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Rabindranath Tagore

Buddhism class《维摩诘所说经》

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  Once, he said the disease at home, alerted the Buddha. Manjushri Bodhisattva, etc. Buddha's mission to visit the sick. Vimalakirti Buddha Buddha know just malingering, it sent the first known as the wisdom of Manjusri. Manjusri see Vimalakirti, the two struggling Eloquent Buddha, Dharma repeated discourse, profound moral principles being not so with the last visit of the Buddha, Lohan spent their heard. After a debate, Manjusri on Vimalakirti doubly respected, people are more respectful of the Offerings of the Buddha.
  Offerings of lay Buddhist world is the age of the holy life of the Buddha at home and identity Fengchi Road Walker, who is also a symbol of a key figure in the rise of Mahayana Buddhism.
  Offerings is a transliteration, Long known as Wei Moluo It's long, or short Vimalakirti, the old translation of the net name, a new translation of Paradise saying, compared to paraphrase. Under the "Offerings" records, Vimalakirti Lay was born from the corrupt world of Miaoxi territory, showing now at home with disabilities, auxiliary wing of the Buddha enlightenment, for the bodies of law, Tuas.
  He is Vaisali a wealthy businessman from the town in the elderly is not only articulate, compassionate and convenient, but also by their love of urban residents. His wife, beautiful, called Paradise, a son and daughter, son were Shansi boy and girl names on the women, respective fields Sushi good roots. A family of four, normally amused by law. Shansi when the boy was still wearing diapers, or disciples with the Great Buddha Ji Zhu Q myogi.
  "Offerings," Lay said that the incredible record Vimalakirti relief from apprehension of the classic. This translated by Zhi Qian three after that prevailed in our country, since as many as seven successive translation of this, currently the most translated Kumarajiva smooth, top rated, circulation and most widely. This is the longest by the vernacular poetry, a total of 25 000 words; is also a best screenplay, the rich artistic value. In addition to literary and artistic value, the most important, the economic has become regarded as a model of practice by lay Collection.
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