北齐 List of Authors
Gao Zhan
北齐  (537 AD568 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 武成皇帝
Temple Name: 世祖
Tomb: 永平陵
Reign561 AD565 AD
太宁November, 561 ADApril, 562 AD
河清April, 562 ADApril, 565 AD

  Childhood was also his father loved. After Northern Qi Jianguo, was labeled a long broad King Wen Xuan. Takaaki high speech to the throne after Emperor, very specially trusted him, the shadow. High play was soon suffering from serious illness, died when his son to prevent high-century come the fate of high-Yin (High Yin Yang is the son of the high, due to Fusi the throne, high foreign deathbed speech supporting the high life high Yin. Soon, high performed through a coup, killing nephew to the throne of high Yin.), decided to pass in the younger brother, 561, high Cham throne, reign title too Ning, is Wucheng Di.
  Gao Yan, Wang Lang Ya
  Gao Ping Wang Gaoren United Kingdom
  Leping Wang Gaoren Yong
  Danyang Wang Gaoren straight
  Dongan Princess
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(561 AD565 AD)
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