明朝民变 List of Authors
She ZongliuChen JianhuLiu TongCai Baguan
Huang XiaoyangGao YingxiangXu HongruDuan Chang
Liu ShoufenWang BinZhang PuweiSeng Shengwu
Li TianbaoZhang LianTian JiuchengLiu Liu
Zhao Qimei
Tian Jiucheng
明朝民变  (?1397 AD1397 AD)
Township: 陕西勉县
Reign1397 AD1397 AD
龙凤February, 1397 ADOctober, 1397 AD

  Tian Jiucheng (? -1 397), the early Ming Dynasty, Shaanxi, China changed leaders to White Lotus started, people in Mian County of Shaanxi Province. The near demise of the Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty, Chu Yuan-chang three years of Hongwu (1397) in February, and Bringing slave raise his flag against clear and restore the traditional red scarves, claiming to be emperor of Han Ming, high Fusing claim Maitreya, Bringing slaves, He Miaoshun for the King, reign Dragon (Xiao Ming Wang Hanlin children's reign). To overthrow the Ming dynasty as the country's name to "false Wisdom King," the emperor, continue to promote the "birth of Maitreya, Yamashina was born." Volunteers to capture yangpingguan, Lueyang, Wen County, Hui County and other places to send general Gengbing Wen Ming repression, Tianjiu Cheng defeated captured were killed, under the leadership of the remnants of slavery in the Bringing to 1409 it failed.
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