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Zhi Yanzhai

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  About the Writer of the identity of the red circles, there are four views: (a) the authors say; (b) The Figure said; (c) said the uncle; (d) cousin said. These are for the Writer and the terms of the relationship of Cao Xueqin. "The authors say." That stand up to this reasoning, the most difficult to _set_ up. In A Dream, many times a "more than two", "as the book" and "who approved the book" Language style, with the approval of those clear boundaries, which is no doubt the two. And if this is the author of "cunning strokes", the award has become since those words, written boast of, personality is low, were visible. Only from a "Dream of Red Mansions" is showing in the spirit of ideological point of view, "empty" concept in the heart, in the words of the overflow from the palm of his mouth Zenken. The kind of "backward access Gracilaria Grandiose capacity, high rhetoric about lice hand palpable," "her side as Jun Shi is odd, magnificent more fragmented Seeing 'the proud free and easy, unrestrained image of the literati keep this line does not allow himself bear move. This said, according to the largest "for the book of the heart, to know how other people" (by Yu language), undoubtedly as a common access to the Writer of critics, ignored the intimacy between him and Cao Xueqin relationship. "Shi Xiangyun said." Mr. Zhou Ruchang pick out several articles from the Dream of a similar tone of the comments on women, then finds that the Writer is a woman. If Gengchen Ben back to second when a six-line batch: "If brother Seeing Jade approved, will cloud 'old goods, he does not relax me everywhere, hateful hateful! 'Back to I think compared to Chai, Dai and so is a friend, Yu Hexing also! Smile. "Back to the gem with the words" Miss passionate account with the mandarin duck, "angered her is, at the side line of award saying:" I have to get mad. "He suggests that the" call-off of non-female substandard, "" is a female voice port. "In fact , Cao creative process to put yourself in all Liyan the characters walk, woman, woman to be "sound mouth" is the fake villain villain tone is not any village yokel coarse words, there are numerous, varied and arrest. batches book is essentially no different from the book, the book also need to join the environment, his emotions by a number of vent-related to knowing proud of office, had lamented lack of mouth, we cherish others, dripping from another point of view the position . Meanwhile, Mr. Zhou returned to Awake, a second line of award "first to take the lead rather Wing Morohito a drink, it is more than a drink," as far as thinking that "the Writer is not the number of Ning Zhu Rong in", but given is an important role in the book. which is most suitable for the further presumption The Figure. "uncle said." According to this, said the two main. First, Qing Yu Rui in the "window dates free pen" in mind: "old news" Fengyuebaojian "a book, also known as" Stones ", I do not know why the people of the pen. Cao Xueqin was the, Yi Shi Chuan Book by Syria who, and his family the story come first, due to give his own views, the book excision volume to five times the amount of ...... have seen manuscripts, books are the comments on his uncle Zhi Yan, do something even cited the year, changes of the name "Dream of Red Mansions" ", and" smell the so-called 'gem' who refers to his uncle when the generation of its people, not their own reflection as well. "Two are from the" news "at the start, should be a reference to a more popular view was not from his uncle Ming Yi, Ming Lin at the sound, so as not confirmed. This" news "raises once more of Cao Xueqin on the "Dream of Red Mansions" of suspected copyright, its absurd visible (Fu Cha Ming Cao may befriend the righteous, the "Debate" Poetry twenty, supra note poetry: "Cao Xue-Qin a child written by the" red Building a dream "one, prepared in mind ...... I love affair Love reflected in its transcript of Sheng Yan", he could not pass Yu Rui, "Why do not people of the pen" language). Yu Rui since the words: "Second Xue-Qin words, words and numbers to which their ears, their names are not known. Surnamed Cao, ran, Han people, not knowing what scribe flag, "so do not know of Cao Xueqin, how can we listen to" hear "words and letters of it? Even the" older generation Yinqi there with them (CAO) who befriend "This kinds of things have to front a "smell" the word dare export side, would it not ridiculous? Second, Gengchen Ben Eighteenth back: "That gem into the school is not the first, three or four years old, has had Jiafei hand oral argument . "A Dream:" He brought to this batch of books to teach, it is approved now, actually burst into tears. I asked sister passed away too early, otherwise I may as useless what not? "Accordingly: Writer of the spring for the first percent of non-call, and Cao Yuan-chun is the image of another aunt, when the Princess as the prototype, such projections, the Writer of course, the generation of Cao Xueqin's uncle." Cousin said. "Lipid Yan Zhai and Cao are brothers generation. Yasushi there is a return to the twenty-second abnormal Wat Marceau comments: "The wise talk before the grant, not a few years, Qin Kai, Zhi Yan, apricots are fast thinkers do not have to go now Ding Hai Xia, leaving a rotten thing, rather not kill the pain! "Comments on the saying of Cao Xueqin, the Writer as" the masters ", while claiming to be" rotten thing "to tone look, Cao fat seems to peers, abnormal Wat Minds generation longer than two years. Awake, the third time;" master said: 'days of the body is not good, met the girl hurt each other down, for the time being could not bear to see each other. "Abnormal for the award said:" I eventually becoming as a language, see this phrase a bit of a wake. "This old man from the abnormal ratio of Jiashe Wat, but also prove that it is from the Writer's older than that of Jia. Awake, the second time:" After the area is the garden house. "A Dream:" 'After the' why do not directly use the word 'western' characters? Mr. Duolei fear, it is not using the 'West' word. "Called by the Writer of" Sir "and respectful," Mr. "when the elders, or is abnormal Wat Marceau. Cao Yin since the number" West Church sweeping flower Departed ", his one pair of" Western "character is extremely sensitive. Posterity for the book, naturally evasive. this time for the batch time is the most long Jiaxu year (1754), three comments on the above, both "Mr." or abnormal Wat old man, will not be Cao Yin or his brother, but only Cao Yin nephew human. Zhiyanzhai Cao Yin grandchildren will of course be to the same generation in Cao Xueqin. In addition, one on the Dream of view, the Writer of the same generation, and Cao Xueqin's brother seemed more together in the sense. Awake, the first A Dream of back: "May the good fortune today and then the main one another out of a fat celery, is a book Acrobatics. CRITICAL CARE more than two in the nether world also carry a large fast. "" Qin a fat one "and said, imagine the relationship between them should be suitable for the same generation brothers." Dream of Red Mansions "Research into the" Dream of Red Mansions "early notes of this study is the twenties of this century the initial thing. 1920, Lu Xun wrote "History of Chinese Fiction," when used in "Dream of Red Mansions" Quotations, Qi Liao students are ordered to take the homes of the type of the Takagi-way, this shows that Lu Xun was already heavy and light way of the high notes of this. 1927, Hu bought "Awake", the following year in February, published "research <Dream> The new material," a text. This is the Dream of Red Mansions in the history of "Red House Dream "the first notes of this monograph is" Dream of Red Mansions, "notes the study began. this before," Dream of Red Mansions, "the note of this discovery after another, has been obtained following twelve species. (to in order of their discovery): A, Qi Liao Health order "Stones" Qi short sequence of the eighty back in 1912 there are bookstores lithography Shanghai, the master copy has been found before the forty chapters, this possession in the Shanghai Library . Second, the "Zhiyanzhai Reevaluation Stones" (Awake) called Awake, remaining sixteen back in 1927 Collection of Hu Shi, Liu Chung Hing Fook was originally hidden. This the existing Cornell University Library . Third, the "Zhiyanzhai Reevaluation Stones" (Ji Mao) Ji Mao short, the remnants of thirty-eight back, then get back three times and two and a half, Forty is a back and two and a half back . formerly director of health of the reservoir, after the return of TAO Zhu, now Tibet by the Beijing Library. newly discovered three times and two and a half back, is still found in units of the original museum collection. Four, "Writer of re-evaluation Stones "(Gengchen Ben) referred to Gengchen Ben, seventy-eight back in 1932 bought by the Xuxing Shu, now collected in Peking University Library. V. Health Qi Liao order" Stones "(The library of Nanjing ) referred to as the Qi Ning, eighty-back, collection the Nanjing Library. VI dreamed master sequence "Dream of Red Mansions" short Jiachen this, eighty-back, 1953 was found in Shanxi, now collected in Beijing Library . seven hundred twenty Qianlong copy back to "Dream of Red Mansions draft" script called Dream hundred and twenty times, in 1959 the spring found that Tibet is Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literature Library. VIII, Mongolia, Tibet palace "Stones "referred to the Mongolian government, the original eighty chapters, notes dubbed hundred and twenty back in 1960 that are now collected the Beijing Library. IX, Shu Yuan Wei Xu" Dream of Red Mansions "short sequence of the Shu, the remnants of Forty , collection the Wu Xiaoling, Zhu Nan had video notes the mill, the Tibetan Beijing Library. X. Zheng Zhenduo possession of notes of the "Dream of Red Mansions" referred to Zheng possession of this, the remnants of xxiii, round two back Renew collection the, now in the possession Beijing Book Museum. XI Yang Jing's possession of the state notes the "Stones" referred to Jing Kuramoto, eighty chapters, Jing Kun collection the should have been Lost. XII Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies of the possession of money, "Stones" possession of the short list, eighty chapters, missing five, six twice, existential seventy-eight back to the Soviet Academy of Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies collection the Leningrad branch. and Qianlong six Xinhai wood type of the Sui Man Bookstore " Illustrated engrave all new Dream of Red Mansions ", the Bank said the way a person, the Department of fat Dibon also note the earlier of the system, to fulfill this, the" Dream of Red Mansions, "notes the difference early, it really can be considered as thirteen kinds . In addition to the already Yi Jing, only keep a Dream of left shed, the remaining twelve, or the Jiguangpianyu, or the End of Bi Zhao, to are all of "Dream of Red Mansions," the precious notes of the information necessary for making .
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