoman Turkey was at its peak, the shadow of the aggressive advance across Eastern Europe, and crush the Crimean Khanate like slap in the face to the Ottoman Turks, defeated the Ottoman Turkish rule in Russia and Eastern Europe attempt.
  "Tsar", that "царь" ("Caesar" of Russian pronunciation) title from Ivan IV (in Russia it is known as Ivan the Great). Early Byzantine Empire, the Russian people that the heir to the Roman Empire, is the center of the universe. Russian Byzantine monarch glorified as "tsar", and that the Russian Grand Duke who is a Byzantine tsar's ministers, on the other hand, they call the Old Testament figures as tsar. Mongolia's appalling rule, Mongolia, the Russian people turned glorified profusely for the "czar", the Russian Grand Duke of Mongolia "tsar" (that is, the Mongolian Khans) of the minister. Powerful Mongolian Khan also married a Byzantine princess as the queen, but with the decline of the Mongols, the Russians are not happy to respectfully Mongolia profusely for the Tsar, but has not officially claim to the tsar. 1547, Ivan the Great made an important speech, to reign and formally claimed the tsar. From then on, became the first Tsar Ivan the Great, Moscow to the Russian Tsar Principality States, also known as Russia. Ivan the Great, made his life extraordinary achievements of the many amazing, he made Russia to squeeze into the European powers.
  Historical Evaluation
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(1533 AD1547 AD)
沙皇俄国Ivan IV (the Terrible)
(1547 AD1584 AD)
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