明代 List of Authors
Liu ChenTang XianzuLiu RongZhu Quan
Ming ShizongXia WanchunXu WeiTang Yin
Chen JiruZhao YoutongFang XiaoruChen Daofu
Xue XuanTong RunLi RihuaGao Qi
Wang AoLiu JiChen ZilongYang Shen
Wang ShizhenGu QiguanXie ZhenQu You
Yu BianDou MuLi DongyangLiu Shiyong
Xu ZhenqingWang ShimaoZhu ChengjueGu Yuanqing
Jian YiShe XianggaoSong LianZhang Daling
Ma WenshengJiao HongDong YueXu Hongzu
Xi ShuZhu GuxiangGao JuTian Rucheng
Luo GuanzhongShi NaianWu ChengenLan Lingxiaoxiaosheng
Xu ZhonglinFeng MenglongLing MengchuBao Wenglaoren
Hong PianZhou JiLiu RenlongXie Zhaozhe
Zhang DaiLv KunWang XiuchuYi Ming
Zhan Ruoshui
明代  (November 20, 1466 ADMay 16, 1560 AD)
Last Name:
First Name:
Name and Alias: 元明; 民泽
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 甘泉; 默翁; 文简; 甘泉先生; 甘泉子
Township: 福建莆田
Birth Place: 广东增城甘泉都

travel register《岳游纪行录》
philosophy apprehend《金台答问录》

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Read works of Zhan Ruoshui at 百家争鸣

Zhan Ruoshui (Chinese湛若水pinyinZhàn RuòshuǐWade–GilesChan Joshui, 1466–1560), was a Chinese philosophereducator and a Confucian scholar.


Zhan was born in Zengcheng, Guangdong. He was appointed the president of Nanjing Guozijian (南京國子監, the Imperial Nanjing University) in 1524. He was later appointed the Minister of Department of Li (禮部, Li Bu, which mainly administers national ceremony, sacrifice, imperial examination, education, diplomacy, etc.), Minister of Governmental Personnel (吏部), and then Minister of Military Affairs for War (兵部) at Nanjing of Ming Dynasty.

As a scholar, Zhan is famous for mind theory. He was also a famous educator. In his life he founded and jointly founded more than 40 Shuyuan (書院, Confucian academies).

Zhan was a lifelong friend of the philosopher, general, and administrator Wang Yangming. He shared an appreciation of Lu Xiangshan idealism (xinxue), Daoism, and Buddhism with Wang, although their intellectual paths ultimately diverged.


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