党项 List of Authors
Taba NingcongTaba MumiTaba ChiciTaba Liga
Taba LuozhouTaba HounaTaba SaitaiTaba Shouji
Taba ChenglanTaba ChaoguangTaba QianhuiTaba Chengxian
Taba PisheTaba ChongjianTaba SaigongLi Saijian
Li RenyouLi YichangLi RenfuLi Yichao
Li YiyanLi GuangruiLi JijunLi Jipeng
Li JiqianLi Deming
Taba Chici
党项  (?631 AD~?649 AD)
Reign631 AD649 AD

  Tuoba 631 -649 words in red
  Later, due to attacks by Tibetan loss, were moved to the Tang clan held in Gyeongju, Qingyang, Gansu Province today. The northward shift of the party items on the red words before his death in pa or after birth have a different opinion. Some people think that speech has been moved to Gyeongju Tuoba red labeled right-prison door after the military governor of public peace and the West, but also historians think that this is his grandson when Tuoba keep silence.
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(631 AD649 AD)
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