清代 List of Authors
Jiang ChunlinZhu YizunPan YongyinChen Tingjing
Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtshoPu HeZheng XieJin Nong
Yun ShoupingWang ShishenZhang DashouNing Diaoyuan
Wu QiLi FangyingYu YuenaziYu Yue
Song LuoLv RanCao XueqinNa Lanxingde
Lv FuQian QianyiWu WeiyeGu Yanwu
Gu ZhenguanChen WeisongWang ShizhenCha Shenhang
Yuan MeiHuang JingrenGong ZizhenHuang Zunxian
Qiu JinHe WenhuanFeng BanWang Fuzhi
Sun TaoGuo LinYang KuishengMo Sitong
Bi YuanWang JiShang QiuHuang Shi
Huang YizhouZhang TingyuYi MingWang Bingtao
Bai JunlinLi QingfuChen FangshengSun Xingyan
Zhu BaluZhang XuechengGu YingtaiGao E
Pu SonglingWu JingziLi RuzhenXing Shijushi
Shou Piaoweng

script for story-telling (in Song and Yuan folk literature) novel《醒梦骈言》

Read works of Shou Piaoweng at 小说之家
  Dream awake, also known as parallel words "Awakening odd word," book 12 back, printed edition of Qing dynasty. Book Department ", compiled by Weng Shou Pu," However, his real name and life story are no test.
  Yang Fu Ji "Dream Lanna Suo pen" and I quote: "Bao-Wen says: 'Warning Marriage Lau Sin still novel cover there is a meaning. Book into, their home by the circles, to deprive the Gum.'" People usually this passage to prove that "Belief and" the author "Zhou students" is Pu. This paper demonstrates the nine aspects of the initial Pu's "Awakening Marriage novel" means "dream awake parallel words" (also known as "Awakening odd statement"), that "dream awake parallel word" author "the master of Po Ya" "Pak Weng Shou" is the PU.
  (Xu Wenjun (1963 -), male, Shandong with people, Shandong Normal University professor.)
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