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Wu QiFan LiYang NakeQin Yuerenbianque
Shi KuangCheng BenHe GuanziLi Bing
Qin ShihuangQin ErshiQin WangziyingChu Lizi
Kong Ji
秦代  东周(483 BC402 BC)

Class Four Books《The doctrine of the mean》

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  "Confucius home" added Zisi was trapped in the Song, "Zisi as" Mean "." "Han Dynasty History" with "Zi Si 23," the note cloud; "name JI. Confucius Sun, as rumu public teacher." Lost Zisi 23 years. "Moderate" to "The Book of Rites," collected, spread in the world. "Kong Cong Son" in mind the details of Zi Si solid in Song and Zisi and rumu public question and answer, not necessarily credible. "Mean," Sima Qian called Zisi as, but not necessarily one person for Zi Si. "Mean" said "contains Huayue without heavy vibration Hohai not shallow," says "get off the same track today, and the writing, line homotopy" is the tone of the Qin and Han people, when a non-out of the Warring States Period human hands. "Mean" of that person's wealth Qiong Tong, the country's rise and fall, there destiny to decide. Performance on the fate of the people the right response, reflected the standard of behavior that is Tao. Road is not even for a moment away, and if training properly, can be coherent with the world. He cited several standard characters in the book, which King Wen, King Wu, and Confucius. He said: "worry-free person, but King Wen of its almost! To Wang Ki-father to King Wu for the child, the parent for the child out of. Zuan King King Wu, Wang Ji, King Wen of the knot, while the world One Rong Yi, The world body was losing the name of respect for the emperor, the rich within the four seas, managing the family temple of, protection of children. "This is good that the life of King Wu King Wen, but also inseparable from the" civil and military virtues, "not from On "the virtue of King Wen of the pure." "Mean" of Confucius in particular said that "Zhong Ni Zushu Yao Shun, civil and military charter, the legal climate, soil and water under the attack. The provision of support, such as Heaven and Earth are all set, are all covered. Tao. Provision of the fault lines, such as 4:00, such as Japan month on behalf of the Ming and all things together without harm, Road parallel rather than contradict. Tokugawa flow of small and large Mamoud of this world are the reason for the large. roar child, although not a position of civil and military, but on his moral achievements, can be equipped with earth, all things education. This shows that "Mean" of support for the existence of successful highly recommended, and the deification of Confucius to the degree of esteem. This is also reflected at the "Golden Mean" as the representative of some of the Confucian scholar Gao by raising the heart. Confucius have such a big success, and this achievement has come from everyday life. "moderation" of that "Gentleman, the provision of such line of distance by bringing necessary; the provision of, such as climbing, will be inferior . "" Gentleman Zaoduan almost wife. And to also, almost heaven and earth observation. "" Mean "the writer believes that all achievements are of the people, are inherent in human nature, the problem is able to" do sex. "He strongly promote" best of "great significance, said;" to make their sexual people are able to do the sex. Of person can do, then we can nature of things. Nature of things to do, you can genesis of Heaven and Earth, you can carry on with the world participate. "According to this view, the most holy of Confucius, it is because he" can do its nature "." Mean "He added:" Road not far from people. Person for the Road, and much people, not for the Road. "" Road, not far from people, "the so-called" whims of that Road, "Road does not need less. If the" to "Road, such as services for the lofty and the like, but from the long road. Here," Mean "does not expressly say goodness, actually that good nature. This is the" mean "the theoretical basis, is subjective idealism of the argument. In the history of ideas," Mean "is the founder of human nature, is a pioneer of Mencius." Mean " The authors stress that their position and line elements. he said; "gentlemen factors and their place while the line, unwilling to almost its external. Su rich, almost rich-line. Su humble, almost humble line. Su barbarians, barbarians almost line. Su trouble, line level trouble. Yan gentleman no understanding without complacency. In the upper, not the next tomb. The next bit, do not aid the. Has been the neglect of others is, no grudges. Is not blaming Heaven, the next does not blame the people. Once home to a gentleman so easy to order, villain-line insurance in order to inspire fortunate. "This means that, in accordance with their own identity and situation, make their share of all activity, all the demands on themselves and not blame others. This is the obedience of heaven and straightforward, to make of the law is intended to be used on digestion contradictions. Confucius rarely made life. Confucius Introduction and Nature, Zigong shall not hear. "Doctrine of the Mean" depicts the importance of word of content with fate. Confucius Festival as in, ritual, such as God and ghosts and the far The. "Mean" Gentleman said that "quality of various spirits and no doubt," "otherworldly as Germany, the Sheng carry on peace! As the Frydman see, listen to the Frydman smell, physical objects and can not be left behind. "The inheritance of Confucius, the" Golden Mean "is idealistic for the amplification of Confucianism, during which also smear a strong mystery. Han Dynasty have been" mean "booklet and the explanation came." Han Dynasty History "Recording" Mean to say "2. when the Northern and Southern Song Dai Yong," Book of Doctrine of the Mean Biography "Volumes I and II, Emperor" moderate stresses Shu "roll," private note aims to moderate justice system, "in five volumes, found in" Sui Shu Jing Ji. " These books have long Yi. Song Zhu Xi "moderate" and "University", "The Analects" and "Mencius" collectively, the "Four Books" for, and note. Yuan Jin Zhu note with the "Four Books" were admitted. Since After the "Four Books" of the widely popular day, the book became required reading for students, and Zhu injection into human emotional work.
  "Zisi" book has been Bereavements since the Qin Dynasty, but the "Zi Si" in the book are scattered, "Que li zhi", "Han Fei Zi," "Ma always intended to forest", "said park", "Selected Works of Note" "in theory" and "Spring and Autumn Annals." "Han Dynasty History," in reference to "Zisi" of 23, we see today, "Zisi" by Feng Yun ■ Chongchuan magazine's "Zisi" six volumes, Volume I "remember asking" "hybrid training," "Home Health"; II "patrol", "public instrument", "anti-blog"; III, "Residual"; IV "Appendix"; V "Cimu Monuments "; VI," the world level. " In this way, through the collation of the "Zi Si" is still in complete form, into the system.
  1, Heaven-endowed nature, whims of that Road.
  Zisi so-called destiny, Heaven is essentially a materialist must show their unity. This is a pure heaven, for its own integrity, is I can not be combined with provisions of the so-called "one", and Zisi is linked to its role in dominating the performance of all things, but generally it into a profession said said: "Heaven-endowed nature, whims of that Road."
  Heaven Heaven is an inevitable expression of the role, the role of this performance as a rule, is sexual. Since everything under heaven through their sexual and move them, and performance, this is Tao. Here, the Road and a relative difference between Heaven, which refers to the main body of Heaven - the role of the physical body and its performance for the law of unity, the unity of the former refers to heaven as this is bound to follow the performance of its inherent role of (the law) of the of the action, so that its activities of the road. Heaven moving through the activities of the road, but also human, and material way of activities, people, objects moving through nature, which is heaven in the human, material in moving through nature.
  Heaven as a "one" can not but express themselves, but for a variety of provisions of this distribution, both the unity of its activities is a way of unity. Heaven's many provisions are included where this was.
  Zisi of this proposition, sets out from the ontological one of the universality Road. And this one of the universality Road, inside has a different logic levels and their connection.
  Second, and in the road.
  Confucius said Li Dafa as a pedestrian, although the specific Daquan kernel itself, but it is the specific plot line benevolence linked it to "Oneself" is transformed into a middle scale. Moderation is the highest Confucian way, a constraint line and the point person for all people in relationships, relationships of all people correctly understand and handle things. But the middle of nature from human Matilda, Matilda is the inevitable expression of our human nature. Zisi elucidated from the human nature of the performance of this necessary psychological essence of the doctrine of the mean at a deeper level down to a neutral way.
  Zisi said: "The emotions of not fat, that being; hair and are in the section, that sum. Also who is also the world of peace; and also who is also the world of up to Tao. Chih and, heaven and earth Bit Yan, Yu-Yan things. "This is the middle and the Road Zi Si.
  He also proposed "that the teaching of cultivation." Here the so-called "education" is to realize the people and the way in a fundamental way. He believed that the ritual law system into a system specification system, as a system of social ethics, to the authority of the community, and everyone must abide by and be a violation of the general community can not be restricted, and this is the most human major "monasticism." On the basis of subsequent derivative "monastic" link is: first, the establishment of social institutions from the political system embodies the social ethics; second, accompanied by various forms of manifestation of the education system in the social genetic .
  All of these norms of courtesy and law system institutionalization, the social basis of authority into the "cultivating" the sum of links, whose role is to society members on the social constraints of propriety and justice and enlightenment, which is "cultivating the so-called education" the teaching . People only in such social constraints and enlightenment in order to gradually overcome their feelings through the practice of hair rather than in the non-section and, to feeling fat and in the section up to Road and, that to achieve with and the unity of opposites. This is a property in their community to bear the social constraints and the process of enlightenment, its Confucian philosophy, but also a "cause and the investigation of things", cultivating the process of rectifying the mind is a Confucius called "Oneself as benevolence" self-improvement process.
  Third, sincere way.
  Zisi said: "Honesty, non-self as have it also, so as things are. Into himself, is benevolent; into the matter, knowledge. Of virtue is also, together inside and outside the road also. So when the measure of appropriate also."
  Hop inside and outside of the Road, is a rational law of human nature and objective law of the unity of subject and object, both in its unity is seen in a human way, and it sometimes made for the people accordingly, we are all middle way and they should be. Heaven is a material and spiritual unity, it's the personal aspect of a subject and object must be unity. The commencement of this view, must be a kind of objective truth and meaning of material on animism.
  Zisi metaphysical ideas have a number of features, but there are also dialectical thinking.
  "Zisi" strongly emphasized the significance of subjective efforts, it's saying "forewarned is forearmed, while not pre-waste" is a Confucian tradition of a large number of security programs Fu avoid misfortune and general philosophy. We should recognize, Confucianism, Taoism and various development concept, the dialectics have seen, have all been seen. Middle of the block on the conversion of solid through the keep back, against the tendency to be negative change is absolutely necessary, such denial should not prevent us from sure that a correct understanding of the unity of contradictions, just as surely on the struggle between nature Legalism sharp insight should not prevent the negative view of their identity as contradictory denied.
  "Heaven" is the Unity of Confucianism is the basic principle of traditional Chinese philosophy, master of the Heaven, also mastered the "Zi Si," the basic spirit, also to grasp the spirit of Confucianism in China.
  To seek and strive to reach "Heaven" in their key, or people, in people's minds, in human nature. So it back to the benevolence and righteousness, or the human nature that people's moral self-cultivation will come up. So, Jen-oriented, good advice and moral unity, and to allow enforcement of which still we can not deviate from the purpose. It should be said, these are "Zisi" the greatest inspiration to us.
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