1853 AD~
1900 AD)
• Sergaevich • Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), was the famous Russian religious philosopher, poet, political commentary writer. Solovyov was born in Moscow, a devout Orthodox family, the son of prominent Russian historian Sergei Solovyov • • Mikhail Ivanovich (1820-1879 years). Rope of youth through religious doubt, hold materialist thought, in 1869 entered the Moscow University of Physics - Department of Mathematics. The following year, his interest turned to philosophy. In 1872, he became history - Language Department auditors. 1873 in History - Language and Literature degree, and became the Moscow Theological Seminary auditors, then, in his "Orthodox Review" magazine published the first public article - "the myth of the ancient polytheism in the process." In 1874, he has a tendency to idealism and Orthodox paper - "the crisis of Western Philosophy (against positivism)" by the master's thesis, completed university studies. In 1875, the Soxhlet began teaching philosophy at Moscow University. 1875 to 1876, he used a sabbatical leave at the British Museum of classical philosophy, and to reach Egypt travel. In 1877, he published script "three forces", the same year moved to St. Petersburg, and in the "People's Ministry Magazine" on the serial "full knowledge of the philosophical principle." 1880, Sorensen University in St. Petersburg through the doctoral thesis "abstract principle of criticism" of the defense, and stay in St. Petersburg university professor. 1878-1881, he set up a "human God Talk", the audience of many, including Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and other celebrities. 19th century 70's is the first phase of his creation. "Three forces" (1877), "Crisis of Western Philosophy" (1874), "abstract principle criticism" (1880) and other writings is his idea of "unity of all things" philosophy of the foundation. 1881, Solovyov for publicly defending the people involved in the murder of the Tsar, but prohibited public lectures and speeches, then on, he gave up college career. 80 is a 19th century creation of the second phase of Soloviev, this is mainly engaged in political commentary of his creation, such as political and social, church politics, religion, national issues, is committed to the utopian theory of theocratic establishment of major works are: "To commemorate the three Dostoevsky speech" (1881-1883), the "spiritual foundation of life" (1882-1884), the "big argument and Christian politics" (1883), "leading to the true philosophy of the Road "(1883)," theocratic history and future "(1886)," Russia and the universal Church "(1889)," Russian Idea "(1888), and ethnic article Collection "Russia's national question" (first episode of 1883-1888, the second episode 1888-1891 years). 90 is his creation of the third period, his interest was returned to the philosophy up. His major works include: "the meaning of love" (years 1892-1894), "good show" (1897), "theoretical philosophy" (1897-1899), the "tragedy of Plato's Life" (1899), "Regarding the war, progress and the end of the third dialogue of world history" (1899). In 1900, Soloviev for health deteriorated, died in Moscow suburbs uzkoye.