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Shi Jiao
  战国(390 BC330 BC)

the Eclectics, a school of thoughts flourishing in ancient China《尸子》

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  Thinker, Wei person, one person said Lu. Xing Ming Ming in the art, known as the "dead child." "Dead children" that "the Quartet said, up and down buildings, to the ancient Zhou said today." This is so far found in the Chinese classics and modern "space" corresponds to the concept of the best. Dead handsome
  Dead handsome son is dead, one of pre-Qin philosophers, is an outstanding representative of Pre Sanjin one of ideology and culture. His life to social reform, the philosophy has a significant contribution. Warring States Period is a famous statesman and thinker.
  Dead handsome, known as the dead child. An Wang was born in about twelve weeks (390 BC), died about nine weeks, was king of 30 (330 BC). Wei Quwo (so Quwo County of Shanxi Province) people. Lu also who is said Chu. Dead handsome as the first advocate, said Jin Liu Xiang who is. He said: "this by" dead child "book, Jin people, were handsome, with Yang of Wei Qin a customer. Yang of Wei Shang Yang and look for a job painting design, legislative reasons people may perhaps not with the handsome Kinoya. Lord Shang was criminal, Jiao fear and punish, is dead Shu fled. Since the book was made this 20, then six thousand words. Death, because of funeral Shu. "Liu Xiang Jiao in the life described here a brief history can be divided into three stages : The first period of the Wei. Wei reform when blocked, Qi, Shang Yang fled, Jin Chu use, with many of Qin, Shang Yang and the dead handsome during this period may have anyi old acquaintance in the Wei, and at this time to Qin's. The second period in Qin. Reuse by Xiao of Qin Shang Yang at this time, he used to 360 years to the Qin Dynasty, ruling the election for 20 years, its dead handsome "look for a job painting of dollars, the Legislative grounds to the people", provide important decision-making advice, as Qin Guofu strong, unified the do mountain their own contributions. The third period in Sichuan. Xiao of Qin twenty-four years (338 BC), Shang Yang Qin Huigong death, fear of fear punish even the dead handsome, he left politics, fled to the Shu, lived there for nearly 10 years, then died. According to "Quwo County," said: "The corpse Jiao, Jin, Yang of Wei-off. Legislative reasons people try and handsome regulations. Martingale Zhu, Shu death. A" dead child "20. True that the Western Hills" Shi Zi "Jin Shu." "True West Mountain" that when people are really Dexiu Song, the "West Mountain Collection." This here, is also a Liu Xiang "Do not recorded."
  "Mencius, Xun Qing Historical Biography" in the "Chu a dead child," one said to Liu Xiang ", stating that his suspect in the Shu" as an excuse to be negative. "Han Dynasty History" in: "," dead child "20. Name Jiao, Lu people, Qin Shang Yang with the teacher, martingale death, Jiao Shu fled." Here another person dead children, said Lu. In this regard, Qing Liu Jipei said: "" Han-chi "Ban from the note on, he handsome man as Lu Jin Lu shape similar to its failure to set this through clouds" seem to have no meaning handsome man as Lu. Accordingly, it was Jin Quwo dead handsome man.
  "Dead child" of the book, the remaining 10 of 23, most are unconnected phrases only words, it can not form a complete system. "Dead child" book in the Sui and Tang Shi Hai survive in the world, widespread during the Han and Tang Dynasties, some scholars over the requisition as proof that the basis for argument. Song residue left behind after the break only chapter of the book, Wang Jipei On this basis, in turn scattered in various books of quotations Abstract series into a book, so to recollect the words of this small but very exciting, and more for the wisdom, using swear words like the World . Can also be gleaned from the author's ideas sketch and spirit.
  The development of the universe. In the Qin Dynasty I, Mo, after school, Hui Shi thinking, there are world view the content of discourse is very brilliant. If I put forward the "Road" and "domain", "Ink" by the "long", "Yu", Hui Shi a "big -" and "Little One", the Chinese philosophy, has been continuously strengthened and developed. Dead handsome, but only to give the "universe" to fine cut and concise Definition. He said: "Heaven and earth square, saying yu, Zhou said, between past and present," explain the whole space is Yu, the time is universe, the universe is temporal and spatial properties of movement with the objective world.
  Dead handsome on the Chinese theory of the universe sound quite thinking Peng, Neo is also attached great importance to this. He built on the basis of materialism and dialectics of the universe, to explore the issue further and lay the cornerstone, along with his creative use of the premises, universe as a category, but also wave followed down.
  "Learning product give birth" point of view, dead handsome that knowledge lies in the creation. He said: "Health product into the mountain, the Pian Nan Yuzhang forth, students accumulate River, then swallow the boat of sashimi, Yan; husband is also the product of learning, also born Yan." In this short passage in , dead handsome - Lianyong three "students" Yu, that "learning product give birth" has universal significance. "Learning product give birth" to this thesis, as descendants of the motto and, after being quoted, has long been appreciated and face. This passage was first cited is Xunzi's "Encouraging Learning." He said: "grains of sand, wind and rain Hing Yan; water into a deep, dragon grow wherever; charitable into Germany, and the gods contentment, Sacred Heart through the game" after a number of influential works have been quoted, such as "Selected Works "," said park "," Tai Ping Yu Lan ", the Ministry used the phrase, although a slight change in the text, the meaning of - and. "Learning product give birth," also was changed to "product there is a school," "Health" and "out" are all that lies in the creation of knowledge management, committed to development, innovation, built on the basis of the existing on, and highlight the "students" Yu, an "out", which became the fine tradition of Chinese culture, dead child transmission of thought and become conscious of theoretical thinking people activities, Akiyoshi is immeasurable.
  "From the Road, will Kat" innovative ideas. Dead handsome that the development of the natural law of things. Nature and society are to develop along their own rules. Must move along, he thought of the deposit along, the development; against it will die, there is no future. Guer, said: "Shun Yun, from the Road will be Kyrgyzstan, anti-Road will be fierce, such as video, such as sound." His ideas of social change, that is, as a thought-based. He believes that from the Road, a country, the key is to use Yin enabled. He said: "Any rule best way for a result of intelligence, wisdom best way for a result of Yin." Yin is both moral, person. Only by using such a sage, rule the road can be smooth, there is hope of social change. Because "with the Yin, the multi-function carry on." With the Yin and give full play to their talents, to receive the effectiveness of social change. He further pointed out that the talented person, is a social "good treasure" must be a hundred times valuable. He believes that horses can not be selected as the instrument of white black, but with enough force to prevail, jade can not choose the size of instrument, and to the United evil prevail, "persons, whether held before, but to your potential for the apparatus, the Guan, Yi Yin Chen not carry on. "he was opposed to meritocratic your situation, stand eclectic, wide income talents merit. He also pointed out: "Make Jinxian were rewarded, those who disdain into the crime, no improvement also were the incompetent person. If this, use a multi-Jinxian carry on." Offered to those who are into performance, those who judge Jinxian can, it will surely make Sage gathered disdain it difficult enough just to get to make changes in the effective cause of social development. Dead handsome fundamental guarantee that social change is Yin-enabled, and "From the Road," and together with Yin, the important issue of social change as it is a knowledge view, worthy of attention.
  "Important people" point of view. Dead handsome that people are the foundation, he said: "The emperor forgot the people are destroyed, the feudal lord forget the people will perish." To protect the throne, must not forget the people. This "protecting the people as king" of political theory, dead handsome later than Mencius also made a significant elaboration.
  Man dead handsome To illustrate the importance of weight, he vividly described as the public water. He said: "People who water too." Said: "If the flow of people, the people of the husband who can teach the public, it is also on still water." He believes that people of like water, the water flows east and habits are all decisions are pushed to the West must all streams flow west. Who can teach the so-called meanings, that is, the water channel of the guidelines will Anzhuo forward flow continually. Stated there is another layer of meaning here, if not to the habits of water flow, it is bound to members of all the obstacles eventually burst, high sea rolling and to the. This is his "forgotten people will die," a description of the image. He further pointed out: "the king of the King and" truth, as if the relationship between fish and water, like "dead fish while water loss, water as the water is still vector fish." Here again stressed the importance of the public. Dead handsome "protect the people and the king" point of view, although for the highest interest of the ruling group, but there will be people and the King closely linked, such as water and fish, water and Yu, Ma and Yu, etc., objective After all, is conducive to the public side, which is working to some extent a reflection of liberation, showing the progress of the times. Therefore, the important people dead handsome undoubtedly progressive point of view, should be affirmed. Or that the Dynasty perished in harsh punishment, natural to enter the Han Fei, Shang Yang and the planning of the dead whom the duty handsome. In fact, well to do so, they have acted in the Qin Sanjin of law, develop the situation and progress of China's reunification, Dynasty perished under the control of the old lord's torture awareness of abuse of law only. Slips of Qin is to remove some of the factors in this aspect. Because the dead handsome and Shang Yang's re-thinking people, the Qin had not been fully implemented, they are a Beizhu a flight, it shows it all.
  Science of the ancient dead handsome and seriously considered, is listed as one of the philosophers. Liu Xiang said, "" dead child ", Book of Jin." It makes sense, been recognized by earlier scholars. Description corpse Jiao Qin the Warring States period of their study with the basic content of Sanjin ideas and characteristics, his "dead son," a book containing his social reform in the state of Qin summary of factors, in essence, is a summary of Wei thinking, focus Spirit embodies Sanjin.
  Dissolving all of the home study, is thought dead handsome features. "Han" will be "dead child" to include miscellaneous home, "Sung" re-classified as Confucianism, Sun Xingyan also known as "dead child" as the Eclectics, the history of this different commentary on the dead son of a comprehensive study of various characteristics. Sun Xingyan said: "The dead child that Kong Zigui public and Scholars and on, does not have slip of the tongue almost." In fact, there is no slip of the tongue dead son, he will learn of Confucius as two words, is in line with historical reality. Ban said the Eclectics is "and Confucianism and, combined nomenclature, the state system had known this, see Zhi-s are all consistent, this is also its director." In fact, Ban said there is a general sense of the complex home, especially the idea dead handsome based on the thoughts with Sanjin "miscellaneous", and his eclectic nature has its own characteristics. There are mainly two: First show in advance Sanjin culture. Vast land with a common culture, but the vast vast ancient China's development is uneven, Sanjin area is more developed at that time, the forefront of his thinking is a reflection of this social development. Therefore, the earth of social change in the Sanjin an early start, well-known ideological and practical Kui, Shen Buhai and Han Fei Jin are generated. Dead handsome idea is the development of this idea and continue. His cosmology Definition, marking a major development of theoretical thinking of ancient, his view of the development universe, is his theory of social change and the starting point. Second, he thought of the "miscellaneous", is based Sanjin culture, learn a foreign land and culture combine to change the result of casting. He appreciated the virtue of Confucius and Mencius said, Tanzania made their own individual solution, he proposed: "to money for Humanity, to forces of justice", which is obviously not the original meaning Confucianism Kindness Theory. "Wealth" and "force" the content, shows that he is fully valued by human activity, seek the development of social production, increasing wealth, which is the main content of Sanjin ideology and culture, but the thought of Confucius and Mencius are very scarce , in the "selflessness" connotation is not. But the appreciation Mo "stop unscrupulous" theory, but more important is a real success with Yin-enabled, meritocracy, "not to your potential for the apparatus" principle. These elements is Mo "tse" complement and development. There Sanjin region is the discretion of the ancient one of the development of logical thinking. He said: "To rule the world is the name, the rectification of names to false." Rectification of names is not empty. "He did not agree to name the name is false thinking, advocates Name and name the principle of unity, so in this sense, he believes that" name, they really should. "These ideas and the" Mo Zi "is the same. In this regard, he still has his own characteristics, he will name the unity of opinion and practice, as" to rule the world, "as his guiding principle for social change , implemented with the same Sanjin Cultural characteristics, which are also lacking in Mozi. So the idea of the dead child, "miscellaneous" is based on the lessons in the Sanjin culture and learn from other schools of opinion formed, shows that his thinking is summed up Qin Warring States period, one of Sanjin culture, he wrote of "dead children" and Ancient Sanjin cultures co-exist.
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