元代 List of Authors
Zhou QingchuanZhang ZhuBai PiaoZhang Kejiu
Wei JuanFang HuiJin LvxiangLiu Yu
Xianyu ShuShao HengzhenNi ZanWu Xiyi
Zhang YuQiao JiMa ZhiYuanLiu Bingzhong
Zhou DeqingSima JiugaoXu ShimingWang Yun
Zhao MengfuMo MingshiWang MianYuan Huai
Feng ZizhenTao ZongyiShi ShanzhuGuo Yu
Sa DoulaLiu YinGuan HanqingDi Junhou
Fan KangGao WenxiuJin RenjieGong Tianting
Kong WenqingWang ShifuMeng HanqingShang Zhongxian
Dan JunbaoZhang YanghaoLiu ZhiZhang Kejiu
Guan YundanLu ZhiZheng GuangzuGao Ming
Ji JunxiangZheng TingyuZhang GuobinYue Bachuan
Yang ZiWu HanchenWang BachengLi Wenwei
Li ZhifuWu ChanglingWang ZhongwenLi Shouqing
Gu Zhongming
元代  (1343 AD1422 AD)

Poetry《Chu Robinson re-recorded for the jade comb》   《Xiaoshulanqingji Song Form》   《Lisulan Gentle breeze and bright moonlight Yu Hu Chun》   《Tieguai Li du boy and girl attendants of fairies》   《吕洞宾桃柳升仙梦》   《short lyric》   

Read works of Gu Zhongming at 诗海
  16 kinds of the Opera, this deposit "jade comb in mind," "Song Form," "Jade Pot Spring", "Girls," "Becoming Immortal Dreams". Inspiration for his show two trends: one of the Immortals, the second is the children love. The former, such as "dream of becoming immortal," and so on, after he appeared in the "Cheng Zhai Yue" Ji Zhu fairy Dutuo drama, most born out of this. The latter, such as "Song Form," Drama, drama depicts the actress Xiao Shulan love in marriage on active pursuit of a scholar and Output with unique characteristics. It also reflects the Yuan and Ming Dynasty Drama in the art form to a momentum for reform, such as the "dream of becoming immortal," Chiang Kai-shek at the end of the duet and Zheng Dan, and the music on the North-South co-sets and so on.
  For Jia Zhongming, the copyright issue is the Drama must be pointed out. The first is about the "decorative band." Zang Jinshu "Yuan Drama election" will be the play of the Department of Wuhan Chen, which is in fact confused, "decorative band" and "Yutangchun" distinction. Chuang Yi Fu, "a performance of opera deposit present exchange test," Wang Jisi editor of "total dollars Opera" have been conducted any detailed Dynasty, are that "the play should be no doubt Jia." The second is about the "Peidu also bring." Wang Chao-based pulse Museum "Mountain Temple Peidu also with" a drama title Guan Hanqing essays, and Cao Lian Ting Editions "Record of Ghost Book" recording in the name of Guan Hanqing was "Jin Guogong Peidu also bring." So Zhuang Yifu "sink test," said Kwan, "Jin Guogong Peidu also with" "to play elaborate gifts Jinguo Gong Pei Feng end by no means note-based mountain temple to champion finished third marriage to end. And The purpose of this off, both the Ming Shen whale "Peidu Xiangshan also credited with" Legend phase if, and Jia "Mountain Temple" is not the same, note-based system for suspected errors in the relations should be classified under the name Jia, and This comes as two. " In other words Guan Hanqing "Jin Guogong Peidu also with" a real long drama Lost. But Wang Jisi editor of "total dollars Opera" in that the concept of survival "Peidu also with" awarded to Jia, "insufficient evidence", so adhere to department in the name of Guan Hanqing. Obviously, the real drama of copyright ownership, is still a major genetic case.
  Jiazhong Ming also worked for Bell heir to "Ghost Book Catalog" contained in the high security from Guan Hanqing Road 80 to the author of two cents〕 〔Qu Ling Po, and to serve to pay homage. Lyrics on the dramas of the character they be, life experiences a lot of valuable materials and clues, which benefit people while studying the rare indeed.
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