现代中国 List of Authors
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Chen Luyu
现代中国  (1970 AD)
Township: 上海

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  Phoenix TV anchor, host. In 1993 graduated from the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China) Department of Foreign Languages. Access to Beijing's bid for 2000 Olympic games in English first and fame, followed by direct access to CCTV "Entertainment scenic" part to play host. Joined Phoenix in 1996 and now Phoenix talk show, "Date with Lu Yu" host.
  Birthplace: Henan Zhoukou
  Birthday: 1970/06/12
  Weight :43-45kg
  Education: Beijing Broadcasting Institute of Foreign Languages Department of International Journalism 88 (1993 graduate)
  1. Phoenix before joining Central TV travel show host is. Hosted the first program is "Realm of landscape", when she was in school students.
  "Reunification Century Report - broadcast 60 hours non-stop"
  "On one point the three places"
  She participated and chaired many major Phoenix TV news programs, such as the return of Hong Kong, Macao, Qianxizhilv, Princess Diana's funeral, the U.S. presidential election and the 911 incident, the war in Iraq, fully reflects her outstanding talents in English and international news sensitivity. Meanwhile, Phoenix is also among the many major party could see her quite well.
  April 14, 2008, "Date with Lu Yu" stationed in Hunan Satellite TV. "Date with Lu Yu" Hunan TV broadcast in the future, before the sale of all terrestrial channels will stop broadcasting.
  1994 of the "top ten most popular CCTV program hosts" title
  Elected in 2001 as "the best news show hostess"
  Host the 2005 ceremony at the First Class of the best interview show host award
  Won the 2007 Hong Kong "Jessica Jessica" magazine's "2007 Most Successful Women" title
  "Heart Meet" (new version) 2006
  "Male role" China Press 2008-2-1
  Television work
  Luyu as torchbearers
  Luyu also own name to the China Charity Federation donated 150,000 yuan relief.
  March 5, 2007, article entitled "Chen Luyu: China's" Oprah, "" The article appears in the CNN web page, article, the "Oprah of China" in the world who generously added to the Phoenix Chen Luyu famous TV host, and she insisted on five years of fairly with Chinese characteristics, "talk" program, "Date with Lu Yu" gave full attention and affirmation. Even so, Luyu dare not say success, but said he was "made some small achievements host" because "the achievements and successes are too big."
  Today, we come to a "about Luyu" and let her tell us that she and her first love story.
  3. Once, several small talk with the ideal partner, the Chen Luyu that want to grow up Maibing Gun. The other two children are laughing her, others want to be a scientist, writer, you actually go Maibing Gun, good for nothing. Small Luyu embarrassed, while Zhu Lei is looking at small Luyu flush face, said: "Me too, I grew up also Maibing Gun! What do you do what I do." Heart leapt from the small Luyu a wave of warmth, the little boy to his own a very practical sense of security, looking at the smiling faces of the sun filled Zhu Lei, she Ancun: He is my brother.
  6. And all started his love of people, and Zhu Chen Luyu mine can not figure out the rules of love and direction, they will to fight about little things, the extra headaches. In fact. That ball is pretty lively, Chen Luyu has been a highlight of the night. But Hall came out, bewildered, Chen Luyu up the mood becomes bad, there is no reason, she launched a fire red Zhu Lei. If normal, Zhu Lei will carefully comfort her, to coax her happy, may suddenly feel that if the day Zhu Lei love this constant need to protect him, then their love must be fragile. That night, he did not re-accommodate the girls of "bad temper."
  8. Chen Luyu and an American gangster of the first marriage
  Later it is said that the United States men's sexual abuse, which led to the Chen Luyu the end of first marriage.
  We have no marriage proposal process, because there is no need.
  11. It was in June 2002 of the day, I in Hong Kong, he was in Beijing, marriage is in the long-distance calls in less than a minute on the set down.
  "I'm not finished." Eyes shining high geese, such as Chinese New Year party in the auction-like, "roll out the red carpet to the hall, you do not like to inauguration ceremony, Putin walked the long red carpet it? we would shop a longer than he, you two sections took to the stage wearing a dress. because it is the wedding, do not arrange too many theatrical performances, but the singer must have one or two. Who do you like? "
  12. "For 对 对, F4 is up, good control of the scene. Then please who?"
  "Advertising will sell it?" I am a little worried.
  "You choose a day before it." Gao Yan of this reminder, I just think of it, my marriage, not a character to write it.
  "I have to talk over with him to discuss. He particularly shy, a great scene to see the halo."
  He is a camera, used to hide behind the lens.
  14. Gao Yan soon to find out the procedures for registration of marriage in Hong Kong: "With you two documents to the Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry Center on the line."
  Think really depressed, all 5-year return of Hong Kong, and mainland residents can still better than over at Lo Wu to the United States much easier. The easiest way to travel operator with tours to Hong Kong.
  15. November 22, 2002 at noon, I finished a live show "Phoenix Noon Express", on the rush home to catch up. He has to. Temporary out of dressing room before the hairstylist A Ray casually say one thing:
  Ran home breathless, just concentrate on looking at the old replay of the "Noon Express."
  "Asked, I did not nerve to say you."
  I am seriously to unload the assembly, and then, and her husband rushed downstairs cafe eating seaweed squid River, the boat went straight to Cotton Tree Drive, Central.
  I have a fault, for churches, institutions, and all symbolic parts of awe, once living in which there are often beyond the control of the strange physiological reaction. With cases as evidence:
  Seems to touch on some far away, or get down to business.
  Woliang looked at each other, he dared not look at his jeans, I do not look at my skirt.
  "We are here to register." My husband and I in unison. Outburst we both laughed, because like most of the film "Little Soldier" in the lines. Gazi came to the guerrillas, rash and said: "I came to participate."
  18. Hong Kong Marriage Registry at Admiralty House, a hall of about 100 square meters, there are several counters 20. At this point, each of the counter people are sitting, rapt attention of staff to answer questions. The middle, a dozen rows of plastic seats are also filled with people, young and old, various colors, like the United Nations.
  Gongzuo staff side of the look of our materials, while pointing to a table calendar, said: "You pick a salute before the date of it. The end is coming, larger number of people getting married, Hall He Cotton Tree Road, almost booked solid most recent The day is Dec. 31, at City Hall, you have to do? still more than a month, in time, your marriage application also approved of it. "
  I was hesitant, behind a pair of young men came over, holding a stack of documents: "Farm the (Excuse me), we have to register."
  It also places restrictions on the original wedding, so I hesitate to say: "December 31 can be." Afraid to miss a day will no longer marry.
  Entirely out of professional habit, less than two seconds before, I had to memorize all the words bronze. Then, I thought they blame their own words: "sick ah, but not" Phoenix Morning, "do not need the news, read an honest man in it."
  "Well, if your marriage application is approved, we will call to inform you. Do not forget to December 31 time to salute."
  20. We like the Dan Ryan-run on the side of the Pacific Place (Pacific Place), then ran it Wolia have memorable eating a meal. Recipe is as follows:
  Gao Yan and IP Kwok is a couple, They are our friends, Friends of wide institutions, but also my colleagues.
  5 minutes later, I was going to destroy the last mushroom, high goose call comes: "IP Kwok told to return to prostitution may be nervous, he said he played bad DV may use professional cameras 才行." Forgotten the introduction, IP Kwok is the Beijing Broadcasting Institute's outstanding student intake of 87 power, but in recent years has been responsible for programming the Phoenix in Beijing, has long become an outstanding management talent, a bit far away from the professional camera. "IP Kwok said that the day you choose Yes, we are on December 30 were married, and now are into the 10 anniversary."
  Think of this, I already had tears.
  15 days passed quickly, thank God, there is no objection.
  Now everything is ready, just waiting for the arrival of 31.
  "Nothing, nothing, I find people." I comforted her mouth, my mind immediately flew in search of suitable candidates may be more and more convinced that can be accomplished. There is a two-day New Year holidays, most of my colleagues, friends, will leave the rest to come on duty. Whom can I contact ah? Besides, who would be more than high IP Kwok Yan and appropriate?
  "Looking for Filipino witnesses do not fit right? Philippine political situation unstable, and in case midst of the tumult of the future, I Shangna Zhao her to go ah?" My hand touched his face has been done in the dead sea mud, suddenly had inspiration, "Jia Xiao-Wen Yao and how like?"
  We met 13-year-old, 18-year-old love, 21-year-old separated.
  Witnesses were found, My husband and I relieved.
  Completed quickly wash her husband while wearing a tie, while freeing one hand from a closet, pull out and a sleeveless brown dress with high collar: "This new purchase is not very good for you?"
  8:45, I and my husband dressed out of the house. His clothes are: black suit, black shoes, white shirt and gold tie. In contrast, my model is slightly simpler: no makeup, hair freshly washed, do not blow, just let it dry, so tips of the hair out slightly tilted, then the system of dress is a light brown outside and knee short coats, feet are brown boots. Although dressed like the bride, but the true colors of the dress made me feel comfortable and natural.
  Husband Somewhat taken aback, his face also revealed a loss of face, but he was soon calm and said: "Never mind, is a simple ceremony. Say that again, we keep in mind is not better?"
  Heard my name, I rub about to stand up. My husband followed behind in our three-step and two steps almost jump up to the front of the staff.
  We are 4 individuals in turn provided with the marriage registration office to sign a black ball-point pen name.
  Hall, simple furnishings: a long table, surrounded by five chairs, presumably for the bride and groom, witnesses and the Registrar to sit. Sure enough, we have four individuals are scheduled to sit down at the table, I and my husband aside, Ka Yiu, Xiaowen other side of the air out of the main seat of course to the Registrar. The other side is the ceremony hall seats about 50 people can sit. Unfortunately, I do not have an audience.
  Put down the phone, I sat for a long time. I know that the heart may have much to say dad may be in front of my face, he could not speak. I am too.
  "The two new swear words, please familiarize yourself with it." Hand pointed to the staff of a bronze inlay on the desktop, turned away.
  She was a middle-aged women Sisiwenwen, medium build, keep Mrs Chan-style hair, a pale pink suit and skirt cut fit, fabric, style to see that this is Chanel, there are a bunch of white pearl collar necklaces, meticulously dressed head to toe without 张扬.
  Registrar looked up looked at the dozens of empty chairs, and looked surprised in the slightest passing. I think she had never seen the wedding of only 5 individuals.
  He seemed quite calm, steady tone, clear: "I invite all to witness, me and you husband and wife."
  I bit his lip, looked up her husband. He Fortunately, a thoughtful look. This will not be too nervous, forgot the name of our right?
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